Jesus lies?

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hmm...flying frogs huh?

so you're saying that you don't trust what would be god, to present evidence to you that would be beyond doubt. or are you saying you don't trust your own perception or judgement?

see, it's nonsensical to me to consider that what would be god could not handle the task of presenting himself to you convincingly and successfully.

that's inherent in what i would consider the definition of god. if god is not capable of that, then god's not much of a god. does that make sense?

Lets stick to the frogs.
Would you believe that you actually saw a frog fly ?

What if your friend disagreed with you ?
What if there were another 20 people there and none of them saw it ?
What if you intensively searched the pond for flying frogs and found none ?

What if your friend agreed ?
What if there were another 20 people there that all saw it ?
What if you intensively searched the pond for flying frogs and found one ?

See my point ?
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Lets stick to the frogs.
Would you believe that you actually saw a frog fly ?

What if your friend disagreed with you ?
What if there were another 20 people there and none of them saw it ?
What if you intensively searched the pond for flying frogs and found none ?

What if your friend agreed ?
What if there were another 20 people there that all saw it ?
What if you intensively searched the pond for flying frogs and found one ?

See my point ?

uh, no. ha, ha, ha.

meeting god isn't a lot like seeing a flying frog. it's not some random event that people could either witness or not witness.

the point is, that it's just for you. it's just about you. it's not for anyone else, and it isn't to be decided by anyone else, or corroborated by anyone else. that's what makes it perfect. it never comes down to being convinced by someone other than god himself. you're never supposed to take anyone else's word for it.

what makes it undeniable to you, is the meaning behind it is just for you to comprehend and understand. what is the meaning behind a flying frog? i don't know...maybe it would mean something to you, and not to anyone else.

i don't "produce" god. :confused:

if i knew that someone didn't want a damn thing to do with me, i wouldn't badger them. would you?

Making assumptions about god that are human characteristics is something I've been told not to do, yet you've been doing that.

So, by making those assumptions, I can also assume that by making a request to go see someone should also be taken as such.
Just because I felt like it:


Wallace's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus)
Making assumptions about god that are human characteristics is something I've been told not to do, yet you've been doing that.

So, by making those assumptions, I can also assume that by making a request to go see someone should also be taken as such.

i see it as pretty common sense issue of respect.

Seriously though, read back the entire conversation. I think you lost track.

i think we're on different a way.

but, you know i'm not the only one who's experienced god in their lives right?

i mean, that is corroboration, although we've all received our evidence individually. doesn't that mean something along the lines of what you're suggesting here?
i think we're on different a way.

but, you know i'm not the only one who's experienced god in their lives right?

i mean, that is corroboration, although we've all received our evidence individually. doesn't that mean something along the lines of what you're suggesting here?

Not really.
So.. God didn't make us then?
What did he make if you accept evolution?

god is making us (developing us) via evolution. they're not mutually exclusive. i mean, stands to reason god's not using magic to do it right?
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