
Legalize Mj?

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rainbow__princess_4 said:
Harmless, yeah sort of, but the point is WHY. It doesn't actually DO anything special. There's no reason to have it at all. I'm aware its too late now but it's hardly providing something good, even if not bad.
It promotes relaxation, alleviates boredom, can enhance one's perception of music, and can promote creativity. In addition it also has a huge number of medical applications.
Even if it didn't do anything special, thats hardly grounds for making something illegal.
jadedflower said:
Since there is a "Ban Smoking"... I was wondering... legalize :m:?

At what age?
21 - 18 is really pushing it and 21 seems to work for alcohol.

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug. It changes the brain chemestry. Some see this as a bad thing. I think it is exactly what human consciousness needs right now. Those that don't want to smoke marijuana, won't. But those that do see the potential should be allowed to explore their minds, without being labled a criminal or deviant.

Today, I heard the excuse "There isn't enough information on marijuana and its effects." I thought to myself, this is wrong. We do have enough information. This substance has been used for thousands of years. There is plenty of information. People are just too lazy to put forth the effort to educate themselves on marijuana - part apathy, part refusal to learn a method contradictory to one's own.

Check out:
for a reality check.
What about temporary short-term memory loss?
All my friends suffer from that. I mean the rrreeeeaaalll "pot heads" - the Sublime "two joints" type of people (if you know what I mean)
One thing that M does, is that it can give certain types of people (thinkers, intellectuals, artists) deep insights into just about anything; this capacity in its properties, tends to nurture rebelliousness, cynisism and feelings of most 'normal' things being too futile to enjoy or pursue. This is one of the greatest reasons that governments are loath to legalise it... probably.
When you´re high, you can paint really cool pictures. Alas, the texts I tried to write were somewhat strange and not well structured. Perhaps I should write after I got the insights and the effects wear off.
Oh! Is "marijuana" Cannabis Sativa!?!?!?
Cool!! In Brasil we call it "maconha" :D :D :D

Btw, the main reason why Cannabis is illegal is Brasil is, in fact, because it causes too many troubles. Reason is that we have gang-like people selling it even to teenagers and even children. Then everyone gets addicted to it and keep paying the gangs more and more money, which is used to buy more weapons, which in turn raises the criminality. That's why it is so illegal to sell or buy drugs in Brasil, and that's probably why there are laws in your countries that don't allow you to sell or buy it!

Also, one thing to keep in mind is that first nations people used to use marijuana for spiritual purposes. But they used it responsibly. The trouble only begins when you are not responsible, or when you are too weak and get addicted to it. Also, if you suffer from depression, it is far more likely that you will get addicted. The same applies to alchohol.
tablariddim said:
One thing that M does, is that it can give certain types of people (thinkers, intellectuals, artists) deep insights into just about anything; this capacity in its properties, tends to nurture rebelliousness, cynisism and feelings of most 'normal' things being too futile to enjoy or pursue. This is one of the greatest reasons that governments are loath to legalise it... probably.
Reason why first nations called it "spiritual"... :D

Cheers :m: :D
Reason is that we have gang-like people selling it even to teenagers and even children. Then everyone gets addicted to it and keep paying the gangs more and more money, which is used to buy more weapons, which in turn raises the criminality. That's why it is so illegal to sell or buy drugs in Brasil, and that's probably why there are laws in your countries that don't allow you to sell or buy it!

Don't you see, it is like the prohibition era in the 1920's, when alcohol was illegal in the US. The mafia got into the alcohol business, and crime associated with this business increased. When drugs are outlawed, outlaws get into the drug business. None of this would happen if you could just grow your own. Also, pot is not physically addictive like opiates.

As to the memory loss issue, um, ...what were we talking about again?
I still say legalize it. I mean Wtf is the use of this prohibition? I could without the slightest problem get about 30 or 40 kilos of :m: within a days time.
And it is just as bad as alcohol, which alas is legal. Somewhat bigot morals.
jadedflower said:
What about temporary short-term memory loss?
All my friends suffer from that. I mean the rrreeeeaaalll "pot heads" - the Sublime "two joints" type of people (if you know what I mean)

Short term memory loss? Who cares?!?!? It's my memory. I'm not forgetting how to walk or anything like that. So what if I can't recall a number you told me ten minutes ago or the name of that guy who played for the red sox but got traded?
Besides, I've found my long term memory has improved quite well since I became a rrreeeeaaalll pot head. I see marijuana as a sort of filter for incoming information. Most of it doesn't make it past the short term memory but what does make it past, sticks permenantly and is usually much more important and profound than what happened on "Friends" last night.


That's the phone number for John P Walters, our friendly neighborhood drug czar who is currently touring the country (on tax payers' dollars) promoting prohibition in states such as my own (nevada) which are placing the legalization debate on their ballots.

call it.
harrass him.
take back a bit of freedom.
I do not think it is the governments business to regulate my private behavior unless I harm someone without their consent. This means that I have to protect everyone else's right to the same consideration. Leave the stoners alone and tax pot just like cigarettes.
I think the politicians would have a shock if everyone that uses pot on a regular basis were to come out and have an organised demonstration against the prohibition. The likely result would at least be decriminalisation.
Lets face it, if they were to tax pot just the same as cigarettes people would grow it and distribute it illegally to avoid tax. That wouldnt be very cool at all.

Oh! Right... I'm sorry I forgot a "t" But anyways... Are ya Scottish? I should have known that!
Yes indeed, but soon, soon Ill be living in Italy as Scotland isnt too cool anymore.
Forgive me if I missed a reference in my quick scroll of the whole thread, but has anyone raised the issue of constitutionality? (This is strictly a U.S. issue.)

The only way the federal government could enforce laws against alcohol was to get the state legislatures to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing it. Otherwise the feds simply do not have the authority to interfere with consenting adults' choices about what to put in their bodies. And it took a little over ten years for everyone to realize that Prohibition made the country worse than any amount of alcohol consumption. And I do mean everyone. It was the legislature of Utah the "conservative Mormon state" that cast the final vote repealing prohibition. A Mormon state legislator made an impassioned speech saying how evil he thought alcohol was and how it was every good Christian's duty to tell people not to drink it, but admitting that Prohibition was far worse.

Nothing has changed. The federal government still does not have the legitimate power to regulate what consenting adults put in their bodies. I guess what has changed is that Americans have become too stupid to remember that we have a Constitution.
Ganja has been used in India for centuries, especially in North India.
Ganja was the drug of choice for the poor man, and it was widely smoked.
Bhang, is a drink prepared by mixing the decoction of ganja with sweetened milk. Bhang was also quite popular.
Charas, is the most potent and also the most expensive.
Use of the drug decreased in British India. The british viewed ganja as a mind altering drug that prompted insanity in the 'natives'.

As far as legalising ganja goes, one party will always advocate it's legalisation on the grounds that it's effects are no more potent than those of alcohol. The other party opposes it's legalisation on the grounds that it's a mind altering drug, that's highly detrimental to a person's well being. Unfortunately, the latter constitute the people in power.
spidergoat said:
Also, pot is not physically addictive like opiates.
What are you talking about!? IN Brasil there are hundreds if not thousands of teenagers addicted to marijuana! It IS highly addictive!
Pish posh.

If you define addiction as physiological dependence, i.e., if you don't get it you get sick from withdrawal (such as heroin) then marijuana is NOT addictive. You can stop anytime you like and the worst symptoms of stopping are missing your good friend Bob Green who you really like to have around. After a couple of days spent metabolizing the last puff you had you don't miss your friend Bob so much (though you might feel like driving right across town just to see him, of course).

If addiction is defined as psychological dependence, i.e., if you don't get it you get really pissed off and act in ways you wouldn't usually act to acquire more puff, then marijuana might be slightly addictive. You can stop any time you like but for the first couple of days afterwards you really, really feel like driving right across town to see your good friend Bob again. But after a little while it's just your mind reminding you that you love a puff, your body is done with it, and you become more normally wakeful and don't really miss it like a tobacco smoker would miss his cigarette (which is a VERY STRONG craving indeed despite tobacco taking only 4 days to metabolize, cravings can persist for years and years).

Medically, marijuana is not addictive.

:m: Peace.
Just because they like it does not mean they are addicted. You need to do some research on the topic.

Marijuana produces no withdrawal symptoms no matter how heavy it is used. It is habit forming (psychologically addictive), but not physically addictive. The majority of people who quit marijuana don't even have to think twice about it. Comparing marijuana to addictive drugs is really quite silly.
For a drug to be physically addictive, it must be reinforcing, produce withdrawal symptoms, and produce tolerance. Marijuana is reinforcing, because it feels good, but it does not do the other two things. Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are all physically addictive.

as far as i know, it's not addictive. but most ganja sold in the US today is laced with something not so benign. way stronger than the stuff our parents smoked. i'm all for prescribing pure pharmaceutical grade cannabis for medical use. but legalizing it cause the whiny kids on the street want to smoke up without risking a misdemeanor on their record...lame. it should be a regulated drug like anything else you get from a pharmacy. it's illegal to take your friend's prescribed vicodin, which IS addictive, but at least you can get a prescription for it if you need it.