
Legalize Mj?

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Are all of us here making the distinction between Weed and Hash? Cause many of the people I know, don't.
We, in Brasil, consider it addictive. We have clinics to help people getting through it and stop being addicted to it. They stay there sometimes for years and, often, they are unable to get over it. Does that sound addictive enough? :bugeye: :eek:
Well, in truth, it makes your Brasilian "addicts" sound weak of spirit.
If not, then they are smoking laced weed - and that is something else.

:m: Peace.
No. It's not the pot, its the people. I mean that with some people, they can't stop eating, or they starve themselves, and its not the fault of the food, its a psychological disorder. Some people self-medicate because their condition is not widely know to science, like in the case of milder forms of autism or bi-polar. In some US states now, they are recognizing the usefulness of M as medicine, and giving perscriptions to people who once faced jail terms and "treatment" as addicts. For some people sex is a real problem, but should we outlaw sex? The thing that makes some drugs truly dangerous is that they are physically addictive. That means that an addict would do anything to get it, sell themselves, steal, anything; as William Burroughs once said- Would you? yes, you would. Addicts will do almost anything because they will get seriously ill if they do not get their drug. If you don't get pot, the worst that can happen is you are not happy, or you get a little grumpy, nothing serious. Enough to motivate you to go out and get more, but its not a life or death thing like with opiates, and you cannot overdose.
spidergoat said:
No. It's not the pot, its the people.
Oh! So brasilians are susceptible to pot, but not anyone else. Very interesting... :rolleyes: Maybe we are from another planet?

The thing that makes some drugs truly dangerous is that they are physically addictive. That means that an addict would do anything to get it, sell themselves, steal, anything;
Exactly what happens there... :rolleyes:

Are we talking about the same thing...? :rolleyes:
Apparently not. Several people have said that today's pot has additives that
might be addicting. As for regular old run-of-the-mill pakalolo: not addictive.

:m: Peace.
Marijuana is no more addictive than any other substance. However, you can become psychologically dependant on anything, including marijuana. It is quite common for marijuana smokers to smoke heavily for a while and then stop altogther for a while without giving it another thought. If someone were to use marijuana as a crutch to get them through other problems they have, being constantly high to avoid dealing with those issues, then their dependance on it could certainly seem like a chemical addiction, but in reality it is not the marijuana but the underlying problem that is causing the cravings.
I have heard of people who use it excesively for years, who when stuck without it get headaches or become irritable, but this is true also of caffeine.

oh, and its just not true that most pot is laced with anything. Some certainly is, but it shouldn't be a problem for you if you deal with responsible people(i.e. never buy it on the street or from strangers)
Here's the question we should be asking:

Can we even get away with legalizing pot?
Is it even possible for us to get off our collective stoned asses and do this once and for all?
Can we stop being apathetic?

If you aren't voting and/or actively changing the system we live in, you aren't doing your part.
I dont see why we cant get away with legalising it, the grow tobacco commercially and since marijuana grows just as easily, if not easier then I dont see how this can be a problem.
I dont think it is possible for stoners to collectively get up and do something about it, simply because if it was possible it would have happened already. There are even political parties calling for Legalisation but noone votes for them.
Im going to vote for the Legalise Cannabis Alliance in the up and coming general election, I fail to see what good it will do however.
"If you aren't voting and/or actively changing the system we live in, you aren't doing your part. "

The system is more than just the country's laws. There is an engrained taboo in many western countries, probably coming from puritanism, against any drug that expands conciousness. They have made an exception for alcohol, because they can't make it illegal, they tried, it is already too much a part of our culture. As the US hispanic population increases, and a corresponding cultural acceptance of pot, it will become legal, too.

I recommend "The Food of the Gods" by Terence McKenna, a radical history of drug use in human culture from the Paleolithic to the modern.
"Are all of us here making the distinction between Weed and Hash? Cause many of the people I know, don't."

Why make a distinction, its the same thing?
Not all hash is chemical filled. Filled with plastic bags yes, but not chemicals.

I really don't get the argument that its addictive in Brazil because they consider it addictive in Brazil, it makes as much sense as a condom machine in a nunnery.
Hash and Weed are not addictive, in any sense of the true meaning of the word, sure, if your that way inclined you could get psychologically addicted to it but that is the same as chocolate, boiled sweets or anything that is non-physical dependance forming. This is certainly no reason for still having it outlawed. As someone has already said and that site says so also.

What really annoys me though, people going to jail for distributing marijuana or growing it. They are doing no one any harm, They are not getting anyone addicted to anything. They merely broke a law that shouldn't even be. Sure, at most you could say that they are not paying tax but that is because the government just wants to continue on their merry road of denial. You can get up to 14 years in prison which must be against some sort of human right, if it isn't then it bloody well should be!
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it's addictive only psycologically... "I could really do with one right now"... kinda thing.

Hemp is great in other stuff too...
"Hash is a block, brown... chemical filled.

Weed is a plant... it comes in plant form. "

If by chemical, you mean THC, then yes. Technically, it is only composed of compressed resin glands of the plant. It is easier to transport, and thus, more common in Europe, where they get alot of bud from Afghanistan.
101 uses for hemp.

Has anyone actually seen the 'Reefer Madness' video made by the health group that erowid talks about? Its alot of bull, its possibly the funniest thing you will ever watch to do with ganja.
hell no, as soon as you get weed it sudenly won't be enough, And then what Cocaine, meth, mdma? :confused:
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hell no, as soon as you get weed it sudenly won't be enough, And then what Cocaine, meth, mdma? :confused:

Typical "gateway theory" rhetoric with no basis in reality whatsoever. If you don't see the difference between cocaine, meth, and marijuana, you aren't educated on drugs and thusly, your opinion (i.e. your belief) is null and void.
First of all, I don't believe in all the "gateway drug" crap -- Marijuana is only a gateway drug statistically because kids have to make connections to illegal drug rings to obtain it.

That said, I think a lot of people go for marijuana mostly because it's illegal -- it's not a particularly potent drug -- it's effects aren't particularly strong or satisfying in reasonable doses, and diminish over time. The real appeal of marijuana is that it's a taboo -- it's an easy, popular way to rebel against "the establishment".

The problem with legalization is that if it's appeal is in its illegality, when it's made legal, the rebellious will go after some more potent drug that's still illegal. I'm not sure what the "civil rights" outlook is, nor do I particularly care, but from a practical viewpoint, it makes sense to have a relatively harmless illegal drug so that those who just want to go after *something* contraband can do so without doing any real damage.