Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*


Is this asking for proof again?
I'll ask this again...
Proof it does not exist.

If you are asking for proof, I'm not going further whit this.
Let's say this: We don't do that...
Originally posted by Psy-learner

Is this asking for proof again?
I'll ask this again...
Proof it does not exist.

If you are asking for proof, I'm not going further whit this.
Let's say this: We don't do that...

Well then, in the same breath I can say:I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT AT THIS PRECISE MOMENT!!..no proof needed i'm Psychic!

you said:Is this asking for proof again?
I'll ask this again...
Proof it does not exist.

If proof does not exist, then Psychic powers are not a REALITY!!!!
Originally posted by Psy-learner
Interesting theory...

You don't believe in god, heaven and hell, do you?
What is your religion?

I believe in a creator ..heaven and hell are within us!:rolleyes:
what is interesting for me is why do you bother coming and telling us they do not exist?

If you choose to believe so do so.

On the other hand I do not have any physic powers, however I open myself and try to learn. I will prove to myself if they exist or not for me. I have not gotten far at all, but I have managed to be able to calm myself and relax myself like never before using meditation and I have also learned and can now see my aura. If you care to know I can tell you how to learn it, but as I have understood and completely agree with, you have to give it a chance and not try to learn by critisising. First try and then critisise.

You said you tried to lern when you were small? Well perhaps your mind was not develped enough then? I do not know, just a theory. Perhaps you so wanted it to happen and were forcing instead of trying to understand it.

Also, I want to add that although proof of various issues do exist, many things are not proven. However let me ask you: Would you understand if a physics or math teacher came and prooved to you something reall complex. No (unless that's your profession). Same applies to all areas of expertise.

I believe the mind has to develop slowly and understand. I try to grasp the general and basic concepts before asking for more or going for more. This is just like any other science. Takes time, takes belief, takes efford, takes dedication.

At the end i will prove it, but only for myseld.
Originally posted by James R
Die hard skeptics and disbelievers won't even try untill someone has given them *solid* evidence...

Wrong, at least in my case.

I tried all the psychic stuff when I was younger. I used to think it would be cool to have psychic powers.
On a page of Spirit Online
Purity of the Heart

Why do you want to learn TK? You reasons must be positive and your intent must be pure. If you wish to learn it to harm people, to profit off a strange talent, or just to impress your friends, forget about it. Learn it to exercise the mind, learn it to challenge your reality. Don't try it for some kind of cheap glory. If that's your intent, you'll get nowhere.

One lesson in making post replies, use quote only to reply on sometthings from another message, not the one you are actually replying to...

What was I gonna reply?
Ow yeah, Read the above, and you'll know what probably went wrong...
Don't misunderstand what they say on spirit online.
Sure you could do it for a cheap glory and harm people, the only thing is, your goals get too clouded by things you desire.

There surely is proof somewhere about some psychic abilities, but you have to diserve things in life...
Don't ask me for proof, you want it? FIND IT!

It seems gchaos is making some progress, I'm glad whit that :)
And whit an ability that is based on a proven existance. ;)

Glad to hear that gchaos, just don't give in like those guys do...
Hi peoples :) I'm looking for any help with Dreaming. I have dreamed lucidly for as long as I can remember and I have had shared dreams with people I am very close to. Its like I wake up someplace else, and sometimes I stay there for days, weeks and once, a very long time. But I was wondering more about the shared dreams, I have a hard time sustaining myself, or the dream... or wherever I am if its a shared dream. The people I have been with in dream have asked why I just leave sometimes or why I'm fuzzy and fade in and out. I was wondering If anyone knew of any techniques that can help one focus or stabilize dreams when they are on the verge of waking/dreaming. :bugeye:
Any help would be appreciated :D

Gchaos, keep playing, thats all you can do, think of it this way how do young animals and humans learn normal activities? by playing. I think its the same with spiritual development. But remember as a little kid youve probably had skinned knees and busted yer arse many a time so be careful. It sounds like you found the right path for yourself so see where it leads :cool:

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It's true, you'll learn much faster if you do it playfully...

I mentioned it to Banshee a few monthes ago.
There was something about children being a lot in the alpha-state when playing...

And it seemd that children who played more and vizualized more where developing better...

But I have a question for you Serinanth...
What kind of techniques did you use or have you tried to stabelize the dreams?

I know little about lucid dreaming and shared dreaming...
I know the basic thing that lucid dream is controllable and shared dreams are using telepathy most ot the time...

Maybe try to let your body get more relaxed and that most of your focus goes to the telepathic connection then the dream itself...

Try to balance it a bit...
Or experiment whit it a lot.
Also try to use a lot of telepathy to train it.
And meditate a lot to get a very clear visualization.

If you try to train them both, the result could help you.
Just try at least one of these things :)

Even if you manage to have ease whit your trainings, try to make them harder in some other way, so you still would have a goal to set yourself to and reach it.

That's all the advise I could give you at the moment.
Um I’m new but there is something I need to ask I haven’t read the privies posts to much but I was born with the ability to dream of future events but nothing big just small things such as me and my friends playing computer and such things but I though that it happens to everybody.
I’m going to be straight I’m 17 and kind of new at being psychic thing but I have done allot of research the last few weeks.
What brought this interest on was a few weeks ago I moved my pen without touching it, but not where i wanted it but I don’t know how I guess it was because it was in the middle of a test and the need to reach the pen was all that was going through my mind but when I tried at home nothing happened. Well in any way that’s what shot my interest.
I want to ask no plead for someone to help.
I have thought about it a lot and I want to further these talents but not to hurt if someone could correspond by e-mail PLZ help!

My E-mail: bpdb@mweb.co.za
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Well, I can't E-mail you because you've disabled recieving mail through the boards...

The thing of precognetive dreams is probably the most common thing.

But mostly it's just thought of coincedince or deja vu....
If it happens a lot, then your abilities aredeveloped a bit further then the average person.

About the case whit the pen, try to remember it, in the best detail you can...
Did the table move or anything?
Because you'd better could be sure that there where not other factors involved...

Just stick to the remembering part :)
Because you'd have to try your best to remember how you felth, what you felth, what you imagined, what you exactly did, as much as possible...

When you want to try it again, try to simulate that moment.
To recreate what happened back then...

Did you try to meditate before you tried?
Because meditation is a great technique to prepare yourself for these kind of things...

Just post here on any results otr more questions about it...
Well I did read that while in dream if you feel that the dream is becoming unstable to try and focus on your hands or something near you in the dream and that will sometimes stabilize it. I had a little sucess with that tech a few years ago but it does not seem to work with the shared dreams at all :( .

It feels like I am being forced out of the dream, its not pleasant. The same thing happens in normal dreams if I break the rules of wherever I am. Ive learned to test the water so to speak so I dont get ejected that often in the normal dreams (bend but do not break). But in the shared dreams Ive tried focusing on the person I'm with, on my hands, anything around me and just trying to will the dream to stability, which worked a little but is getting harder to do. Meditating before sleep helps a bit, especially when I am consious during the transition from waking to dreaming. As for goals... the universe seems to enjoy keeping me on my toes and seeing what I can do :bugeye:

Thanks for responding =)

No problem...

But whit the shared dreams, is it yours of the other persons?
Maybe if you go to the person and try to let them focus on their dreams, maybe it will help a bit...
Maybe you are being forced out by their sub-consious.

If you can guide those persons in your dream on how to stay focussed and how to stabelize the shared dream, maybe it'll work and you can prevent being forced out...
Thats the real question isint it... if its shared, who's dream is it? :bugeye:

We have found that both participants have control in the dream and we only end up together if there is the desire to be together. But my friends dont have shared dreams with any other people so I guess I'm some sort of catalyst? I dont know I'm still trying to figure this out too :D . I suppose I might be going to their dreams because they comment on my fading in and out and just going poof and they continue in the dream world.
Mebby I have a bad connection hehe.

Although that being forced out feeling is definatly a bad vibe and its not the other participant, it feels outside, a couple of times one of my friends said her dream went to crap after I left and could have used my help. The first time I ever had a shared dream was a messed up night... I'm on a role and no one has called me bonkers yet (hee I think I am sometimes though :D ) so I might as well spill the beanz.

I woke up there she was, my friend "Missy". I was confused to say the least, until I realized I must have been dreaming. I looked into her eyes, and she looked back, something was not right this wasn’t normal. I could still somewhat feel my body lying in bed in Beaverton Oregon, yet when she stood and hugged me I felt the touch of her skin and the warmth of her body. Mind you, she lives in Maine. My mind was reeling I could not understand what was happening, I was conscious but it felt as if I had two bodies, one in Oregon and one somewhere else, I wasn’t sure where, it was a cozy room, she kissed me and then my senses of my body laying in Oregon faded, I was only with her now. We spoke with each other, she said, “I so do not want to wake up from this” and then we made love, it was incredible to say the least. I still knew it was a dream, but for some reason I didn’t care, it was real now, that was all that mattered to us. After both of us were spent, everything began to fade it felt like we were being torn apart, and the dream ended. I awoke again in my bed alone in Oregon, my heart was racing and I was exhausted. I decided to take a cold shower, to try and clear my mind of what happened. While showering I noticed the room wasn’t right, the lights werent normal, I tried to turn on more lights but nothing changed crap!!…still dreaming!!, I woke up again in bed and if what happened afterward was a dream than I am still asleep dreaming as I write this now. I felt a presence in the room, it was very alien and it scared the crap out of me, I sat up and there was a shadowy figure in the doorway to my room. It said something in a guttural language that I did not understand per say, but I got the gist of it. It was a warning… I was frozen in fear as it spoke, utter terror, I could not move at all. It’s not something I wish to experience again. Then it vanished into the shadows, when I could move, I reached for my sword that I keep at the head of my bed, everyone makes fun of me for it. Hah… my reasons had just manifested before me, what the hell I would have been able to against a shadow I have no clue. I did not sleep the rest of that night. In the morning I spoke to Missy and she told me about the wonderful dream she had and how she wondered if it was me… I asked her some questions about the dream about things I said to her and had done. “Your ears…” I asked, she interrupted me and said that I had paid quite a bit of attention to them, I remembered that her ears were pointy and sexy as hell... She said she had a thing about Elves (Tolkien style) and that she saw herself as an elf in a lot of her dreams. There were other things too but it was all too much it was her in the dream, we were together, we didn’t by coincidence have a dream that was similar, we had one dream, together. She asked me questions about the dream now too, and her silence after I replied showed she knew what had happened as well… There were subtle differences in the way we perceived each other and ourselves which I found very interesting...

We just kinda sat there on the phone quiet for a while... She said she was scared, I was scared too, not something I admit to in most cases, trying to be the big strong guy and all, but I was, and I could not deny it and said it. To this day this stuff scares the bejeezus out of me there is ALOT of crap going on out there that I dont know about and dont understand and it makes me feel tiny scared and sometimes powerless... I suppose thats why I do as much as I can to learn about it, to get as much input about everything as I can, so I dont have to be afraid any more.
I have a couple a questions...

Umm...hi. I have a couple of questions...
1.I've tried makeing psi balls before and sheilds and stuff like that, but I never really know if they are working or not. I'll get like a tingly feeling when I make a psi ball, but I don't know if it's actually there, or my arms are just falling asleep...and if I try to throw one or something, how do I know where it is?

2.I get deja vu a lot, you know, you remeber the same exsact thing happening, but it's never happened before; I get that at least once or twice a day...is that anything to do with paranormal stuff?

Umm...yeah, I just started this stuff, so I would much appritiate your help.

Thanks ;)

:m: Ohh...cool...never seen this one before...:m: huh...:bugeye:

Thanks for replying so fast i have now read the entire forum and have found the TK exersize any tips for the dreams on how to make the dream stronger or last longer or anything like that

O for the sceptic on the last few pages:
People fear what they do not understand
And understanding only comes from experiminting and doing it yourself so what can we say if you are too lazy to do it yourself then dont bother asking for proof!!! :)

O and THANKS alot you guys helped alot and Psy learner please try to E-mail me agian i think i fixed the problem

E-Mial addres: BPDB@MWEB.CO.ZA

Great news

I think i have found a great site that is complete in trianing and new telepathy Teqniquise i have not checked it out properly but i think it's a great sit so far OK here it is Psy learner check it out and give your opinion

Well, I have looked through it quickly, and I have to say that they really seem to know what they are talking about...
Unfortunately I don't ahve a lot of time on my hands now to check it out completely, I will soon though...

I really gotta see it for myself...
I'll try my best to be active on these forums again...
