Jesus lies?

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it doesn't seem prudent to think that time will end, but i'm certain religion will.

Of course, we are already seeing Christianity sink into the mire of mediocrity, one step closer to complete abandonment.
Of course, we are already seeing Christianity sink into the mire of mediocrity, one step closer to complete abandonment.

all religions will become obsolete when our communion with god and each other is restored.
all religions will become obsolete when our communion with god and each other is restored.

Lori, the concept of gods will be abandoned along with religions, they go hand in hand.

The only hope of mankinds survival will be to restore our faith in each other and abandon the myths and superstitions of the past.

There is no other way.
Lori, the concept of gods will be abandoned along with religions, they go hand in hand.

The only hope of mankinds survival will be to restore our faith in each other and abandon the myths and superstitions of the past.

There is no other way.

god is not a concept.
Unless anyone can produce a god, or a unicorn, or a leprechaun, they will all remain concepts of the imagination, Lori.

i have evidence of god in my life. it's very clear to me. you don't. "produce a god"? are you assuming a definition?
i have evidence of god in my life. it's very clear to me. you don't. "produce a god"? are you assuming a definition?

Sorry Lori, people don't just accept your word for something that hasn't been shown to exist, like unicorns and leprechauns.

Can you produce a unicorn? Do you believe in unicorns?

Same thing for gods, Lori.
Sorry Lori, people don't just accept your word for something that hasn't been shown to exist, like unicorns and leprechauns.

Can you produce a unicorn? Do you believe in unicorns?

Same thing for gods, Lori.

what you don't understand Q, and why i've been retiterating the request for you to take responsibility for your own inquiry regarding god's existence, is it doesn't even make sense for you or anyone else to take my word for it. you get your own evidence and that is up to you. i can pray for you all day long but if you don't want to know if god exists, then you won't. it's that simple.

i've never seen a unicorn, but i have experienced god.
what you don't understand Q, and why i've been retiterating the request for you to take responsibility for your own inquiry regarding god's existence, is it doesn't even make sense for you or anyone else to take my word for it. you get your own evidence and that is up to you. i can pray for you all day long but if you don't want to know if god exists, then you won't. it's that simple.

Then, by your own admittance, god can only do what I want him to do. Can't your god do whatever he wants to do? He can ignore me and place all his attention on you. That wouldn't make sense according to your bible, but that is how you're explaining it. Obviously, you're wrong.

i've never seen a unicorn, but i have experienced god.

Then, produce your god. It's really that simple, Lori.
what you don't understand Q, and why i've been retiterating the request for you to take responsibility for your own inquiry regarding god's existence, is it doesn't even make sense for you or anyone else to take my word for it. you get your own evidence and that is up to you. i can pray for you all day long but if you don't want to know if god exists, then you won't. it's that simple.

i've never seen a unicorn, but i have experienced god.
Even if you want to know, apparently the evidence still doesn't magically appear. I respect your claim of personal experience, however, this is not objective (you could be nuts). Only objective, empirical evidence will suffice. Meanwhile, everyone without any such evidence is trying to dictate what we teach in school, how a woman can deal with her own pregnancy, foreign policy, the distribution of public money, and eroding the barriers between church and state.
Then, by your own admittance, god can only do what I want him to do. Can't your god do whatever he wants to do? He can ignore me and place all his attention on you. That wouldn't make sense according to your bible, but that is how you're explaining it. Obviously, you're wrong.

Then, produce your god. It's really that simple, Lori.

i don't "produce" god. :confused:

if i knew that someone didn't want a damn thing to do with me, i wouldn't badger them. would you?
it is to me, and if you had your own, it would be to you too.

But it's only a personal experience, it's not evidence of anything.
Evidence should be reproducible and testable by independent parties.
Even if you want to know, apparently the evidence still doesn't magically appear. I respect your claim of personal experience, however, this is not objective (you could be nuts). Only objective, empirical evidence will suffice. Meanwhile, everyone without any such evidence is trying to dictate what we teach in school, how a woman can deal with her own pregnancy, foreign policy, the distribution of public money, and eroding the barriers between church and state.

yes, the christian religious practice is very often completely contradictory to it's own doctrine. it's self-defeating in a way, but the truth is pretty obvious to anyone who's really looking. which is why i insisted on personal evidence and a relationship with god on a personal level a long time ago. god is not an institution. an institution doesn't own god, and god doesn't need it. it's pretty logical actually...
But it's only a personal experience, it's not evidence of anything.
Evidence should be reproducible and testable by independent parties.

if it's all about you, and it's all you need, then why?
why does it have to involved anyone but you and god?

For starters, you said you had evidence. I responded to that alone.

Imagine you and a friend are taking a walk. You arrive at a pond that has frogs in it.
The two of you stand there for a moment looking at the frogs.
Suddenly you see a frog fly off. You rub your eyes, look again, but it's gone.
Now, do you believe that the frog actually flew or do you ask your friend "Did you see what I saw ?"
For starters, you said you had evidence. I responded to that alone.

Imagine you and a friend are taking a walk. You arrive at a pond that has frogs in it.
The two of you stand there for a moment looking at the frogs.
Suddenly you see a frog fly off. You rub your eyes, look again, but it's gone.
Now, do you believe that the frog actually flew or do you ask your friend "Did you see what I saw ?"

hmm...flying frogs huh?

so you're saying that you don't trust what would be god, to present evidence to you that would be beyond doubt. or are you saying you don't trust your own perception or judgement?

see, it's nonsensical to me to consider that what would be god could not handle the task of presenting himself to you convincingly and successfully.

that's inherent in what i would consider the definition of god. if god is not capable of that, then god's not much of a god. does that make sense?
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