Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*

ok ill begin-but bear in mind the knowledge is so vast that it may take more than five messages to truly dispatch it. Let us start with the theory of evolution...we were never always humans and that is a definite fact. In the Bible it is mentioned that God made the plants, then the animals and then the humans (correct me if i am wrong, we learn new things everyday). This is the process of evolution and so a religious person does not have to deny Darwin's theory. In the Eastern religions such as hinduism and buddhism, the 10 incarnations of Vishnu(if you know what these are- and dont worry iv not gone mad it all links in the end) were in the order of evolution, the first being a fish the early sea life beginnings, a turtoise to indicate the rise of the amphibians, a half man-half mammal and so on till the final final incarnation of vishnu (yet to come) is a superistic, psychic warrior who is prophesised to rid the world of evil (one may link this to the Revelations in the Bible). So our ansestors were not stupid. They knew that in some way or other the animals were created before us humans. The only difference in thought is that Darwin's theory mainly concentrates on the physical aspects of evolution-but what of the mind??

Today scientist predict that the average human only uses 10% of his or her brainpower, even when a person is concentrating so hard his brain hurts.(And that includes when u are trying to perform psychic traits which is why there are very few solid results to begin with.) In todays world it is nearly impossible for the average human to access the remaining 90% of ones brainpower. (How to access such levels will be given in the next messages)

And I would first like to say that I suppose most of u are atheists and may be sceptical of religious beliefs, but by extreme research and devotion I have found that all religions are linked and have similar teachings; the only difference is that each has there own perception of God. In fact all religions have their routes from one ancient (and now no longer called one) religious practise called sanatan dharma or dharma-yoga. It is the yoga aspect that I am going to concentrate on. And so ends my first message. . Before I carry on I would like to know-how many of you are familiar with these terms:


PS if there are any terms or concepts so far that u don’t understand please research them and then ask questions; yoga is, and always was built up on questions and answers and I will answer them one at a time (but it may take a few days-I’m not always free)
Student of Yoga said:
Today scientist predict that the average human only uses 10% of his or her brainpower, even when a person is concentrating so hard his brain hurts.

Which dumbass scientists claim this? None that I've ever read. This is a myth perpetrated by significance-junkies and mystery-mongers.

The data suggests that we use 100% of our brains.


Since you can't even bother to educate yourself on basic, elementary physiology, why should even the most gullible believers among the sciforums membership trust you to "teach" them anything? It would seem that anyone who wastes time asking you to define a "term" or "concept" should expect to come away a bit less informed than before they asked.
SkinWalker said:
Which dumbass scientists claim this? None that I've ever read. This is a myth perpetrated by significance-junkies and mystery-mongers.

The data suggests that we use 100% of our brains.


Since you can't even bother to educate yourself on basic, elementary physiology, why should even the most gullible believers among the sciforums membership trust you to "teach" them anything? It would seem that anyone who wastes time asking you to define a "term" or "concept" should expect to come away a bit less informed than before they asked.

I completely agree, however we are only "consciously" using less than 1% of our brains, everything else, all other behavior, actions, speech is controlled unconsciously. So if you some how could instruct yourself to do something unconsciously, it would be a lot more effective.
VitalOne said:
I completely agree, however we are only "consciously" using less than 1% of our brains, everything else, all other behavior, actions, speech is controlled unconsciously. So if you some how could instruct yourself to do something unconsciously, it would be a lot more effective.
From where the 1%?
Don't throw around numbers without crediting the source.
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Quick tip on using the power of your mind - THINK!

The "we only use 10% of our brains" myth is crap. The brain does not have 'special functions' you cannot unlock by levelling up. In fact probably the reverse; the less you're distracted the more you can concentrate on interesting things.

I think I'm going to buy a 'hippy stick'.
"The data suggests that we use 100% of our brains."

After reasearching i thing you u are correct. We use all of our brain power. However that does not explain why we can not use psychic powers in normal situations. I have come up with another conclusion. Prana is only one aspect of yoga, and yet if u have read the link then u may recognise that some breathing techniques are similar to those given by ismo in earlier sections. I will explain Prana in my own words: in this universe there are two different types of energy;life giving energy (Prana) and electrical, magnetic and gravitational energy (all types of energy that include attraction and repulsion from either two poles or positive or negative electrons etc) known as kundalini.

Ever wondered why many ancient cultures worshipped (and in the case of yoga still do worship) the sun? The yogic explanation is that the sun is the giver of all the prana energy on Earth. It is known therefore as the Hiranyagarbha (a part of the cosmic force - in other words there are many stars in the universe and they all give off such energy and the sun is one of them). We rely on the sun's prana energy for food; it gives energy to plants for photosynthesis, animals eat the plants for the same energy and we eat both the plants and the animals for that energy (unless ur vegetarian-like me).
Farmers rely on the rain to grow their crops, the rain is created by the evaporation of air due to the sun's energy (or wind is created by the difference in pressure created by the sun and which rises up the mountains to form rainfall).
The more u analyse, the more u will realise that we rely on the prana energy from the sun.

I have finished talking about prana but i have only exposed aound 10% of the knowledge so far. Next i will talk about kundalini and then i will explain my new explanation of how some people do psychic powers, even if we always use all of our brainpower. I cant do it in any other order as it won't make sense. Once again i welcome questions.
Student of Yoga said:
...that does not explain why we can not use psychic powers in normal situations.

The fact that is no such thing as psychic powers would explain it easily.

:m: Peace.
That depends on how you define psychic powers.
"Psychic" is derived from "psyche" thus a "power of psyche",
such a power for example is dreaming, planning, conceptual thought, creation of music, art, ability to hypnotise..., etc.

What does he understand by psychic powers?
And I would first like to say that I suppose most of u are atheists and may be sceptical of religious beliefs, but by extreme research and devotion I have found that all religions are linked and have similar teachings
Of course they do. And no extreme research is needed, just knowledge in human psychology. For you I suggest to research Carl Jung and archetypes of the human unconsciousness (and that's for starters). Religions and myths are very simmilar because our brains and minds are very simmilar - no matter what age or place. That's why we find the same stories and rituals all over the place. It's not an astronomical truth, it's a biological one.

Oh and I don't understand why you bring some "prana energy" into this when we have E=MC^2 and understand the Sun and the process of its' energy transformation quite a deal.
Student of Yoga said:
Ever wondered why many ancient cultures worshipped (and in the case of yoga still do worship) the sun?

The reason is obvious. Moreover, many ancient cultures even tell us why they worshiped the sun. The sun appears to "rise" and "set" with regularity. Standing in front of the sun, one can feel its "power" in the form of the radiation it emits. One cannot look at the sun directly without pain. Ancient people discovered early on that the sun and its apparent cycles were key to being successful in agriculture.

Student of Yoga said:
The yogic explanation is that the sun is the giver of all the prana energy on Earth.

What wavelength is this "prana" alleged to be? The electromagnetic energy emitted by the sun is well understood and mathematically predictive. It would seem there is little you are capable of "teaching" us at this science forum with regard to it.

Student of Yoga said:
I have finished talking about prana but i have only exposed aound 10% of the knowledge so far.

And yet you've failed to say anything at all. Mathematically, 10% of nothing is still nothing.

Student of Yoga said:
Next i will talk about kundalini and then i will explain my new explanation of how some people do psychic powers, even if we always use all of our brainpower.

If it is twice as "enlightening" as your first attempts at "teaching," I'm sure it will also be a dismal failure. One might as well read a Harry Potter book to learn the proper use of applied magic.
Student of Yoga said:
I will explain Prana in my own words: in this universe there are two different types of energy;life giving energy (Prana) and electrical, magnetic and gravitational energy (all types of energy that include attraction and repulsion from either two poles or positive or negative electrons etc) known as kundalini.

That's not bad guesswork but you missed a number of energy types while screwing up most of the rest.

The more u analyse, the more u will realise that we rely on the prana energy from the sun.

No, the more we listen to your half-baked definitions, the more we realise you have no ideas what you're talking about.

I have finished talking about prana but i have only exposed aound 10% of the knowledge so far.

Someone already mentioned that 10% of nothing is still nothing.

So, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that 10% of a pile of pooh is a turd.
attraction and repulsion from either two poles or positive or negative electrons etc) known as kundalini.
Q is quite right, you have no idea of what you are talking about, and I'm not speaking here about physics, he already did that.

Kundalini has nothing to do with real world physics, that's a misinterpretation and not understanding of a symbol. Kundalini is a metaphor describing and mapping some aspects of the human psyche (and is found from the ancient Egypt, to ancient Greece to Rome, to Mesopotamia, to Syria, to India).

But with so much misinformation on the web, I'm not surprised that many sources would like to make you think different.
Student of Yoga said:
Today scientist predict that the average human only uses 10% of his or her brainpower, even when a person is concentrating so hard his brain hurts.(And that includes when u are trying to perform psychic traits which is why there are very few solid results to begin with.) In todays world it is nearly impossible for the average human to access the remaining 90% of ones brainpower. (How to access such levels will be given in the next messages)

This is not true. It is a myth. What is true, however, is that not all of your brain is used at once. So far, scientists have not found any area of the brain that has seemingly no purpose --although parts of the brain are not always used in conjuction with one another. Would you really want to be sleeping and dreaming and having an orgasm all while eating cheerios?

Don't answer that question.

However, I'll be more than willing to remove 90% of your brain and see how well you function.

<*EDIT*> with further reading of previous posts, I realize that you've already been through this.
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"Today scientist predict that the average human only uses 10% of his or her brainpower".

Bullshit. Same a psychic powers, bullshit.

There, turned out YOU learnt something.
Go study something else besides yoga, or go back to school.