
Legalize Mj?

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Captain_Crunch said:
Yes lies, you have said absolutely little that could be taken as the truth.
Which lies!?!? Say one!

You know very little on the subject, nearly everything you have said about marijuana being physically addictive and extremely bad for your body is all lies and should be treated with extreme prejudice.
It is addictive! It is less addictive than others, but it is till addictive.

Youve demonstrated that you know that originally some "drugs" (as you collectively bracket them) were used for spiritual reasons by amazonial indians and the incas/aztec populus of South America, however, this doesnt really have anything to do with this subject and you have produced no undisputable argument that would be a logical reason to have marijuana kept illegal. Basing your argument on very little facts.
Doesn't have anything to do with the subject? The fact that they used it in moderation to avoid getting addicted is irrelevant?!?

Actually, you have demonstrated that you know very little on subject.
Youve talked about things that exist only your mind and dont reflect the reality.
Well, maybe you should go to Colombia and see what IS reality! Grow up. Get over it. It is bad for you, specially if you don't use in moderation.
TruthSeeker said:
Which lies!?!? Say one!
You have constantly said that marijuana is addictive which it is not.
TruthSeeker said:
What are you talking about!? IN Brasil there are hundreds if not thousands of teenagers addicted to marijuana! It IS highly addictive!

It is addictive! It is less addictive than others, but it is till addictive.
Nope, your wrong and this is an example of your lies. Unless you consider marijuana to be physically addictive in your country, for that to happen Brazil must not obey the laws of chemisty that everywhere else on the planet obeys.

Doesn't have anything to do with the subject? The fact that they used it in moderation to avoid getting addicted is irrelevant?!?

Used what? "Drugs" isnt a drug, drugs is used to descibe many different types of drugs all with completely different addictiveness levels and effects. How can you get addicted to marijuana when it is unaddictive? We've already discussed why psyhcological are no reason to ban anything, marijuana doesnt give physical addictivness.

Well, maybe you should go to Colombia and see what IS reality! Grow up. Get over it. It is bad for you, specially if you don't use in moderation.
Well, maybe you should wake up and smell the coffee, Columbia's problems are cocaine fueled, nothing or very little to do with marijuana. This is the reality whether you choose to believe it or not.

truthseeker, regardless of what you've said, you never addressed one issue:
The fact that prohibition does not work. You cannot change human behavior through the use of laws. It creates organized crime, turns otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals, and creates easy access to the drug for minors.

What do you have to say about that?
Ok. It is pointless to discuss like that. So from now on, drugs are not addictive at all. So maybe we should call them lollypops.... :rolleyes:

Captain_Crunch said:
Well, maybe you should wake up and smell the coffee, Columbia's problems are cocaine fueled, nothing or very little to do with marijuana. This is the reality whether you choose to believe it or not.
Oh! Reaaaally? :rolleyes:
top mosker said:
truthseeker, regardless of what you've said, you never addressed one issue:
The fact that prohibition does not work. You cannot change human behavior through the use of laws. It creates organized crime, turns otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals, and creates easy access to the drug for minors.

What do you have to say about that?
I would say you are absolutely right. It's even in agreement with my philosophy. But I'm thinking only on terms of what it is, wheter than on what it should be....

Drugs are bad for people, and the only way to protect them is through education...
TruthSeeker said:
Ok. It is pointless to discuss like that. So from now on, drugs are not addictive at all.
Please provide a scientific source showing that weed is addictive. Otherwise realize that you are a sheltered person who doesn't really know much about the world, but likes to pretend that they do.
TruthSeeker said:
Ok. It is pointless to discuss like that. So from now on, drugs are not addictive at all. So maybe we should call them lollypops....
Drugs is a term for many different types of drugs each with their own properties. Marijuana is not physically addicting, many other drugs are, so if you dont believe that, you are a fool.
Persol said:
Please provide a scientific source showing that weed is addictive. Otherwise realize that you are a sheltered person who doesn't really know much about the world, but likes to pretend that they do.

"Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction for some people; that is, they use the drug compulsively even though it often interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities. "

"Along with craving, withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for long-term marijuana smokers to stop using the drug. People trying to quit report irritability, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety.59,60 They also display increased aggression on psychological tests, peaking approximately 1 week after they last used the drug.61"


Get - a - life - people! :bugeye:
Captain_Crunch said:
Drugs is a term for many different types of drugs each with their own properties. Marijuana is not physically addicting, many other drugs are, so if you dont believe that, you are a fool.
I don't think I need to add anything, do I....? :rolleyes:
TruthSeeker said:
I would say you are absolutely right. It's even in agreement with my philosophy. But I'm thinking only on terms of what it is, wheter than on what it should be....

So.... even though the laws do more harm than good, it is best to keep them the same?
You're really not making a good case for keeping around prohibition. The only thing you are doing is making a case for why you think the drug is bad.

Drugs are bad for people, and the only way to protect them is through education...
Again - I refer you to the type of education our children are receiving:
top mosker said:
So.... even though the laws do more harm than good, it is best to keep them the same?
Whoa! What are you talking about!? What I was saying is that by the present social norms and ways of dealing with such a situation, keeping it against the law is the only thing we can do. Would there be a better way? Certainly. And that is through education. But do people want to go through education? Of course not, because if it was that way, the prisons would be almost completely empty because evreryone (or almost everyone) would be rehabilitated.

You're really not making a good case for keeping around prohibition. The only thing you are doing is making a case for why you think the drug is bad.
Yeeeeessss... that's what I'm talking aboooout.... :rolleyes: ;)

Again - I refer you to the type of education our children are receiving:
What about all the stuff that we see on TV? That is not helpful, ya know? ;)
So, I never speak of marijuana as being not addictive, just as I never speak of heroin as being addictive. That?s not how addiction works. People become addicted to a range of substances and involvements. The measure of addiction is the degree to which an involvement usurps people?s life, and yet they cannot curtail the involvement.Click for the Source!

Ok, so the guy hasnt said what type of addictivness he believes marijuana to have but he gives us a clue here in that quote. The key being: People become addicted to a range of substances and involvements This backs up what I said about phycological addictiveness, you can get addicted to just about everything, this is infact what he is saying.

Eighty-five percent admitted their habit interfered with driving, school, work and home life, while 77 percent said they spent "much time" getting, using or recovering from the effects of marijuana, according to the study, published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. ... Most also said their problems started before they started using marijuana. ...
"This study provides additional important data to better illustrate that marijuana is a dangerous drug that can be addictive,"... Drug abuse experts say the problem is a physical, not a moral one and say drug addicts should be treated like anyone else with a disease rather than jailed. Click for the source! l

That news artical is appauling,
Conflicting information given is given: It says that it effects their judgement, but of course this is a quality of being stoned. What we have here is people that are high all the time, of course theyre gonna mess up. It says that most of their problems started even before they started using marijuana! It says that they are clinically dependant, notice they hardly ever use the work addicted or physically addicted, what kind of addictivness are they talking about? Dependance isnt addictiveness, you can get dependant on anything.
They say that its a physical problem!. Its misleading information.
Anyway, anyone who knows people that smoke, know they are not addicted. It simply isnt true.

Evidence points to a psychological, as opposed to a physiological addiction to cannabis use. Click for the source!

I dont think I have to comment any further on this link.

Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction for some people; that is, they use the drug compulsively even though it often interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities. Click for the Source!

TruthSeeker said:
"Along with craving, withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for long-term marijuana smokers to stop using the drug. People trying to quit report irritability, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety.59,60 They also display increased aggression on psychological tests, peaking approximately 1 week after they last used the drug.61"

This is purely phychological not a physical addictiveness. Also note that this is from a company source, this means its completely biased as they can be making money out of it.

Truthseeker, people can get physically addicted to alcohol, do you think this should be banned?
Come on, who are you trying to convince, are you sure it is us?

My God! Looks like you go as far as to the point of denying it to yourself!
Get a life. Accept it. Marijuana is addictive. That is plenty of sources about it! Just accept it, damn it! It is pointless to continue a discusion if you just don't accept the fact!

Try this:

... :rolleyes:

Captain_Crunch said:
Truthseeker, people can get physically addicted to alcohol, do you think this should be banned?
Yeeeesss.... :rolleyes: :D
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TruthSeeker said:
Whoa! What are you talking about!? What I was saying is that by the present social norms and ways of dealing with such a situation, keeping it against the law is the only thing we can do. Would there be a better way? Certainly. And that is through education. But do people want to go through education? Of course not, because if it was that way, the prisons would be almost completely empty because evreryone (or almost everyone) would be rehabilitated.

Yeeeeessss... that's what I'm talking aboooout.... :rolleyes: ;)

What about all the stuff that we see on TV? That is not helpful, ya know? ;)
heh... i just got the joke...
Children born to mothers who use marijuana during pregnancy may suffer a host of lasting mental defects, suggests a new study in rats. Click for source!

Rats. I dont have to say anything else. Medical testing done on animals produce more confusion than if it were to be done on humans.

Ill give you that one. I will say this however, other legal narcotics are not without their sideeffects but still remain legal. The quote from that link sums it up:
"The overall weight of evidence is that occasional use of cannabis has few harmful effects overall," Zammit's team writes. "Nevertheless, our results indicate a potentially serious risk to the mental health of people who use cannabis. Such risks need to be considered in the current move to liberalise and possibly legalise the use of cannabis in the UK and other countries."

But you dont smoke as much as tobacco therefore it isnt actually any worse.

It says that all these people were dependant, and they had recently smoked the drug before the test. I think that renders the results inconclusive.

So what, they are just people that have addictive personalities.

I could keep going on with rubbishing these links but I cannot be bothered.

So you recognize the fact that it is addictive and it is not good for you?
That's good. :) ;)
That allegation is completely false and free from any logical basis, I refute that claim entirely, I dont see how you concluded with that.
I can see at least one good thing about prohibition, it makes for a lot of revolutionaries and we are gonna have to change things pretty durn quick (for the better) or face doom, doom, doom.

:( :m: ;)

Babylon system gonna fall.
You deny that the evidence is correct, even when it is proven in reliable scientific magazines?

Really, I can't do anything if you don't want to accept the fact that marijuana is addictive. I have shown scientific evidence, and you simply don't want to accept it. I can't make you accept the evidence, so i will just leave it as it is. If you don't accept it, it is your problem, not mine.