Jesus Without The Bible...?

I'm sorry. I thought that we were trying to determine whether talking to (or having a personal interaction of some sort) with a supernatural being was intellectually supportable.

I can say that you don't know my invisiable magical gray bunny as intimately as I do, as he is with me all the time, and he is responsible for every good thing that has ever happened in the world, which is why I listen to him and ask him to guide me in all things. And that's just because you've never tried. And you are soooo much for the worse for it, and will surely be punished by gray bunny because he hates people who won't seek him out and believe in him.

What is your problem?
So, we aren't seeking the proper path to truth here? That's OK. I can go somewhere else.

really? by talking about bunnies? did you seriously think that was clever?

listen, not only is my testimony directly addressing the OP, but also the most widely known and studied book in the entire history of the world. now, if you don't agree with what it says in that book, then fine, but if you think this site needed another flippant douchebag with nothing to say, well you're mistaken.
see? we have plenty already.

No worries Lori the Bunny"s Name is Harry ( Also known as Hairy Limp Dick ) Rabbit is his handle . He is one of the trinity . THe Holy Ghost part of the trinity so the joke is on them . Now go back and watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail again and pay closer attention to the killer rabbit scenes. Maybe some day we can discuss the Life of Brian as the Holy Shoe has more symbolism then the average person can imagine . Mind Blowing
I find his story to be as rational as yours is.

Some people hear voices, some see a burning bush, some talk to a big gray bunny.

he's lying about that...about the bunny. so, no it's not as rational.
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I find his story to be as rational as yours is. Some people hear voices, some see a burning bush, some talk to a big gray bunny.
One of the reasons we have pets is so we can get away with talking to ourselves and people won't think we're crazy. It's a great way to practice a foreign language. My dogs are fluent in Spanish, Mandarin, German, Portuguese and Yiddish.
he's lying about that...about the bunny. so, no it's not as rational.

Lori don't belittle the Easter bunny. The fertility powers that be will wreck havoc. All things are connected dear . Why do you think that Jesus and the bunny share the same crucifixion ceremony. Ah maybe the killer bunny and Jesus represent something similar in nature . Like THE SEED of life ,
Rational may be the wrong word... How about believable?

he's blatantly lying, and i would never lie about god or what's happened to me, and he's more believable? yeah, that's real rational.
really? by talking about bunnies? did you seriously think that was clever?

listen, not only is my testimony directly addressing the OP, but also the most widely known and studied book in the entire history of the world. now, if you don't agree with what it says in that book, then fine, but if you think this site needed another flippant douchebag with nothing to say, well you're mistaken.

The mere fact that you use the word "testimony" reminds of the days when I was dating a beautiful fundamentalist girl whose parents wouldn't let me taker her out twice in a weekend unless one time was to an evening church service at the Assembly of God. Great times. Lots of "testimony" at the end when Brother what's his name would call folks down to be "saved". They did a lot of vibrating and speaking in tongues (gibberish) and it was a real high for them. Of course, a lot of them did it just about every week. It was a hoot. What was sad was seeing the little kids playing with their cars on the floor. And me knowing they never had a chance at being rational. Makes me sad even now, 40 years later.
where do you get 'his rules'?
and how long ago was it written?

Oh that's a good one. So if the book is OLD it must be right. How many writings does that work for? Written by people one hair away from a baboon (Lewis Black). They had the level of knowledge and sophistication of a preschooler. Hence, the gibberish in the bible, and that's with a bunch of Bishops massaging it at the council of Nicea.