So far in this discussion,
--you have insulted alpha by insisting your data on
audio sound dynamics in the brain did not conclude "voice-comparator" capabilities/areas, which may be "recognized as output", during the same listener's quiet hours.
You have refused to answer questions asked about your thoughts on mental illness, as it applies to the same audio brain circuits discussed above. Instead of questioning that these same circuits can become damaged, diseased, or debilitated into output of wanton instead become defensive.
--others have offered credible "godship motive" flaws, only to be replyed to in a similar defensive posture. Defensive to the edge of rudeness.
--you offered me no credible data to bolster your claims that human interaction is important to "afterlife status quality".
My new religion states you will be in a "lake of fire"**, just for not trying to escape that fate. By understanding your own personal "planck realm" interactions, you could avoid this fate. But you won't.
**Don't fret... this "lake" is a "quantum soup", and you won't feel any pain--it's not a punishment, just a natural phenomenon