Jesus lies?

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No, it doesn't equate to evolutionary change.
Although the gene frequencies changed (probably) it wasn't because of evolution, it was because of a flood.

I would think it equates to extinction..

Evolution is a response to environment, but most environmental changes wouldn't be that abrupt and immediately globally encompassing.
It doesn't bother me if people believe things that seem absurd. And don't take that as an attack, because I do believe in some absurd possibilities myself, ;).
However I sure hope others beliefs aren't so strong that those people don't at least explore other more rational explanations. I would also hope that those same people don't only believe in that one thing, because if people only see one possible explanation, no amount of logic can change their belief! I leave many doors open. When one of my doors closes, I'm happy to rule out one of my possibilities. If I only had one door open, I would never close that 1 door!

If Jesus ever did exist (which I am pretty neutral about in the first place), I would imagine he was a man that saw too much hate, so he tried to spread love.
He likely explored some of the same spiritual stuff as some still explore today, but he actually tried to do something.
He probably was a great MAN, so great that after he was crucified his story lived on. Afterall, Jesus wasn't the only one to be crucified, but no one else has such a great story!
He became a symbol, and the stories got glorrified. His legacy became much stronger than his actual life. And perceptions of the stories being passed down became more and more fairytale.

When I look at and reflect upon my life, my life is a fairy tale, but one that most definitely is observable reality. Its not because of my works, but my willingness to offer my life up to something greater than myself that has worked through me. Jesus didn't attribute his influence to himself, but to the father.
because your comprehension is shot. just like your integrity and your capacity of being honest;

evolution or transmutation (per darwin) is caused by environmental change...

perhaps like the flooding of your mind with facts to wipe out the shit in your brain; could make a difference with your life too.

You know what bishadi? This post of yours is a perfect example that proves my point of contention with you. And that is...

For all your knowledge, you're still an asshole.
You know what bishadi? This post of yours is a perfect example that proves my point of contention with you. And that is...

For all your knowledge, you're still an asshole.

and if your words and opinions, stating you talk to god, is like chlamydia what does that make you?

if you stink someone needs to tell you so you can clean up.

your problem is lori, that being honest is nothing you maintain as a choice of being responsible

notice i said nothing to you on the previous post; while i slapped the trolling enmos in the chops but you chime in because of blatant foaming of the yellow stuff
You're a disgusting example of what is wrong with the world and that you're egotistically driven knowledge and honesty will rather obviously never eradicate.
You're a disgusting example of what is wrong with the world
you bet, see most of the posts i make; they share and the 'wrong' impose base on
egotistically driven knowledge

as it can be observed from the irresponsible, that they do not LOVE or trust themselves to be capable of being absolutely honest. They will say such things as

and honesty will rather obviously never eradicate.

which is like teaching a kid to lie

what you wrote is (suggesting) that going to school will not reduce ignorance.

that learning the truth will not assist each and every person alive in comprehending when a person is fibbing on matters of life and death.

some actually live with responsibility and to evidence today, as an example, any can see the disgusting example of what is wrong with the world;

people have little integrity and willing to hold themselves accountable for the atrocities they impose, by choice

compassion is not forgiving, being poilitically correct, or even being nice

compassion is caring enough about others over yourself

i care about what pigs slop up and allow others to see what the idocracy is, all the while letting it be known, clearly, how the swine should be treated
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You're a disgusting example of what is wrong with the world and that you're egotistically driven knowledge and honesty will rather obviously never eradicate.

just so i can do the double on the same post;

imagine what it would be like if there was no police and you said something like; i spoke to god, to a group of people who don't like liars as they must trust every person equally as a matter of life and death?

ever been in a prison setting?

say that in public, and you will abused for the remainder of your stay!

personal responsibility is what Jesus said, too:

Mark 10: 17And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19 the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'

he said be responsible

nothing about homage

nothing about bowing


as to be BAD....... is a LOSS TO THE COMMON!
Notice the guy didn't lie?

try another

John 14: 15 `If ye love me, my commands keep,

16and I will ask the Father, and another Comforter He will give to you, that he may remain with you -- to the age;

17the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it doth not behold him, nor know him, and ye know him, because he doth remain with you, and shall be in you.

Jesus knew he was not the last word

and again verified in

Matthew 16: 20 Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ

but for some reason people have created 'religion' from a man who shared some pretty good wisdom

be responsible!

is that a lie to ANYONE?
Bishadi, I will put the fruit of the spirit up against the fruit of your ego anytime, anywhere, and I will win hands down everytime, and that is honest, as it has been proven throughout the entire history of mankind, is proven every day on this board and each of our lives, and will continue to be.
I believe that you believe your perceptions of your experiences are truth, but if you are experienceing something unknown, unexplainable, and unprovable; than you gotta at least explore other options.
I know there are many things we don't understand. The missing link could be something much bigger then we are willing to explore. As long as beliefs are modified when new knowledge is available, there are many possibilities.
But to believe to strongly in only 1 thing is like closing your eyes to all other possible explainations!

I am wondering who or what is 'God' to you?
Is he the specific creator of us?
Is he the beginning of everything?
Is he something else?

If I know what you percieve, I might have some other possible explainations for you, if you are willing to look at other possibilities ;).
Bishadi, I will put the fruit of the spirit up against the fruit of your ego anytime, anywhere, and I will win

see how that works; them of EGO want to win

where-as the 'good' are putting themselves under fire for the benefit of others.

i could care less what you think of me or me "win"ing. I care more about the reality of truth living within each, so they can be capable of absolute equality.

Teach the kids the truth and let'em run. That is "my belief"

i trust the compassion of our species

i know how life works and willing to give my all for the future

what excuse do you have except your own need of "i will win"

not a once have i ever cared about ME winning

i care about our future and 'them' winning!
Pipes, I know what I have experienced and the meaning that has been shown to me. I know what I see god doing in my life. I can not define god, nor will I attempt to or lie just to make someone else happy. I didn't get this way with some egotistical agenda. My only agenda was to be open to experience god and have a relationship with him in truth.
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And bishadi, the whole point of the bible, which you so frequently and hypocritically quote, is that there is something inherently and tragically wrong with us that we can't fix ourselves, which you are walking talking proof of.
Also pipes, I've stated before that when I opened myself up to the knowledge of god, that I was EXTREMELY turned off by christianity and religion in general, and still am to this day. God had every resource in the universe to use to present himself to me, and I know that because god has in fact used a wide variety of resources, and has made the message very clear.
The stuff you think you know is all belief. Don't take that as an attack, it is just the truth.
I have experiences with spirituality that I don't understand, and I have had opinions about my experiences, however I also am aware that I don't understand and many explainations could exist. I have had fussion experiences as well as some minor messages basically just telling me things I needed to know at the time. Now my experiences were induced with SALVIA, but I have talked with a few people that meditate to experience similuar situations. Much of my opening my eyes came after my spiritual experiences.
Lori: How can you live it if you don't know what is written in it?

Pipes: Did any of your experiences include any significant or insignificant historical enlightened being (Jesus, Buddha etc.) ?
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