Jesus lies?

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because it's the way things happen according to law. evil, or sin, causes it. and now we know that. he's going to provide a way out. does it bother you that some people don't think there's anything wrong with it? it bothers me.
because it's the way things happen according to law. evil, or sin, causes it. and now we know that. he's going to provide a way out. does it bother you that some people don't think there's anything wrong with it? it bothers me.

It bothers me that you present your thoughts as fact, quite frankly.
As far as facts go there is no God.
You seem to have built your entire world view around your personal notion of God.
So I don't really see any way to come to any mutual understanding regarding the stuff we talk about here.
It bothers me that you present your thoughts as fact, quite frankly.
As far as facts go there is no God.
You seem to have built your entire world view around your personal notion of God.
So I don't really see any way to come to any mutual understanding regarding the stuff we talk about here.

it's just what i understand or sometimes what i think. it's what makes sense to me. i don't think i'm always right. i don't have perfect knowledge or information. i think my opinions about god or the lack of god are just as valid as anyone elses.
it's just what i understand or sometimes what i think. it's what makes sense to me. i don't think i'm always right. i don't have perfect knowledge or information. i think my opinions about god or the lack of god are just as valid as anyone elses.
Sorry, I got a bit irritated there for a sec.
I wouldn't know whether or not we like the same things.
One things is for sure, God basically controls your life while he's absent from my world.

i meant we dislike the same things...probably...seems like.

and that's not necessarily true about god. everybody's on different paths. that's ok.
I didn't mean that God exists but is absent from 'my world'. I'm meant that, as far as I'm concerned, God doesn't exist.

i know.

if you found out there was a god, would you be relieved or pissed off?
Neither, I think. But sooner pissed off than relieved.

i went through a spell where i was extremely pissed off at god and i let that be known. i don't feel that way anymore though. strange the way my feelings wasn't attributable to a change in circumstance or surroundings.
i went through a spell where i was extremely pissed off at god and i let that be known. i don't feel that way anymore though. strange the way my feelings wasn't attributable to a change in circumstance or surroundings.

On second thought, I might completely freak out.
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