Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*

Blastoff, what technique did he use?

Was it a punch whit Ki energy or a hard telekinetic push?
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I think it using a kin of Ki power, just like what we learnt in Satria Nusantara and Merpati Putih. It's looks like that there is Ki power (we called it tenaga dalam) in most advanced martial arts from oriental countries. Telekinetic basically use same form of "energy" (unidentified by physics, yet).
PSY-LEARNER/ it was a push like a move from kata, he was standing about ten feet away, he moved and i feel on my ass (HARD)
Well looky here...

We have someone on the other side of a psychic event...

He that does not claim to be psychic or did use psychic powers.
He that does claim in a way that it exist and experienced it.

Finally someone who can make somewhat of a difference...
A link between the skeptics and the psychics...
ismu is one of those links too, but not taken seriously by all...

Be carefull all of you!!!

Psychic powers are real and they are not somthing you should play with! You have no idea what you are getting into!!!

I have used these powers, and I have seen them in use, and I have seen what can happen. You may be allowing all sorts of unholy influences into your life when you use them!!!!!

For it is written in the Bible that the Adversary prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour!!!

Be careful when you use these powers, but do not believe the so-called 'skeptics' who say that these powers do not exist! I have seen them used for good and bad!

God Bless and Keep
Be carefull

I agree with Mulder here. I told it many times. Be carefull and be kind using it.

btw, Welcome to scifrums FoxMulder ;)
Well, I know what I'm playing whit *gladly* and I know how to develope and use it, even whitout supervision...

A little group wants to develop it...
I hope I can jump in and teach them whit supervision, I know they need it a bit...
ESPECIALLY 1 of them, who is sceptical *somewhat less now* about telekinesis but DID have eighter and OBE or A/P or NDE like experience...

It sounded to me like OBE, like they do have in deadly exidents...
And a NDE is from what I know/heard something else...

Don't worry about me, I'm *always to smart for most things to mess up*, but they always notice it afterwards...

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Thank you all

Thank you for the welcomes, this forum is really interesting! I hope I can continue to share the things I have learned here!


"ESPECIALLY 1 of them, who is sceptical *somewhat less now* about telekinesis but DID have eighter and OBE or A/P or NDE like experience..."

Ever wonder why the so-called "skeptics" claim to be skeptical?
Uhh, he *one single independent entity* is one of my best friends...

I think he is scared of telekinesis, or just disbelieving...
I did tell him I did sucseed, and he doesn't know anything about the powers yet...

Just one of the logic analogies I've heard...
That fear is a reaction of looking into the unknown...

---Well, the rest of the *die-hard* skeptics, they just want extraordinary proof and use their over-inflated ego's to get it sovled by things they don't believe in...
And of course, want some attention, and make more persone disbelieve...

---High Skeptics are strongly saying it doesn't exist until proven before their eyes.

---Normal skeptics are just saying yes or no, whit an unsurity...

---Trying skeptics *SeekerOfTruth I geus* are trying it, but whitout a good believe, at least they are open for it...

---And then the last but not least skeptic, scared skeptics...
They will eighter not confirm their believe even if you give your word you can use psychic powers, denying the ability of it's existance by religion/believes or because they are scared of it...

Just my own theory of possible skeptics that there are...

Greetz, and I forgot to welcome you, sorry...
To make it up:
Welcome to sciforums FoxMulder and hope you'd enjoy the forums here... :)
Thank you!

"I think he is scared of telekinesis, or just disbelieving...
I did tell him I did sucseed, and he doesn't know anything about the powers yet..."

At least he is not closed-minded like most so-called 'skeptics'!

"Well, the rest of the *die-hard* skeptics, they just want extraordinary proof and use their over- inflated ego's to get it sovled by things they don't believe in...
And of course, want some attention, and make more persone disbelieve..."

Yes, they are very egotistical! But it goes deeper than that. I will have to post more on why they are 'skeptical' later, I must go now!

But what I say might sound 'odd'. I hope you are all open-minded enough to hear me out!
ISMU/ lost temper last week i was trying psychic movement, did not do it so i lost my temper and broke a six inch plank with a kick, got ten flips, and a hundred push ups, my master says i got off easy ill get it in the end.:)
Blastoff: Well that's weird to read it like that...

From what I understand, uhhh...

You just got mad because psycho kinesis *latin for mind movement* didn't work.
You had to kick 6" planks, made ten flips and 100 push-ups, as punnishment by your master for getting mad about it.


FoxMulder *the important part of the post :D*:

Please tell why the so-called skeptics are like that...
I think that you are refering, like stryderunknow *I think* in the thread Psychokinesis in Pseudoscience *pfffff, a mouth full* that most are debunkem agents *or something*...

I only heard that once, he was picking back on Mayor sceptic Mr.G
Well, I don't know but now I think Mr.G-zus's pain in the ass was a debunkem *or something*.

Note that a debunkem agent *or something* is an agent to wrecklessly deny the existance to keep the society cool-headed or something.

Am I right?

If you have more information about eigther why the die-hard sceptics are like that, or about those *or something* agents, please post it...

It would be usefull :D
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Originally posted by BLASTOFF
ISMU lost temper last week i was trying psychic movement, did not do it so i lost my temper and broke a six inch plank with a kick, got ten flips, and a hundred push ups, my master says i got off easy ill get it in the end. :)

Sorry for late to respond.
:) Yup. you got to control your emotion. Meditation is good way to do it. You're lucky your master didn't take back your psychic ability. You have to be wise if you got great power in your hand, or it will turns back to yourself some other time. Your push-up is a way your master says that. ;)
Just like the Karma thing...

Karma, from what I understand, is that you get the luck you make...

For instance, a fast analogy:
When you have a garden, you plant seeds...
These could be eighter lovely smelling flouwers or stinking flowers...
So if you want to sell or give those flowers, you'll get the same pay back...

Give a lovely smeller, and you'll get good things back...
Give a horrible stinker, and you'll suffer the stench itself...

You reek what you have sown...

So just use it for good, because if ya kick someone in the bottom, the most likely try their best to do the same, and mostly exceed...

O, and tip, I always said...

Try to relax your mind till you have no thought.
Keep your head cool and let it go by itself...
Don't force it to stop, you'll get there whitout forcing...
Just believe *as you do*...
And just be playfull about it, so you won't frustrate by taking it to serious...

ismu/ and psy-learner/ my last two lessons my master had me sat in meditation and my lessons last an hour and a half each/ but it has taught me not to lose my temper, it was just a lose of control
ismu/psy-learner i moved a flat piece of cadr last week end, i did not beleave it but my master saw it as well, and i was not even trying, there was only him and myself in the room, no doors open or windows ,no draughts just us. it felt strange to be able to move the card with out touching it but it felt good aswell.
Congratulations Blastoff

Did you repeat the event like it did?
Or was it a lucky day?
I seem to have my lucky days, every first week of a new month...

5th may I got great sucses for one day :)
And the month before I tried and had luck that it did work...

But this month, today, I started in the morning and it went great again, big results, but not during the other time...

Well, I have to eat now, because I drained my energy...
And maybe a quick nap...

Along whit a question for ismu...
Do you know a technique to keep your stamana while in normal state?
I know about power ups, and that it boosts stamana, but I can't do that yet :(

Well, thanx for the answer if any :)
And Sucses Blastoff
psy-learner did repeat but nothing, but this morning, after meditating, i tryed again, and three times straight of the bloody table all in a row one after another, must be a lucky day.
Well Blastoff, nice to hear that...
I'm try meditating again, I almonst never meditated...
Hope that it would release some powers along the way though...
Just meditate every day for half an hour to an hour...
That should probably help, a lot...
