
Legalize Mj?

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I dont believe thats true coolsoldier. I think most people smoke it because they like the reefer goodness. To punish those who use it because some people just want to break the law is a kinda weird reason for keeping it illegal if this is indeed what you are saying.
First of, I think they should legalize every drug. Just keep the people informed about the consequences of their prospective us. Post the same warning on them as they do on sigarettes. Society will stabilize itself. So we would lose a few souls to drug abuse. So what still is less than the people we lose to: guns, pollution, traffic and dull tv shows...
And more people will be happy, new markets opening up and decriminalizing, and no more useless spending of the justice departements on this subject.

But as for pot,grass,weed, hash, thc-oil, cryonic-stuff ,space-cake and weed-tea.
It's quiet harmless, and the only reason I see why goverment wouldn't want to legalize it, is so they can keep their people in check through fear (look that way, so you wont see what were doing) and ofcourse all the cheap-economic products that can be made from hemp. Big bussiness wouldn't like that now.
coolsoldier said:
The real appeal of marijuana is that it's a taboo
"Sacred cows make the tastiest burgers" - Abbie Hoffman

The problem with legalization is that if it's appeal is in its illegality, when it's made legal, the rebellious will go after some more potent drug that's still illegal. I'm not sure what the "civil rights" outlook is, nor do I particularly care, but from a practical viewpoint, it makes sense to have a relatively harmless illegal drug so that those who just want to go after *something* contraband can do so without doing any real damage.
I could agree with you up to a point. If this were actually the angle the government is taking, it would make sense. Unfortunately, the U.S. government does not see cannabis as a benign or even semi-harmless substance. It is hell-bent on destroying cannabis and those that use it. Take a look at the salaries of some of the people that "run" our country and remind me again why I can't have a plant... :m:

Currently, without a doubt, the laws do more damage than good. Prohibition is not stopping the use of cannabis. People are using it and it is helping them. It may not be for you, it may not be what you want anything to do with, but some people can use it to better our society. Hell, the computer you are using came out of drug use, not to mention almost every good movie, work of art, and song in the last 50 years.

Why turn people that are beneficial to our society into criminals because they try to think outside the box?
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Can someone please explain to me why Oxycontin is legal, but pot isn't?

Or, for that matter, why Viagra is legal, when it's already killed more people than pot?
StarOfEight said:
Can someone please explain to me why Oxycontin is legal, but pot isn't?

Or, for that matter, why Viagra is legal, when it's already killed more people than pot?
You can't patent a plant.

It's really that simple. If you don't think that the pharmacutical companies are paying off politicians, you don't quite understand the reality of politics. Government is nothing more than another useless multi-billion dollar invented industry.

Let's get rid of it, and get rid of it now.

Step 1: Educate the people.
Yeah, I get that Big Pharma owns a nice chunk o' Congress and the executive branch, but beyond the typical explanation for something irrational in American society ... I mean, what's the justification, the ideology behind it?
Legalize ALL plants! Isn't it rediculous to outlaw plants? Did you know you are all guilty of possession of the most potent hallucinogen yet discovered- DMT? It is found naturally in the body.

"... I mean, what's the justification, the ideology behind it? "
It is inherited from puritanism.
"Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit... unnatural?" - Bill Hicks
Hemp is a cheap renewable source of paper. That is why it is illegal. It was used later as a source of funding against the drug war but that is the primary reason that the laws against were first made.
Dunno where your logic came from on that one.....

in any case, there are plenty of political/economic reasons that pot is illegal, the "uses of hemp" reason being one of the most benign.
I heard on the news that the Canadian Parlament voted against the legalization of marijuana. So... there ya go. I win, you lose.... :D :D
(I don't want it to be legalized)

The big book of conspiracies is the source of that theory. Not the most reliable source but it makes as much sense as any other reason. Why do you want to stop me from smoking weed? I have not smoked it in 12 years but would appreciate the option.
I propose that...

All drugs be made legal

All would be users to be registered and licenced after medical and psychiatric assesment

Drugs are taxed but not prohibitively so

The taxes are used specifically to create rehabilitation centres and professional counselling for victims of drug abuse, or those that want to come off them

That drug use remains illegal at your place of work, or completely illegal if your job means you are responsible for the lives of others, such as bus drivers, surgeons, pilots etc.
tablariddim said:
The taxes are used specifically to create rehabilitation centres and professional counselling for victims of drug abuse, or those that want to come off them
You have interesting ideas, but I see a mistake on your train of thought in this particular rule.

If you taxe and use the tax to create rehabilitation centres and counselling, why woukd you do that? I mean... if you get taxes, you could use tax for something else. But if you legalize the drug and people need such things, than wouldn't it be better to prevent this kind of problem by not legalizing it in the first place?

It's nice to get some more money from tax, particularly because I don't need to pay it myself anyways. But do it by the cost of other people's lifes? No thanks.
The illegal drug trade is the main cause of modern crime. From prostitution to muggings, to burglaties, to drive by shootings, to the billions spent by the tax payers to 'enforce' the law and all to no avail.

A section of society wants to do drugs... it's that simple, now if they're the ones that pay the taxes, then rightly, they're the ones that should benefit from them. Bear in mind that the average tax payer will save money, because all the billions spent by law enforcement against drugs crime will suddenly become available for other uses, such as education and health.
Illegal drug users are constantly at risk, from, 1st, inconsistent quality of street drugs, 2nd, from the type of circles they have to mix in in order to get their drugs and, from dependence on excruciatingly expensive street drugs that force them to become criminals themselves in order to be able to afford them.

Legalising will save many more lives than not legalising and, will eradicate most common crime at a stroke, this is simple logic. And, if one over does it, he or she will have the option of free or cheap rehabilitation or treatment ,within his locale.

Is everybody 'appy? You bet your life we are!
tablariddim said:
The illegal drug trade is the main cause of modern crime. From prostitution to muggings, to burglaties, to drive by shootings, to the billions spent by the tax payers to 'enforce' the law and all to no avail.

A section of society wants to do drugs... it's that simple, now if they're the ones that pay the taxes, then rightly, they're the ones that should benefit from them. Bear in mind that the average tax payer will save money, because all the billions spent by law enforcement against drugs crime will suddenly become available for other uses, such as education and health.
So... let them die and screw themselves? Couldn't we possibly educate them not to use drugs? And bear in mind I'm talking specially about kids and teenagers...
TruthSeeker quote:

"So... let them die and screw themselves? Couldn't we possibly educate them not to use drugs? And bear in mind I'm talking specially about kids and teenagers... "

Where did I say that? Read my shit again and you'll see I'm saying the exact opposite.

Education is a great idea, but i fear they'll be preaching to the converted. Drugs are a vice, users are beyond reason and those into it will simply laugh at the educator... but, try it by all means.

If anything, drugs education should be just that... education on the effects of them, reasons to take or not to take them, how to take them safely and what to do when you've had enough. But, if they continue to be illegal, no one's going to put an education program like that together. Simply being negative about drugs will not ride with today's kids... they're too savvy.