Jesus Without The Bible...?

Well, what I mean are the stories in the Bible where God directly ordered the soldiers to kill sweet little innocent babies. They weren’t demon babies, just babies. Christians think it’s okay that the Biblical God commanded this - yet when someone like this mother sincerely believes that God commanded her to kill her children, it’s all the sudden not okay and I’m willing to bet that you, or any other Christian, would feel that this woman is wrong &/or a few french fries short of a Happy Meal. What’s the difference between God ordering the soldiers to kill the babies or God ordering this woman to kill her children? See what I’m getting at?

What about the Noah/Ark deal? God gets irritated and moves to total genocide, even the frick'n animals. (Ricky Gervais) And BTW, why the flood? Why not a "rapture" in the opposite direction? It's not like he really needed the water to clean up the mess.
i know, why don't you guys become god, and create your own universe, and then everything will be perfect and make sense!
Well, what I mean are the stories in the Bible where God directly ordered the soldiers to kill sweet little innocent babies. They weren’t demon babies, just babies. Christians think it’s okay that the Biblical God commanded this - yet when someone like this mother sincerely believes that God commanded her to kill her children, it’s all the sudden not okay and I’m willing to bet that you, or any other Christian, would feel that this woman is wrong &/or a few french fries short of a Happy Meal. What’s the difference between God ordering the soldiers to kill the babies or God ordering this woman to kill her children? See what I’m getting at?

i don't think anything happens outside of god's authority, one way or another.
with all due respect, you are the umpteenth knucklehead i've had this same conversation with. a futile conversation in which you try to convince me i'm mentally ill for absolutely no reason other than your own desire to deny the existence of god and of a spiritual realm. conversation over.
I've repeatedly pointed out that this has nothing to do with what you believe. If this were in the maths and physics forum and you were a physics academic with 100 published papers and a Nobel Prize I'd have said exactly the same in regards to you hearing voices. Within the medical profession hearing voices is a symptom of numerous mental illnesses and thus regardless of your religion my comment is to seek the advice of a medical professional.

Your refusal to answer my simple direct questions about whether or not you agree with said medical profession's evaluation of hearing voices speaks for itself. And if you had a retort to my comments about 1 Peter 3:15 and the 9th commandment about false witness I imagine you'd have made it, to show this 'knucklehead' you're in the right. Did I touch a nerve for pointing out you're a hypocrite for saying you don't judge people based on little or no information yet you said it must suck to be me? Your behaviour isn't living up to the pristine idealism you view yourself with.

The question of whether or not a god exists is secondary. If you can provide evidence it exists then I'll listen to it. As yet all you've provided is "Because I say so" and anecdotes about feelings. I have a poor view of you because of your terrible standards of 'evidence' (I don't think you even understand what evidence is in scientific terms), but that's quite aside from questioning your mental health if you're hearing voices.

If you could prove that the voices you hear are from a deity then you'd kill 2 birds with one stone. You'd demonstrate your faith is valid and you're not a sandwich short of a picnic. As yet you've failed on both.
it's not about dressing it up, and it's not my fault if you don't understand it. if you really want to understand it, then i'd say "try harder". :shrug:
The problem is, I do understand it. It was through serious and sincere study that I came to realize that it's a myth, pure and simple.
What about the Noah/Ark deal? God gets irritated and moves to total genocide, even the frick'n animals. (Ricky Gervais) And BTW, why the flood? Why not a "rapture" in the opposite direction? It's not like he really needed the water to clean up the mess.

I totally agree with you. The Biblical God has a huge need for blood and violence and throws tantrums when people do not do what he wants. I'd rather serve a God that had a need for Godiva Chocolate! :D
What’s the difference between God ordering the soldiers to kill the babies or God ordering this woman to kill her children? See what I’m getting at?

Satan likes to pretend he is God..
authors could have embellished certain things,
old testament vs new testament,

whats the difference between a woman who kills and one who doesn't? (assume both heard 'kill children')
i believe God allows Satan to be, because we have to know that there is always a choice.

personally i would believe that the woman that heard God and chose not to kill her children is the one God likes..
i don't think anything happens outside of god's authority, one way or another.

Okay. So my question to you, though, is "What’s the difference between God ordering the soldiers to kill the babies or God ordering this woman to kill her children?"
Satan likes to pretend he is God..
authors could have embellished certain things,
old testament vs new testament

Like the ressurrection of Jesus or when he walked on water or when he turned water into wine?

i believe God allows Satan to be, because we have to know that there is always a choice.

Would you allow a drug dealer to entice your child with crack so he would know he has a choice not to do it?

personally i would believe that the woman that heard God and chose not to kill her children is the one God likes..

What about when Arbraham was ordered to sacrifice his son? I know that God stopped him at the last possible moment, but Abraham didn't say, "Eh, you know what God, I'm not digging this at all" and then God say, "Ok, cool, that's what I was looking for. I like you better than so and so" God rewarded Abraham for setting out to do what he commanded.
Your behaviour isn't living up to the pristine idealism you view yourself with.
um..applies to most of humanity regardless of faith..

... provide evidence ...anecdotes about feelings...'evidence' ...evidence .
hmm..why is feeling invalid?

If you could prove that the voices you hear are from a deity then.. would not be able to communicate such..(God has a sense of humor)'t there a lack of communication(something not understood) between theist/atheist ?

You'd demonstrate your faith is valid
Red Flag word..
demonstrate.. means its important for others to believe as you do(applies to 'validity' also),also assumes one cares what others think,(not God).
the statement as a whole, REQUIRES that our faith's validity is dependent on other ppl..(also not God)
Okay. So my question to you, though, is "What’s the difference between God ordering the soldiers to kill the babies or God ordering this woman to kill her children?"

i don't know; i wasn't there.

do you think that all of those soldiers simultaneously heard the voice of god in their head like this woman claimed to? i'm unfamiliar with the scripture. does it say how it was that god gave this command? iow, what medium he used to communicate it?
The problem is, I do understand it. It was through serious and sincere study that I came to realize that it's a myth, pure and simple.

well i'll be diplomatic then and say that you must not understand it like i do.
I've repeatedly pointed out that this has nothing to do with what you believe. If this were in the maths and physics forum and you were a physics academic with 100 published papers and a Nobel Prize I'd have said exactly the same in regards to you hearing voices. Within the medical profession hearing voices is a symptom of numerous mental illnesses and thus regardless of your religion my comment is to seek the advice of a medical professional.

Your refusal to answer my simple direct questions about whether or not you agree with said medical profession's evaluation of hearing voices speaks for itself. And if you had a retort to my comments about 1 Peter 3:15 and the 9th commandment about false witness I imagine you'd have made it, to show this 'knucklehead' you're in the right. Did I touch a nerve for pointing out you're a hypocrite for saying you don't judge people based on little or no information yet you said it must suck to be me? Your behaviour isn't living up to the pristine idealism you view yourself with.

The question of whether or not a god exists is secondary. If you can provide evidence it exists then I'll listen to it. As yet all you've provided is "Because I say so" and anecdotes about feelings. I have a poor view of you because of your terrible standards of 'evidence' (I don't think you even understand what evidence is in scientific terms), but that's quite aside from questioning your mental health if you're hearing voices.

If you could prove that the voices you hear are from a deity then you'd kill 2 birds with one stone. You'd demonstrate your faith is valid and you're not a sandwich short of a picnic. As yet you've failed on both.

i am in no way looking for advice.

i apologize for saying it sucks to be you. that was crass. what i meant to say was that it's sad you can't see a better way (referring to the context of your comment).

i can't prove that to you (to my knowledge). i have reiterated that several times. i am not remotely interested in proving it to you and i've explained why. there's no need to ask the same question or make the same point again and again.

and you're right, this doesn't have anything to do with what i believe. but it does have everything to do with what you believe.
i don't know; i wasn't there.
By this do you mean on either account?

do you think that all of those soldiers simultaneously heard the voice of god in their head like this woman claimed to? i'm unfamiliar with the scripture. does it say how it was that god gave this command? iow, what medium he used to communicate it?

There are loads of scriptures where God either got pissed off and killed the person(s) himself or had others to do his dirty work for him. Hell, he even had prophet LIE all so he could win a war.

Anyway, below it said he "said"

1Ki 22:20 "The LORD said, 'Who will entice Ahab to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?' And one said this while another said that.
1Ki 22:21 "Then a spirit came forward and stood before the LORD and said, 'I will entice him.'
1Ki 22:22 "The LORD said to him, 'How?' And he said, 'I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.' Then He (God) said, 'You are to entice {him} and also prevail. Go and do so.' (meaning go and lie)
1Ki 22:23 "Now therefore, behold, the LORD has put a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all these your prophets; and the LORD has proclaimed disaster against you."

(Here God's anger controlled him causing him to strike a man dead)
2 sam 6:7
And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for [his] error; and there he died by the ark of God.

Acts 5:1-11. Killed a married couple for keeping money and lying about it.

1 Samuel 15:2
2 This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel (the Amalekites God is referring to were dead and buried-so he was punishing these people for something their ancestors did-not for something they had done) was a long time when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

So how are these examples "OK" and others like the woman who killed her children not okay?
i know, why don't you guys become god, and create your own universe, and then everything will be perfect and make sense!

So the "real" god can't make things make sense to us? Interesting. But then, why would he. He gets a huge kick out of being inscrutable. :D
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By this do you mean on either account?

of course heart. think about it. :m:

There are loads of scriptures where God either got pissed off and killed the person(s) himself or had others to do his dirty work for him. Hell, he even had prophet LIE all so he could win a war.

Anyway, below it said he "said"

1Ki 22:20 "The LORD said, 'Who will entice Ahab to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?' And one said this while another said that.
1Ki 22:21 "Then a spirit came forward and stood before the LORD and said, 'I will entice him.'
1Ki 22:22 "The LORD said to him, 'How?' And he said, 'I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.' Then He (God) said, 'You are to entice {him} and also prevail. Go and do so.' (meaning go and lie)
1Ki 22:23 "Now therefore, behold, the LORD has put a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all these your prophets; and the LORD has proclaimed disaster against you."

(Here God's anger controlled him causing him to strike a man dead)
2 sam 6:7
And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for [his] error; and there he died by the ark of God.

Acts 5:1-11. Killed a married couple for keeping money and lying about it.

1 Samuel 15:2
2 This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel (the Amalekites God is referring to were dead and buried-so he was punishing these people for something their ancestors did-not for something they had done) was a long time when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

So how are these examples "OK" and others like the woman who killed her children not okay?

all of this killing isn't ok with me. i never said it was. why do you think i bitch at god so much? but happens, and there's a god. what are you gonna do?