Jesus Without The Bible...?

I was just wondering.

Whapping evil on the nose with the rolled up newspaper of goodness hasn't been much help so far.

what's great about sin is that it's wages are death, so it basically takes care of itself.
what's great about sin is that it's wages are death, so it basically takes care of itself.
Life - nobody gets out alive.

"All share a common destiny—the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not." Ecclessiastes 9:2
imo you have such an emotionally distorted view of things, and i honestly, at this point, think you do it on purpose.

All I have done is provided scriptures to you about what God has done. I, being the individual that I am, have a right to form my opinion, no? How do we make decisions? Based upon information, correct? My view is not distorted and it's not one sided, my stance on how I feel about it is certainly honest. This bothers you for some reason. :shrug:

i mean, i can understand buying the crap your parents shoved down your throat when you were younger, but you're all grown up now. now it's your fault.

Yes, my views about the Biblical God are all my own beliefs based on the written contents within the Bible and perhaps that is where you and I differ. You read parts of it (I understand why you do this as you've explained how that works for you) but I have read cover to cover and it is those very dark and evil side of the Biblical God that makes me hurl.
you're not doing the math. now fucking focus for crying out loud. babies die all the time. not just from natural causes, but violent deaths, from war, disease, and abusive people, including their parents. AND NOTHING HAPPENS OUTSIDE GOD'S WILL. do i think suffering and death is ok? no i do not. that is why i love christ.

Dude, if someone accidently hit another with their car and killed that person- VS if someone INTENTIONALLY hit another with their car and killed that person... do you see a difference between the two? If you do- that is what I'm talking about. I realize people die all the time yadda yadda....but it's when someone kills another say in anger...I have a BIG problem with that.
All I have done is provided scriptures to you about what God has done. I, being the individual that I am, have a right to form my opinion, no? How do we make decisions? Based upon information, correct? My view is not distorted and it's not one sided, my stance on how I feel about it is certainly honest. This bothers you for some reason. :shrug:

Yes, my views about the Biblical God are all my own beliefs based on the written contents within the Bible and perhaps that is where you and I differ. You read parts of it (I understand why you do this as you've explained how that works for you) but I have read cover to cover and it is those very dark and evil side of the Biblical God that makes me hurl.

Dude, if someone accidently hit another with their car and killed that person- VS if someone INTENTIONALLY hit another with their car and killed that person... do you see a difference between the two? If you do- that is what I'm talking about. I realize people die all the time yadda yadda....but it's when someone kills another say in anger...I have a BIG problem with that.

god doesn't have accidents, by definition.

heart, do you believe in a god of some sort?
god doesn't have accidents, by definition.

heart, do you believe in a god of some sort?

are you purposely playing can't follow the bouncing ball? Come on, you know what I mean. When someone purposely kills another in anger vs someone dying of natural's the INTENT that matters, as you say. God's intent eg was to kill someone because he could not control his anger. He was being a dic*
are you purposely playing can't follow the bouncing ball? Come on, you know what I mean. When someone purposely kills another in anger vs someone dying of natural's the INTENT that matters, as you say. God's intent eg was to kill someone because he could not control his anger. He was being a dic*

do you believe in a god?
i don't know. but if there were a god, i don't think it'd be a dick, i don't think it'd act out of control...i don't think he/she/it would resemble what we lock up in jail every day
i don't know. but if there were a god, i don't think it'd be a dick, i don't think it'd act out of control...i don't think he/she/it would resemble what we lock up in jail every day

well let's assume there is a god, and he's not a "dick". how do you explain all of the atrocities taking place on earth? i mean what is this "nice" god up there doing while all of this is going on down here? wringing his hands and biting his fingernails and saying, "oh dear! oh my! oh no! what can i do?!" what an ineffectual piece of shit.
um...i was being sarcastic.

Sure, but the point is real. He goes to a buttload of work to be impossible to understand, impossible to find, impossible to communicate with and impossible to forgive for the misery he allows. I mean, really, what an incompetent, arrogant jerk.

Therefore: no god.
Sure, but the point is real. He goes to a buttload of work to be impossible to understand, impossible to find, impossible to communicate with and impossible to forgive for the misery he allows. I mean, really, what an incompetent, arrogant jerk.

Therefore: no god.

Certainly it's not impossible if I have accomplished it.
Sure, but the point is real. He goes to a buttload of work to be impossible to understand, impossible to find, impossible to communicate with and impossible to forgive for the misery he allows. I mean, really, what an incompetent, arrogant jerk.

Therefore: no god.

alot of assumptions in this one..
(granted religion encourages this assumption)

the persian flaw in this, is your statement of 'impossible to forgive'
this is not something God is in control of, you are in control of whether you forgive or not..
the rest of your 'impossibles' are subjective to interpretation as some would argue that God can be communicated with, easy to find and can be easy to understand (i emphasize the 'can be' part)
and the last three words you used in your post assumes you know God well enough to judge him.
I think I know "him" from his actions. And they are vile. And since being vile doesn't really fit the old "I'm completely perfect" vibe. I'm calling BS on it. I can make up truly superior entities all day long, the particular one we are usually talking about has a screw or two loose. If it existed it wouldn't be worthy of worship. And if it existed and demanded worship, then it would be a prick. The thing really doesn't have to be my neighbor or car pool buddy for me to judge its actions.
Certainly it's not impossible if I have accomplished it.

You must be EXTREMELY forgiving. Does your forgiveness apply to everyone? (Hitler) or just someone who can make you suffer for eternity if you don't forgive him?

By the way, what if you picked the wrong team? Maybe your hypothesis is the bogus one and it is the Scientologists who are correct? You might be kissing the wrong bottom. :D
I think I know "him" from his actions. And they are vile. And since being vile doesn't really fit the old "I'm completely perfect" vibe. I'm calling BS on it. I can make up truly superior entities all day long, the particular one we are usually talking about has a screw or two loose. If it existed it wouldn't be worthy of worship. And if it existed and demanded worship, then it would be a prick. The thing really doesn't have to be my neighbor or car pool buddy for me to judge its actions.
not trying to convince you he does exist,
just arguing with how you know God. unless you have personal experience with God, everything is just speculation and second hand. ..then when you do have personal experience it is considered subjective..
By the way, what if you picked the wrong team? Maybe your hypothesis is the bogus one and it is the Scientologists who are correct? You might be kissing the wrong bottom. :D

i don't believe for a second there is a 'right' team as you put it, every religion has members that God likes, and members that will end up in the hot place.
not trying to convince you he does exist,
just arguing with how you know God. unless you have personal experience with God, everything is just speculation and second hand. ..then when you do have personal experience it is considered subjective..

That is the undeniable reality in the case of every supernatural entity. I sense a trend here.:D
i don't believe for a second there is a 'right' team as you put it, every religion has members that God likes, and members that will end up in the hot place.

Isn't that the Baha'i faith? They kind of combine it all. A little like Mohammed did to the Christians and Jews (though some of them sure aren't acting like it) and I suppose like the Christians did to the Jews.

And "he who believeth in me shall never die" was written when there was a ton of competition. That's what all the false idol stuff was about. I don't think you can assume that every team that postulates one or more supernatural managers is talking about the Christian God. He has a unique personality, (a little bi-polar, narcissistic, immature and lacking in character) but it is unique. And he reportedly (in the Bible) frowns on competition. They all go to that bad place. So I think you might be bending his rules to suit your more modern perspective.
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You must be EXTREMELY forgiving. Does your forgiveness apply to everyone? (Hitler) or just someone who can make you suffer for eternity if you don't forgive him?

By the way, what if you picked the wrong team? Maybe your hypothesis is the bogus one and it is the Scientologists who are correct? You might be kissing the wrong bottom. :D

you're really not adding anything to the conversation; you're just being an ass. it's not my fault that you don't know god; it's your own.
I'm sorry. I thought that we were trying to determine whether talking to (or having a personal interaction of some sort) with a supernatural being was intellectually supportable.

I can say that you don't know my invisiable magical gray bunny as intimately as I do, as he is with me all the time, and he is responsible for every good thing that has ever happened in the world, which is why I listen to him and ask him to guide me in all things. And that's just because you've never tried. And you are soooo much for the worse for it, and will surely be punished by gray bunny because he hates people who won't seek him out and believe in him.