Jesus lies?

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i'm not lying, calm down.

listen, the bible ends describing the end of an age, and the beginning of another. and it stands to reason that the beginning of the book is describing the same thing. if you see the stages of human evolution in terms of development, then a generation would be that stage.

in genesis, the bible says "replenish the earth". REplenish.

there is absolutely no logic or common sense or scripture to support the assumption that the bible encompasses the entire developmental history of mankind.

jesus will return prior to the end of this age, or generation of human development and he will reign in the next.

How the heck can you claim to know that when you haven't read it completely???

god is not a concept.

Unless anyone can produce a god, or a unicorn, or a leprechaun, they will all remain concepts of the imagination, Lori.

Regardless of whether a god exists, it is a concept.
in genesis, the bible says "replenish the earth". REplenish

Which, in context, means to repopulate given that the all-loving man upstairs had just drowned every living thing on the planet bar 8 people, several million animals and a vast array of bacteria with morally questionable intentions. To think of all the bacteria Noah's body must have played host to. Sheesh.

Nowhere in that is there an indication of evolution, (regardless to theist definitions).
so you're saying that you don't trust what would be god, to present evidence to you that would be beyond doubt. or are you saying you don't trust your own perception or judgement?

see, it's nonsensical to me to consider that what would be god could not handle the task of presenting himself to you convincingly and successfully.

that's inherent in what i would consider the definition of god. if god is not capable of that, then god's not much of a god. does that make sense?

Yes. That makes sense. God is not much of a god.
i see it as pretty common sense issue of respect.

Respect is a human concept. Is it gods concept as well? How do you know? Where in the bible does it talk about respect in this context?
Which, in context, means to repopulate given that the all-loving man upstairs had just drowned every living thing on the planet bar 8 people, several million animals and a vast array of bacteria with morally questionable intentions. To think of all the bacteria Noah's body must have played host to. Sheesh.

Nowhere in that is there an indication of evolution, (regardless to theist definitions).

i was referring to adam, not noah.

but don't you think that there were some significant changes made within the human race because of a near extinction, and the environmental consequences of a world wide deluge?
Respect is a human concept. Is it gods concept as well? How do you know? Where in the bible does it talk about respect in this context?

i don't know. ask someone who memorizes scripture. all i know about is the way god treats me and how's he's interacted with me. i'm sure it's substantiated in the bible somewhere. where's adstar when you need him?
It doesn't bother me if people believe things that seem absurd. And don't take that as an attack, because I do believe in some absurd possibilities myself, ;).
However I sure hope others beliefs aren't so strong that those people don't at least explore other more rational explanations. I would also hope that those same people don't only believe in that one thing, because if people only see one possible explanation, no amount of logic can change their belief! I leave many doors open. When one of my doors closes, I'm happy to rule out one of my possibilities. If I only had one door open, I would never close that 1 door!

If Jesus ever did exist (which I am pretty neutral about in the first place), I would imagine he was a man that saw too much hate, so he tried to spread love.
He likely explored some of the same spiritual stuff as some still explore today, but he actually tried to do something.
He probably was a great MAN, so great that after he was crucified his story lived on. Afterall, Jesus wasn't the only one to be crucified, but no one else has such a great story!
He became a symbol, and the stories got glorrified. His legacy became much stronger than his actual life. And perceptions of the stories being passed down became more and more fairytale.
i don't know. ask someone who memorizes scripture. all i know about is the way god treats me and how's he's interacted with me. i'm sure it's substantiated in the bible somewhere. where's adstar when you need him?

So far, we can assume god does not interact with you as your request to have him visit me goes unheard.

So, until that happens, we can conclude you're making it up.
god is making us (developing us) via evolution. they're not mutually exclusive. i mean, stands to reason god's not using magic to do it right?

Yes they are mutually exclusive. You imply that God is a naturalistic cause, but it's the opposite. Only when naturalistic explanations fail is there room for some odd thing to occur.
Yes they are mutually exclusive. You imply that God is a naturalistic cause, but it's the opposite. Only when naturalistic explanations fail is there room for some odd thing to occur.

What odd thing?
Yes they are mutually exclusive. You imply that God is a naturalistic cause, but it's the opposite. Only when naturalistic explanations fail is there room for some odd thing to occur.
How do we determine objectively what is 'odd'? I find all explanations odd.
but don't you think that there were some significant changes made within the human race because of a near extinction, and the environmental consequences of a world wide deluge?

Sorry, don't understand the question. Significant changes?
Sorry, don't understand the question. Significant changes?

Isn't evolution a response to environment? If significant changes took place within the environment like a flood that wipes out all but 1 family and takes its toll on nature, don't you think that would equate to an evolutionary change?
Isn't evolution a response to environment? If significant changes took place within the environment like a flood that wipes out all but 1 family and takes its toll on nature, don't you think that would equate to an evolutionary change?

No, it doesn't equate to evolutionary change.
Although the gene frequencies changed (probably) it wasn't because of evolution, it was because of a flood.

I would think it equates to extinction..
Originally Posted by Lori_7
Isn't evolution a response to environment? If significant changes took place within the environment like a flood that wipes out all but 1 family and takes its toll on nature, don't you think that would equate to an evolutionary change?
No, it doesn't equate to evolutionary change.
Although the gene frequencies changed (probably) it wasn't because of evolution, it was because of a flood.

I would think it equates to extinction..

because your comprehension is shot. just like your integrity and your capacity of being honest;

evolution or transmutation (per darwin) is caused by environmental change...

perhaps like the flooding of your mind with facts to wipe out the shit in your brain; could make a difference with your life too.
That wasn't very nice bishadi. Seems you may have some lies and/or shit in your brain that makes you think its ok to talk to people that way.
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