Jesus Without The Bible...?

Wow. So God writes in code so that some people will take the wrong path and burn for eternity. Do you really believe this shit?

Yes. That’s why i said it. Do you think I posted it for a joke?

People who disagree with the central Message will never be lead to true wisdom. There are a lot of religions filled with people heading down a path to nowhere.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Hey, I think what some may be saying, me included, there are those who claim to hear God. For example there was a woman in the town I live who killed her children. Why? Because she said God told her to.

Do you believe that the Biblical God told her to do this? Why or why not? I mean this is the same God that ordered 42 bears to rip apart and kill children because they made fun of a prophet for being bald.

But, back to the point, just because someone tells them God told them to do this or that doesn't make it more than those in the Bible who claimed God told them to do so.

Like, I'm sure your immediate thought about the woman who killed her children was she's nuts and certainly not an action you'd agree with. So why agree with those who claim God told them to kill people for him in the Bible or believe that God ordered an army to kill for him?

I guess what I'm asking is what makes it okay back then and not now? Why think when its done in the Bible it's okay vs someone like that mother killing her children not being okay?

my point is, and perhaps i didn't make it clear, is that it doesn't matter who or what told her to do that. what matters is that she did. she didn't have to you know? like i said, we hear things and see things all day long every day, whether it's physical or spiritual in nature, doesn't matter. we are still responsible to discern and make choices for ourselves. we are not robots. bottom line is, if that bitch didn't want to kill her kids, then she didn't have to do it. nobody forced her to. she could have told the voice no. you know?
Yes. That’s why i said it. Do you think I posted it for a joke?

People who disagree with the central Message will never be lead to true wisdom. There are a lot of religions filled with people heading down a path to nowhere.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If the central message it that we are all human and are all in this together, then I'm down with that.

But if it's that god had to come to Earth and kill himself because someone ate an apple, then that's a little ludicrous don't ya think?
If the central message it that we are all human and are all in this together, then I'm down with that.

But if it's that god had to come to Earth and kill himself because someone ate an apple, then that's a little ludicrous don't ya think?

wow, you're a deep thinker. lol...:confused:
I just read a paper that stated Jesus didn't come to save Monkey"s . If that is true Monkey Man might have to reconsider letting Him into the Great House . Na It is not true . I guess he can stay .
wow, you're a deep thinker. lol...:confused:
You obviously haven't read your Bible. :bugeye:

Jesus' purpose was to "reconcile" man's relationship to "God". The relationship was f-d up due to a "rebellion" in the garden of Eden. The required "ransom" was the death of a perfect human. The whole "blood of the lamb" bs. Without a literal Garden of Eden, the entire Jesus myth falls apart.

The Bible - look into it. :rolleyes:
You obviously haven't read your Bible. :bugeye:

Jesus' purpose was to "reconcile" man's relationship to "God". The relationship was f-d up due to a "rebellion" in the garden of Eden. The required "ransom" was the death of a perfect human. The whole "blood of the lamb" bs. Without a literal Garden of Eden, the entire Jesus myth falls apart.

The Bible - look into it. :rolleyes:

yes i'm well aware of christ's purpose, and your second try was better than your first.
well of course. i have plenty of data.

So far in this discussion,
--you have insulted alpha by insisting your data on
audio sound dynamics in the brain did not conclude "voice-comparator" capabilities/areas, which may be "recognized as output", during the same listener's quiet hours.
You have refused to answer questions asked about your thoughts on mental illness, as it applies to the same audio brain circuits discussed above. Instead of questioning that these same circuits can become damaged, diseased, or debilitated into output of wanton instead become defensive.

--others have offered credible "godship motive" flaws, only to be replyed to in a similar defensive posture. Defensive to the edge of rudeness.

--you offered me no credible data to bolster your claims that human interaction is important to "afterlife status quality".

My new religion states you will be in a "lake of fire"**, just for not trying to escape that fate. By understanding your own personal "planck realm" interactions, you could avoid this fate. But you won't.

**Don't fret... this "lake" is a "quantum soup", and you won't feel any pain--it's not a punishment, just a natural phenomenon ;)

my point is, and perhaps i didn't make it clear, is that it doesn't matter who or what told her to do that.

Don’t you think it would matter if “God” told her that or do you believe that God would never tell anyone to do something like that? But, yet, he has order killings in the Bible a lot. So, how does one discern whether God indeed ordered soldiers to slaughter babies in the Bible vs this women’s sincere belief that God order her to kill her children?

what matters is that she did. she didn't have to you know?

Oh, yeah, true, I totally get that. Do you think had she of not killed her children, then, that it would be considered a sin in God’s eyes for not having followed his commands?

like i said, we hear things and see things all day long every day, whether it's physical or spiritual in nature, doesn't matter. we are still responsible to discern and make choices for ourselves.

It’s all about personal beliefs then and not necessarily what’s truth, wouldn’t you say? Eg The woman who killed her children believed God told her to do this. Her belief, though, doesn’t make it so.

we are not robots. bottom line is, if that bitch didn't want to kill her kids, then she didn't have to do it. nobody forced her to. she could have told the voice no. you know?

But if she felt she was doing her Christian obligation, obeying God, then she chose her obedience to God over her protection of her children . (like when god told abraham to kill Isaac his son) So if she didn’t kill them, she very well could have felt she would be sinning against God.

Let’s not forget, too, she could be mentally unstable as well and if that is a possibility, then that means others in the Bible who acted in violence by what they claimed to be God's command could have been mentally unstable as well.

Don’t you think it would matter if “God” told her that or do you believe that God would never tell anyone to do something like that? But, yet, he has order killings in the Bible a lot. So, how does one discern whether God indeed ordered soldiers to slaughter babies in the Bible vs this women’s sincere belief that God order her to kill her children?

Oh, yeah, true, I totally get that. Do you think had she of not killed her children, then, that it would be considered a sin in God’s eyes for not having followed his commands?

It’s all about personal beliefs then and not necessarily what’s truth, wouldn’t you say? Eg The woman who killed her children believed God told her to do this. Her belief, though, doesn’t make it so.

But if she felt she was doing her Christian obligation, obeying God, then she chose her obedience to God over her protection of her children . (like when god told abraham to kill Isaac his son) So if she didn’t kill them, she very well could have felt she would be sinning against God.

Let’s not forget, too, she could be mentally unstable as well and if that is a possibility, then that means others in the Bible who acted in violence by what they claimed to be God's command could have been mentally unstable as well.

it just doesn't matter to me heart. none of that matters to me at all. i don't care if it was god or wasn't god. i don't care what she thought about sinning against god. SHE HAD A CHOICE AND SHE MADE IT. that's it.

now i've heard god's voice, and if i ever heard him tell me to kill my child i would tell him HELL NO, and i would have to live with that, just like that lady has to live with the fact that she killed her children. i'd tell god that if he wanted my kids dead, then he'd have to kill them himself. :shrug:
So far in this discussion,
--you have insulted alpha by insisting your data on
audio sound dynamics in the brain did not conclude "voice-comparator" capabilities/areas, which may be "recognized as output", during the same listener's quiet hours.
You have refused to answer questions asked about your thoughts on mental illness, as it applies to the same audio brain circuits discussed above. Instead of questioning that these same circuits can become damaged, diseased, or debilitated into output of wanton instead become defensive.

--others have offered credible "godship motive" flaws, only to be replyed to in a similar defensive posture. Defensive to the edge of rudeness.

--you offered me no credible data to bolster your claims that human interaction is important to "afterlife status quality".

My new religion states you will be in a "lake of fire"**, just for not trying to escape that fate. By understanding your own personal "planck realm" interactions, you could avoid this fate. But you won't.

**Don't fret... this "lake" is a "quantum soup", and you won't feel any pain--it's not a punishment, just a natural phenomenon ;)

i'm not being evasive or defensive. what you (and others) are failing to understand is that my relationship with god is not FOR you. i have reiterated that several times. what don't you understand about that?
You can dress it up anyway you like, it still doesn't make it anymore plausible.

it's not about dressing it up, and it's not my fault if you don't understand it. if you really want to understand it, then i'd say "try harder". :shrug:
If someone is really hearing voices that they think are another entity and over which they have no control....Wow. Son of Sam did too. Sorry.

My imaginary friend thinks yours is a jerk. :D
I have read several parts of the Bible (certainly not all) and even studied it in a college classroom. I have read and studied parts of it many times. I find no reward for the effort. It is a totally unsophisticated, half gibberish set of very loosely connected, and sometimes totally unconnected, set of stories, obviously written by folks who, as Lewis Black says "were one hair away from a baboon."

This, by the way, does NOT apply to the U.S. Constitution. :D
i'm not being evasive or defensive. what you (and others) are failing to understand is that my relationship with god is not FOR you. i have reiterated that several times. what don't you understand about that?
Ahh, but my inter-relationship with the universe (a proven entity, not a myth) is FOR you, to better give you a heads up. What don't you understand about that?
Ahh, but my inter-relationship with the universe (a proven entity, not a myth) is FOR you, to better give you a heads up. What don't you understand about that?

well since i'm not buying it, what difference does that make?
it just doesn't matter to me heart. none of that matters to me at all. i don't care if it was god or wasn't god. i don't care what she thought about sinning against god. SHE HAD A CHOICE AND SHE MADE IT. that's it.

I understand that you’re not so much concerned with this particular woman’s choice, as she is responsible for her own actions. What I’m curious about is how any Christian can praise/advocate/accept etc…God’s actions in the Bible, be it directly or indirectly, when it comes to killing or commanding a person to kill. Why is it okay in the Bible but not accepted in Christian society today?

now i've heard god's voice, and if i ever heard him tell me to kill my child i would tell him HELL NO, and i would have to live with that, just like that lady has to live with the fact that she killed her children. i'd tell god that if he wanted my kids dead, then he'd have to kill them himself.

So, according to your religious belief regarding the Biblical God, it is okay to not always do what he commands? I guess I’m confused because the Bible says that sin separates one from God- either you are for God or you are against God, no lukewarm stuff, as God spits the lukewarm out of his mouth. Please realize I’m not trying to stir you up (and I'm not calling you lukewarm), just discussing with you some stuff that I’m curious about is all and how some Christians reconcile things.
I understand that you’re not so much concerned with this particular woman’s choice, as she is responsible for her own actions. What I’m curious about is how any Christian can praise/advocate/accept etc…God’s actions in the Bible, be it directly or indirectly, when it comes to killing or commanding a person to kill. Why is it okay in the Bible but not accepted in Christian society today?

who says it's not accepted? people kill people all the time. how many wars are going on right now?

So, according to your religious belief regarding the Biblical God, it is okay to not always do what he commands? I guess I’m confused because the Bible says that sin separates one from God- either you are for God or you are against God, no lukewarm stuff, as God spits the lukewarm out of his mouth. Please realize I’m not trying to stir you up (and I'm not calling you lukewarm), just discussing with you some stuff that I’m curious about is all and how some Christians reconcile things.

lol. god knows i'm not lukewarm. did i tell you about the time i apologized for being such a bitch to him and he said, "well, at least you're yelling at me". hahahaha. i thought that was very funny! :D

heart, if god has made one thing clear to me during our relationship, it's that he doesn't want me to be a pussy. he wants me to be accountable, and to be ok with myself. being ok with yourself isn't as easy as it might sound, but many times it requires standing up for yourself. god knows me better than i know myself heart. he knows my answer before i give it, and he doesn't do anything in futility.

at the end of the day, i HAVE to be ok with who i am and why, and i trust my intentions. god has almost forced me to do that, and i appreciate it too.
who says it's not accepted? people kill people all the time. how many wars are going on right now?

Well, what I mean are the stories in the Bible where God directly ordered the soldiers to kill sweet little innocent babies. They weren’t demon babies, just babies. Christians think it’s okay that the Biblical God commanded this - yet when someone like this mother sincerely believes that God commanded her to kill her children, it’s all the sudden not okay and I’m willing to bet that you, or any other Christian, would feel that this woman is wrong &/or a few french fries short of a Happy Meal. What’s the difference between God ordering the soldiers to kill the babies or God ordering this woman to kill her children? See what I’m getting at?