Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*

Well blastoff, no wonder that you are growing fast whit your skills, you are more dedicated to it then I am...

And that shockwave thing, I did it this afternoonat my cat...
She's a wild one running around and all...
I tried it carefully, and she was all tamed up, she even directly came to me, wanting to be cuddled or something :)

Dunno if the effect had to be like that, but it seems a bit logic to me...
Cultivating male sexual energy by Mantak Chia. Has some very nice techniques along those lines its worth a look...Trust me

Hey Blastoff what style do you do?
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I can see the last post was made a long time ago. If any of you are still out there I am very interested in learning from the beginning how to use my psychic powers. I have been doing some research on the net and have gotten only a short way from the start.

I would like to know where and how i can start.
I would also like to know if anyone knows a "master" or a "guide" in Belgium/Brussels.

Thank you
I'm still alive :)

I was waiting for replies from others on the forum, but now you come along and could help starting the thread going again...

First off, I wouldn't know a guide or teacher near you...
Second of all, what did you accomplish in your short way...

And third and all of all, to start off...
1. Read a bit through this thread.
2. Read the Termoniligy on this thread http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16920

3. Try to choose a goal you are really interested in...

I will copy the therminoligy to this thread in a twhile, and I will try to give some more techniques...
0. I am glad you are there

1. I read the entire thread yesterday, but couldnt post cause my computer crashed (works bad)

2. Just read that thread... interesting, however there is a big difference between being observant and intelligent compared to psychic powers.
Your terminology explanation was helpful, but mostly known to me from here and there.

3. I don't know exactly the goal, but i do have a vision. I know that such things as meditation, auras, telepathy are a must to learn if one is looking to go further, but i strongly believe that these are just beginner techniques compared to what can really be done.

to your question as to what i have done so far:
1) research on the net
2) read a lesson on reaching the alpha state, but have not tried it yet (recieved it today)
3) Tried to do what you had suggested a couple pages back. I placed a long needle and on top i put a 1cm x 1 cm paper. Small hole in the middle so it could be set. Tried moving it myself to see if it moves easily. Then as you suggested i tried breathing 2s inhale 1s break 4s exhale 1s break and focus on the corner of the paper. After 5-6 minutes I was not able to affect it, however when i slowly reached my finger to the paper to drop it it droped when my finger was about an inch away. Now, i am not sure why, it could have been a little wind from my hand movemement. I couldnt repeat that again.

And now i am here.
Allright, I didn't know what to reply when I readed it at first.
As you have no goal in mind yet, I'll advise the real basics.

Try to meditate for 15 minutes, make your clothes looser and sit in a comfortable chair.
*Something like a barkalounger, big leather seat you could lay in...*

If you rather are comfortabler with tighter clothes, make it tighter or change in something tigther.
Make yourself comfortable, but at least sit the first few times whit meditating so you have a decreased chanse of falling asleep.

Relax your mind and muscles, and visualize things that would relax you, like a certain place, a beach or woods...
This can be fictional or a real place.

Either if you skipped meditation or just done that, try gathering energy.

This can be done in several ways.

Every time you inhale try to gather the energy and let it flow into your body.
Everytime you exhale let the energy flow more through your body.

There is no need to pause in between, you could breath 3 seconds in and 6 seconds out, or 4 second deep inhale, and 10 seconds slow exhale...

Try to breath in a way that is comfortable whit you...
And at least 10 breaths.
This could help a lot whit a few days/weeks.

Drawing energy is sometimes said as grounding, but Grounding could be used in another way too...
We would go for drawing energy...

Try to make a link between you and the earth whit your energy.
When you feel a link, try to let the energy flow through the link into your body...
Keep absorbing energy until you feel you have enough, then let the energy just flow naturally through your body, and disconnect the link.

Drawing energy:
This is similar to grounding, but you could choose the source...
Examples are light, the sun, the ground, water, earth *just like grounding*, the air *like breathing*, or some other form.

Just do the same as grounding, and as you wanna use energy, you could use it directly whit this technique.

Now, try to make a psi-ball:

Cup your hands as-if you where holding a foot-ball or something 2 times bigger then a tennis-ball...
Now when you do that, let the energy flow up through your arms toward your hands.
Now let the energy go through your hands forming into a ball...

do this for about 5/10 minutes and you should have made a psi-ball...

Don't be alarmed if you don't see or feel the psi-ball, 99% of the time a psi-ball is invisible when created for the first time.
It is probably possible to make it visible, but I wouldn't bother that right now.

If you've developed more skill through meditation or this training, you could start to sence and probably see the psi-ball a little bit later on...

When you accomplished all this and trained this for a few week, you could notice that it'll get easier whit progress and probably that your stamana and awareness will increase too.

The key to use energy is visualization.
your sub-consious is sensitive to visualization and will stimulate the events whit it.

I'd rather say visualization rather then imagination, because of (Q)'s comments on that...
However, try to use your sences to notice the appearence of the psi-ball
Visualizing the appearence could confuse you whit your true abilities.
You could use visualization to increase your sensitivity of sences, but don't visualize the appearence while practicing these techniques...

*I included these things so (Q) or Mr.G haven't got evidence for me explaining it wrongly, and trying to learn others false things...*
Try to read it word for word, and if you understand it all, then you should apply it...
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just telling... the paper could've felt down because of static energy, going from your finger towards the paper or sumthing...

not saying it couldn't have been psychic ofcourse, cuz I do know sum things that work, like holding a lil chain in your hand with sumthing heavy hanging on it (just dunno neckless or sum) anywayz... try to imagine it circling round and round while holding your arm kind of in an easy comfi way while holding the chain...
when u cincentrate real hard u'll notice that it indeed starts swirling round the way u want it too...
and I can also explain why, this is just bcuz u give ur subcounscious the impulse of wanting that thing to moce, so u kind of hypnotize yourself while concentrating on the movement it should make and your two fingers holding the chain will start moving in such a minimum way u probably don't even notice it (or anyone else if u want to use this one as a trick or a proof to hypnotising people)
anywayz, thats sumthing not errrm quite psychic I guess...
still, I had sum weird experiences with sum girl, bout like, having sex while not touching each other ... eheh (nah seriously, izz all bout energy)
and had sum weird flashes of whtvr containing whole series of views I saw later on after the "dreams" in the exact same chronological way... ofcourse the mind keeps calculating every lil change that COULD happen in life and perhaps that was just one of the possibilities already in my head... still, its kinda scary, cuz it also means that our mind has so many more potential than we already use....

and now I cut my crap nd stop boring u all ;)
hey again,
thanks for the reply.

could you please be a bit more specific on how to make the connection with earth or any other object and how to draw the energy.

I do try to meditate, but i just started and the max i can get to is to get a "spinning head" sensation. I haven't felt gathering energy through my deep breaths though.

-=#h@@rdkoor#=-, interesting point. Yes it could have been static, but i guess you never know until you are able to repeat the experiement all the time. On the other note how did you start if i may ask having sex without touching. Were there some techniques or you guys just experimented with energy?
(and they all ask bout the sex thing, lol)
ah well, we weren't planning on doing so, it just kinda happened, bodies closer together, feeling the tension and all of a sudden we just laid there, eyes closed, just feeling each other without any physical contact... after a while we just got used to it and with sum way or another the energy just kept coming (even during physical "it") and I guess it has to do sum with the Ki energy for its kinda where it all came from, underneath the belly, (no not that part entirely,lol)
either way... it was good, hehe.
and, well, there are still yet so many things that aren't proven yet, but that doesnt mean it can't be, u have to be open to all these things ofcourse, bcuz, if we now already knew all about nature and the world and universe, well, then its kind of a pity since we cant cure this disease or that disease witgh normal scientific stuff, while sumtimes lil "miracles" (as people tend to call them) happen thx to believe in the parapsychology, believe in shamans (i.e. peyote, mushrooms, just plain tripping and putting the bad vibes outside letting good ones in)
but as I said, science isn't studying all that for it's controversial... and when they do, they just use tha rmy, experiment on them and see what they can be good for in war while on drugs...
sigh, either way, keep this thread alive or sumthing for it's interesting and, meditation is sumthing u should learn and practice, the more u do it, the more u'll understand, and it isn't to get u stoned or anyting, it's to relax your mind and body and hopefully your soul (dont start bout, hey I have no soul, cuz soul is but a word, interprete it the way u want ;)
and makes u have a comfi feeling before u go asleep, or just before u go to sum training thing, whtvr....
Well, like making the psi-ball, you don't nesseseraly have to feel the energy the first time you use it.

Just use your energy to make the connection.
Whit grounding, just let it flow through your legs and make a connection through your feet, as-if you are sprouting roots tike a tree...

Whit drawing energy, just let the energy link to the source, as-if it was a garden- or feulling-hose...

It is mostly said that Ki energy is gathered about 2 inches underneath your navel.
Try to feel at that spot and drawe energy from there if you want to use it.

I still wanna be carefull whit what I say, so sotrry if it still isn't all that clear.

Just go to http://www.psipog.net/activepsy and there it'll be explained better probably.

But remember that visualization is a tool for accomplishing psychic abilities.
thx a lot.
that site was very interesting.

there is something i want to ask though.

I am not sure how to absorb energy and especially how to ground. I am not even sure if "gounding" makes sense in an apartment. I live ina town and there is no calm place i can find to make a direct contact with earth if that is what it meant.

i do get various sensations during meditation and energy focus. Some slight tingling, muscles contracting and head spinning kind of a feeling.

I haven't ben able to make a psychic kind of a discovery yet, but i am not giving up.

I did notice that sounds became very loud during meditation. For example when i was meditating my phone rang and it scared the <beep> out of me it seemed so loud.
with grounding and all it just kind of means u get the energy like from sumthing that isnt yours, like when getting energy from earth, doesnt mean u have to be directly in the dirt or sum, the floor is in coonection with the earth so, it just flows through it all... I guess...
except when ur like flying or sum :)
i found a really good site which helped me a lot


I have many questions remaining, but I think i would need to practice and practice and practice and not expect an immidiate result.

Psy-learner how long did it take you to get any results from the time you started.
To be honnest, I lost track of it...

I remember that my first noticable psi-ball was around december 2001/Januari 2002, just trying at a random moment/place...

My first actual TK experience was April 2002...

It's strange, when I tried to feel energy, it wouldn't work, bot after a few weeks I just started to feel it.

I felth it as a form of warmth...
I felth it in 2 otherways afterwards, dont't know how to discribe it.

I think that when you get the hang of noticing and using energy, that you'll know what energy is and what not...
I don't really train at a regular basis, and not as much as I have to lately.

But if you give yourself some good shots and try alot in the beginning, you would accomplish at some point whitin a few monthes, at max a year, but you really have to experiment as much as possible whit techniques.
Psy, are you now in control of the energy. Can you make a psyball at any time any place? How long does it take you? thx
Well, I'm partially in control of it.

I can make a psi-ball at anytime I want, it depends how much energy I have to spare for it.

Lately when I try to make a psi-ball, I could do it whitin 5 minutes, but they are very unstable...
Sorry that I replied late, I was on a trip whit dad to Sweden for 4/5 days...
but you need to meditate or not?
those 5 minutes you said is it pouring in energy into it or meditating and then making it?
Well, that's just making it...
If you have enough energy, you could make a psi-ball whitout meditating first...

But don't over-estimate chances you'd sucseed at the same and under-estimate the essence of meditation...

Even though I'm not really meditating that often, I do really recommend it.
Meditation always gives you an advantage, for small and big things.
Originally posted by James R
<i>Die hard skeptics and disbelievers won't even try untill someone has given them *solid* evidence...</i>

Wrong, at least in my case.

I tried all the psychic stuff when I was younger. I used to think it would be cool to have psychic powers. Unfortunately, I discovered that psychic powers don't work.

Then I grew up.

Iagree with James, its aload of cobblers!!Prove just one thing which is pschic!:rolleyes: