Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*

Well, well...

I'm back, first of to help mqnania...

Answer 1: The feeling really differ from person to person...
I'd say to try alot of energy excersizes and 'sence' if it's the same feeling as you make a psi-ball...
If you can move your arms easely whit the feeling that they are asleep, then it could be energy...
Just make sure that your position isn't making your arms numbing or something... When you trow something try to throw it through your target... If you can't see the energy, just try to sence it by using your energy, this is something you'll have to practice too sometime...

Answer 2: Deja vu's are something strange... I had a period of alot of Deja vu myself, I don't know for sertain why I had that... It could be pre-cognition in a sub-consious level that just arose to your consious level for a second... Just ask yourself the question if it really did happen at the moment, before, or if you were just imagining it... Maybe you'll get an answer from yourself that way...

EDIT: Woops, almost forgot to add the thing I rushed for...

The site Veritas Online is really good in my oppinion...
You guys shoold really check it out...
I've readed through some of the docs, and they are serious...
Sure, the 'classes' may seem unserious, but that has a reason...
They try to entertain you while learning, the reason for that it that you'll probably learn quicker...

Enjoying a lesson could have a serious experience impact...
That's why kids learn quicker when they play...
I remember I never payed real attention in the class, but I did get high grades for some slacker...
Mostly I was day-dreaming or drawing or just trying a fun thing to do...
I DID listen to the teacher some times, and I think because I did something rather fun together whit the listening, I'd just picked the material up...

They do explain alot, about everything I searched for is actually handled by them...
There are also things that would stimulate my own theories...

Whit the part about magick they even got into the bible...
I had my questions about the bible and the religion, and this document really got me interested in that area...

Anyway, thank you for this link...

Greetings and have fun learning psychic powers...
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ello everyone..i'm new around here..but i am interested to learn the ability u guys talking about!can anybody help me out?:p

I believe that psychic powers have nothing to do with the forces of the universe or anything. God created them in our minds. I think they are found in our Sub-consciousness and can be accessed easily in our sleep. I believe this because mine run wild when I go to sleep, yet I have to concentrate when awake. The problem is it is much harder to access them when we are awake. In the Bible, Jesus says that faith the size of a seed can move a mountain. I believe this is saying that if we put enough faith into it, we can do just about anything, and that includes psychic powers. All you have to do is relax, and have faith. Even if you don't believe in the one true God I believe in, try putting a lot of faith in it anyway. Just believe you can do it. You don't have to summon up the forces of the universe or anything. JUST HAVE FAITH!!!!!
Am i doing this right?

I Meditate, Ground, Center, and attempt the Psy Ball, but all i get are bad cramps...

More Indepth:
I Imagine myself absorbing a green gas like substance from the Earth into my body
and then after about 5 minutes of building up my energy, I breath in, focusing all my
collected energy into my chest, then when i exhale, i change the focus of the stored
energy in my chest to my hands. I try to visualize the flow from my chest through my
arms and out of my hands into a ball like construct, I repeat the last step for a few
minutes and then i just pretend i've made one, regardless of the truth, and release it
into the air.
All this meditating is too lazy! You all people do what you read in books or see in tv. Where is your imagination going? Is it something new? I dont think so!
Originally posted by hehe
All this meditating is too lazy! You all people do what you read in books or see in tv. Where is your imagination going? Is it something new? I dont think so!

I dont even get Tv...
Originally posted by hehe
All this meditating is too lazy! You all people do what you read in books or see in tv. Where is your imagination going? Is it something new? I dont think so!

It has been my experience that meditation is not for the lazy. Lazy people have a very hard time focusing, visualizing, directing, centering, and all of those other things that meditation is about. Meditation develops a creative mind, bringing the imagination to much higher levels, which is why there are so many methods.
But maureece could it be posible that there is a higher state of mind then earning it from meditations? And what its practice could be like?
Was Jezus in that state of mind and if he was, why didnt he meditate or he was only thinking as he was a god?
And if it is just a thought, how high can it be?
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Originally posted by hehe
But maureece could it be posible that there is a higher state of mind then earning it from meditations?
Sure there could be, thats what this whole topic is about.

Was Jezus in that state of mind and if he was, why didnt he meditate or he was only thinking as he was a god
Who said he didnt meditate? Can you really say he didnt? Then again you can't even say he exsists... It's all faith
But why all the people who meditate on this whole world think its something like the best thing for your mind and the best thing for reaching god? If there is reaching god with meditation why noone did reach god and stayed on that level with proving of something? Sure people meditate much more than before, even from thousands of years ago as its something global, so why there is no reaching god these days if you have so many people on it and why are we having this discusion now in this topic? So many people meditate and we cant even get the straight answer, so is this one true or are we in need of something new? Well, im optimist and maybe ill stay on its course for a long time but there are some questions i could ask to someone as i dont know of whoom that person could be! As we all need.
Curious, Who told you meditating is all about reaching god? Imo meditating benifits both
the body and mind, it gives you a chance to detatch from the world, let your mind unplug
for a bit and it lets your body rest and repair.

Basically its like sleep, but with other arguable aspects. Your giving yourself a break
when you meditate, beyond that though you can get into a whole other realm of what it's
capable of.
Ive just entered in my realm tonight in human science forum and the only reply is to use medications! How do you see detachment in ur own words? Im sorry for all this but im curios.

So for all this if I meditate its normal to detach but when i use my own ideas all it stands to medical threatment, right?

So if i choose my own path to somewhere ( not yet sure where) it should be better for me to use meditation as mine isnt just enough to be considered as normal.

So one day using meditation i may think that ive come to the level to bend spoons or even walk on water like somebody i know and where will i be then? Is this for medications? I dont think so, meditation helped that person to some level but isnt it just enough? I dont think so, thats where the idea of searching for more came from!

So whats the use of medications? Do you think i need it because im in search for something?

This is what i wrote in human science forum:

If you put 3 people that hear voices and they all believe in a high life into the same room with the crowd, something like school or college not knowing for each others or even speaking.
Will the 3rd person have voices more intense from other two and vice versa then from the crowd and will that person be even getting to the same conclusion that other 2 have in their
imaginary life?

Maybe its for another thread and it surely dont belong in human science but i just wanted to see other perspectives and all i get is: You still need medications!
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It's not as hard as you think... What do you think you're doing when you sleep? It's the same concept.
Originally posted by hehe
But maureece could it be posible that there is a higher state of mind then earning it from meditations? And what its practice could be like?

A valid question. I think however that you may be thinking that meditation only happens in a sitting position with your thumb and forefinger connected while chanting OM. As I said, there are many methods of meditation. For instance, there is a branch of Hatha yoga, I believe it's called Kripalu (please correct me if that is not the right branch), where the practitioner moves through a series of VERY intense asanas (poses) while in a very well-heated environment. The idea is to stretch the yogi/yogini past his/her normal physical and mental limits in order to purify both the mind and body as well as induce a higher state of awareness.
You see, the original Tibetan word for meditation translates into familiarization. So that means when meditating on the rose in front of your face, the idea is to focus your awareness on it so much that you cannot help but understand the rose's place in existence. As silly as it may sound, you also learn to communicate with it. This is the case with everything; pleasure, pain, all of it. Meditation is about being HERE, fully enveloped in the moment so that you miss nothing, not that you're even searching for anything. Put all of your energy into that one moment. And upon realizing how everything in the Universe is connected you also realize how unlimited in your energies you really are!
i am new to this all through out my life i have seen things in a not asleep not awake state. now normaly being a student of psychology i could shrug these off as normal hapenstance but every once in a while, when i have one of these episodes it feels different and well what i see happens. i have also dabbled in crafting my own future it has worked twice but only minor. i ask for ur help well the help if any one that cares to lend it. i wish to learn more and control any and all powers i may posses i know i have powers. i know i have something with in i have seen and done to much to not believe. so please send me as much info and ideas as u can my e-mail is matt.c.warne@hotmail.com
After Long long time a new comer joined this site... my name is mehedi.. i'm new in this psychic world... can anybody help me how can i develop my ki power to move object????? can anyone help
mehedi said:
After Long long time a new comer joined this site... my name is mehedi.. i'm new in this psychic world... can anybody help me how can i develop my ki power to move object????? can anyone help
Take a mystical long walk off the sho'ort pier of ki-thingy.
mehedi said:
After Long long time a new comer joined this site... my name is mehedi.. i'm new in this psychic world... can anybody help me how can i develop my ki power to move object????? can anyone help

Research Dr. Joo Bang Lee.
All of you who are experienced in the psychic arts, newcomers or channellers of what you call "Inner Energy" and what I call "Prana", I have a theory which answers almost anything to do with parapsychology; how psychic powers work, what are they, their relationship with science, old Mahayogis (psychic possessors of the past, Jesus Christ, The Buddha to mention a few) and the whole point of psychic powers and human existence. But before a blabber on i want to know whether anyone still listens to these threads and whether u will listen to me if i send another message.