Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*

So, welcome back to the course of TK and Psychic powers, and of course energy manipulation...

Did you by any chance gave up on Telekinesis?
Did you do one of the simpellest to learn TK practices?

-*Like, stuck on the Psi-wheel tech?*-

So you gave up after months of training whit that technique and still no full controll over it...
And admit it, you probably gave up because of that...

Well, why quit while you where half way there?
You did it in te first place to control somewhat over it, so train in different ways...

*I found these words and are setting them here only to help, and I'll stick to it myself...*

Start again if you gave up, and try something a level up...
From the psi-wheel, try to step up to a pencil, and try to roll it across a sstraight surface...

So maybe it won't work the first time.
Maybe it does if you're lucky *like I was whit the Psi-wheel*
So just expect to have somewhat time to accomplish that...

Even like it doesn't do anything while you try, just keep on doing that like whit your lower level tech...
When you are able to do that technique for a bit, go back to the psi-wheel, but stick to the pencil all the time first...

Now when you get back to the psi-wheel, you probably get more control over that...
That's the thing you have to do, always be a level further then you can do...
If you did like it is discribed here, do as your next task to slide the pencil instead of rolling it...

Now if I do get info on another way to improve your tk skill, I'll post it again here ;)

And do message more, the more we share, the better we can get to a higher level.
Just do the right thing whit it...

Alright, still feeling a little bit helpless whit it?
Maybe it's a help to add this to it...

Try to do a hard technique, knocking over a cup or glass, or even the Dancing Flame technique...

Like first, dedicate to these techniques...
Practice it for *even* months...
Go for the goal of practice, not specially for the sucseeding...

Now, after all that practicing, try an easier one, like the Psi-wheel for one, or rolling/sliding a pencil...
When it works better, you'll know that you are making progress...
And always go back at this harder technique to ascend to a higher level of TK...

When you reached a higher level, continue only this one whit the goal of good practice, and to sucseed...
When you do Sucseed, you'll probably get going good, and TK will be easier then at the first most time :)

Then You have to do it yourself, by choosing a harder challange to get to higher levels, and always practice it...
Just don't give up, and try to stick to it as much as possible...

Hope you will Sucseed ;)
Did you by any chance gave up on Telekinesis?
Did you do one of the simpellest to learn TK practices?

Perhaps, due in part that TK requires powerful mind control to manipulate energy according to TK proponents, those that developed or already possessed such power realized TK is pure baloney.

So you gave up after months of training whit that technique and still no full controll over it...
And admit it, you probably gave up because of that...

There are but few things in the real world which after months of training cannot be mastered to a certain degree. If after months of training at TK, one should be able, at the very least, make a pencil "quiver." Of course, one with a weak mind would certainly not have the discipline to train for months at TK or anything else for that matter. If a strong mind be, one would certainly not waste months attempting to move a pencil but would instead invest their time in more productive ventures.

Just don't give up, and try to stick to it as much as possible...

Hope you will Sucseed

I'm somewhat at a loss to understand why one should waste their time, and what appears to be a lot of time, trying to make a pencil roll across a table. What ultimate purpose will this serve ? What gain is there to be had ?

And for that matter, if you could actually achieve this goal, would you use this new found power for good or evil ? Will you be touring the theaters and concert halls of the world showing off your pencil rolling abilities to the masses ? Perhaps the networks will provide you with your own TV show ? Hollywood make a movie ? A knighthood ? World domination ?

Please enlighten us as to the future of pencil motion.
Well, I would use it for good, not showing it off, and not just a cheap trick for only fetshing a pencil when I need to.
It's only a way to measure your powers.

I feel like I'd need it some time, dunno why presicely, but I do...
And it's the persons own choise if he/she sees it as a waste of time or not.

I'd rather waste my time on this whit the feeling I would need it some day then searching for the meaning of life, what would take at least *what least? Just* A LOT of ages, and present the world something they maybe care for a day or 2...

Now THAT's a waste of time, isn't it?
Searching for years like a lot, find the meaning, care for it 2 days and losing interest for that challange...

Well, it's your choise :)
It's only a way to measure your powers.

Someone with a strong mind need not measure their powers by rolling a pencil across a desk. The mind was never meant for such use and in fact, can not be used for that purpose. The "power" of the mind is synaptic interaction internal to the brain and is limited to the contents of your skull. Thus one would measure their powers by the use of this interaction.

I feel like I'd need it some time, dunno why presicely, but I do...

If all you have is a gut feeling with no set of short or long term goals, then perhaps you should ask yourself what this gut feeling is really trying to tell you. It may in fact be telling you not to waste your time with this nonsense. Your own sense of self reasoning is trying to overcome your delusion. That is a very good sign and should not be taken lightly.

And it's the persons own choise if he/she sees it as a waste of time or not.

Quite true. However, when other people see someone wasting their time, in any way, they are concerned for that persons well being and sometimes wish to reach out in order to help that person become more productive. If one has the opportunities to lead a productive life and they choose to throw it away on meaningless nonsense, they become a burden for the rest of society. You would be surprised to know that those that have not the opportunities to lead productive lives, for example those in third world nations, are more infuriated than most. They find it hard to believe that people living in rich, free nations would waste their lives in such a way.

I'd rather waste my time on this whit the feeling I would need it some day then searching for the meaning of life, what would take at least *what least? Just* A LOT of ages, and present the world something they maybe care for a day or 2...

First of all, the meaning of life is to live, pure and simple. You need not search any further. And secondly, why waste your time at all. Life is short. You'll be dead and gone in the blink of an eye, so to speak.

Now THAT's a waste of time, isn't it?
Searching for years like a lot, find the meaning, care for it 2 days and losing interest for that challange...

If what you're trying to say is that spending a lifetime searching for the meaning of life is a waste of time, I'd have to agree with you. But that's no reason to spend your time searching other fruitless avenues.

Well, it's your choise

Again, I agree, it's my choice. It is also my choice to attempt in helping you see the folly of this nonsense. You may also make the choice in listening to reason or not. I would be saddened to know you will continue to spend your time trying to make pencils roll across tables. It is simple human nature for us not to sit idle and watch the days roll by, or in this case, pencils. ;)
Well you solved the reason of live quickly, and I agree, just live it :)

But the scieentists of today don't understand that...
And I don't see what is so fruitless about training TK...
I'm not only after TK, but training the whole mind and body...

The reason of life it to live, the reason of approcriation is evolution...

Our bodies aren't menth for the purpose of sitting on a chair all day trying to make your eyez squared only for the enjoyment.
It'll wreck our species even if it will be like that.

You can eighter try to have fun in life wasting time to evolve our species or you could eighter rot away everything of your possibilities whitout wasting time, and still have fun.

What don't you see as a waste of time?
School is, work is, computers are...
The only thing that it is not is the thing you have fun whit and trying to evolve, perfection of either yourself or your offspring,. and even both if possible :)
And I don't see what is so fruitless about training TK...
I'm not only after TK, but training the whole mind and body...

Training for what ? You admitted yourself you have no idea what you're training for and why you're doing it and all you can attest to is a "feeling.". You therefore have no purpose in life whatsoever other than to waste time staring at pencils. I submit you are misinterpreting your "feelings" and that your mind and body are telling you so.

Our bodies aren't menth for the purpose of sitting on a chair all day trying to make your eyez squared only for the enjoyment.

Agreed, then why are you doing just that ?

You can eighter try to have fun in life wasting time to evolve our species or you could eighter rot away everything of your possibilities whitout wasting time, and still have fun.

A waste of your time is simply a waste of your time, no hidden meanings. You are deluding yourself into thinking you are evolving the species by sitting around all day doing nothing. Wasting time is NOT fun. You will quickly understand that when there is little time left in your life.

[iWhat don't you see as a waste of time?
School is, work is, computers are...[/i]

Now you're contradiction yourself. Do you not go to school to gain knowledge? Do you not work or are you financially independent ? Do you use a computer ? If you answered no to any of these questions, you are in contradiction.

Someone who is able to use these opportunities but instead throws them aside is a disgrace to those who have not the opportunities you so easily balk. If all you want to do is sit around all day staring at pencils, please exchange your life and all it could provide with someone from a third world nation who will obviously exploit and appreciate those opportunities you discard. They would give anything to go to school, to work or to use a computer.

The only thing that it is not is the thing you have fun whit and trying to evolve, perfection of either yourself or your offspring,. and even both if possible

Nonsense. You will perfect little more than the art of growing carbuncles. ;)
You admitted yourself you have no idea what you're training for and why you're doing it

Uhhh, where, when, how?
I only pointed out 1 of the things, that it was a strong feeling that doesn't tell me stop, but driving me to do that.

Sure, I work, no, just skipped 1 year of school, because I want to have a fall-back for things that could happen when I go further whit education.
Yes, I do use a computer.

But what kind of knowledge do we need?

I feel I am missing one that is missed out for at least 97% of the time.
what could it be ;)

ow, by the way, since when are pencils squared?
I only heard you zould get squared eyes from something emitting radiation and are SQUARED.

uhh, what radiates and has a square shape?
Well, you probably know ;)

but you do have to know there are also otther ways to develop our knowledge...
And that we, *a so called far developed species* are in our infency whit our *knowlegde*

Something tells me we don't know squat yet...
ow, there is that feeling again that deludes me.

Aw, what the heck, just consider this message a deluded piece of time wasting and non-sence

Sorry to say it, but we are getting of track by wasting our time cramming the thread full of subject NOT menth for this forum, so what ever you are gonna send, I will not reply to it, I'm staying on the threads meaning of existence...

sorry for jumping in so late, i have read the whole forum, i have a few questions, i want to work on the development of my psychic skills, but where do i start? should i find someone to teach or guide me? where do i find such help?
Hi, welcome to this thread *and sci-forums*...

Sorry for my late reply, but I'll answer your questions...

I learned that you actually have to start at basic energy training, or some simple things that aren't THAT exiting...

A teacher would be fine to develope your skills whit.
If there are some centers near you that teach a form of yoga, like rei-ki for instance, you could ask for advise on finding a teacher...

I already know why Ki and Chi are use very much in yoga and martial-arts training, but I'll get in to that later for you if you want...

Here are 3 links that I mostly advise:

The first link is one of the most famous and best site's around, but the server selled it's domain, so PsiPog adopted that section :)

PsiPog is one of the great ones too so take a look at it too ;)

But stick whit the first link, and do read all the things on how to start and then go to the basics, then if you train seriously, you'll probably do fine...

Well, hope to get a message back, greetings...
thanks for the links psy learner, im going to start with the basic energy training right away. im really excited bout finally finding help with this subject. Ill let ya know bout my progress
psy-learner i have been practicing for a while now with my martial art teacher, as you know he droped me with his power, i have moved a few glasses and bottles with ease will be trying bigger things later on in my training.
i just started with the basic skills, grounding, centering, and making psi balls. Since i have started my forehead, where my third eye would be, feels like it is throbbing and twiching all the time. Seemingly for no reason. Is this normal?
Well, that's impressive BLASTOFF, you're learning it fast, no doubt about it :D

about the third-eye case, I geard more about that, I think it is natural for some people to feel that...

maybe you could try some third-eye techniques, you could probably be skilled in that area...
But if you do other things, try to combine things whit tyour third eye, or do as you did before...
*If you ignored it, ignore it, if you used it, use it :)*

Well, good luck whit your trainings :)
ismu and psy-learner i m still practicing my master blind folded me last week and then he tossed a stone at me it hit me twice but he told me to see through the blind fold and to try to see the stone, i did and i caught it five times in a row, i feel different in my self my life seems better and it is passing over my family, the whole family seems happier, my master says i am getting a strong physic ability,
Hi Blastoff, sorry for the late reply...

It seems your abilities are growing far more faster then mine...
The only advise I could give at the moment is to practice it a few times a week...
And whit this training, you probably could sence your family and friends their emotions.
And of course share yours esier whit them...

It seems like the real empathy ability...
Ask your master if you could train more on that, it could come in handy for restoring someone's happyness...

Well, Good luck on your training, it appears you're doing great. :)

anyone (banshee, others)
practiced in the 'powers'
maybe you could read my comment on the other
telepathy/teleportation thread.....
I don't know where to go next.
I mean, I have no telekinesis practice yet and
my telepathy is shotty, at best, but it is there
and seems to want to 'practice'
but I'm not sure what to do next.....
I like to do good and witness harmony!
I also like to be funny.
I am insatiably mischevious and try not
to let that get too far.

love susan
psy-learner/ i practice every night for about two maybe three hours, and at week ends i spend a lot more time with my master, as much as i can, my wife comes with me so there is no trouble there, she loves medatating, and is getting good, my children have there own lives, but come some times to see us, but i spend a lot of time on my own when i am on the farm, i like it that way, i am getting better but have a long long long way to go, this i have been told, i have also been told not to get big headed,
I was talking to a Shaolin master the other day. He had me count 123123123 and then waved his hand across my face. It was pretty neat I felt a shock move through my head and lost my concentration. We started laughing. He said "its a good trick to use on your girlfriend". :D

BLASTOFF lucky guy my girlfriend isn't so understanding. I will complain that I have barley trained and she will say "Ah you train to much anyways..spend more time with me". That Shaolin trick could come in handy hmmmmm....... ;)

Speaking of which i should go train now.
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speaking of the shockwave thing...

Hehehe i figured out how to do that shockwave thing... Although i havent managed to do it without some sort of physical contact.... Me and my girlfriend can do this, makes kissing even better.(wink)