Jesus is the only way to salvation??

M*W: Why is death a bad thing? Death shouldn't be feared, because we will all face it at some time or another.

death isn't actually a bad thing, and there's nothing to fear about it. but many people don't know what death is, so they fear it. for example, there are some people who fear that they will go to hell. and others fear that they will cease to exist. none of these two assumptions are correct.

I take it you mean physical death ?
I never know with you..

what other kind of death is there than physical death? you can't be "saved" from physical death because everything that is physical dies. consciousness never ceases to exist, so there is nothing to be saved from, except the false ideas of death.
Explain "salvation" ?

it means that you are saved from death and other bad things.

I take it you mean physical death ?
I never know with you..

what other kind of death is there than physical death? you can't be "saved" from physical death because everything that is physical dies. consciousness never ceases to exist, so there is nothing to be saved from, except the false ideas of death.

So you don't believe in salvation ?
Do you even know the story of the moon? You and (Q) talk like you've read the whole thing and arrived at a logical conclusion, when you haven't even bothered. :rolleyes:
Tell me SAM, do the majority of Muslims think that the moon split into two peaces or not? Do the majority of Muslims think Mohammad rode on a winged fairy creature or not? Do the majority of Muslims think that the Qur'an is "perfect" (whatever that means) or not?

both these texts have been noted that they originally appear in a the present tense.

IOW "right here, right now , I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes ....."

given that he had to remind people that it is not ok to have sex with your neighbour's wife or steal, its not such a difficult idea to entertain .....

Jesus is right here right now. Jesus lives and His words are to people who live right here right now. Down throughout the centuries each person who has heard the Words of Jesus have had their turn at being With Jesus right here right now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jesus is right here right now. Jesus lives and His words are to people who live right here right now. Down throughout the centuries each person who has heard the Words of Jesus have had their turn at being With Jesus right here right now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
anyone who follows the instruction of a bonafide spiritual representative gets the result.
you can even argue that a particular representative is more effective than another (all the way up to issues of a representative being effectively non-different from godhead itself)

However I think you have to put a better case for jesus being the absolute one and only for all eternity since most of the world for most of history didn't have the opportunity to approach his teachings.
When Jesus was crucified, he changed the Universe forever.
He reconciled God with Man. By establishing this connection he provided a way for all to be with God. This is what is meant by salvation is "through him".
It literally is through him. God will burn no one forever because they don't prescribe to the proper flavor of religion. Those found unacceptable will merely never enter his presence.
Similar could be said of some forms of theism -
Some theists are slaves to religious elitism. Religious elitism is limited by consensus. It would be a complete waste of a life to live it tied down to other people's views of what you see.

But again - who would be willing to stake eternity in hell on such a view?

Anyone with the courage of their convictions.
However I think you have to put a better case for jesus being the absolute one and only for all eternity since most of the world for most of history didn't have the opportunity to approach his teachings.

But this isn't really the issue here. The standard Christian comeback at this is that God will take care of those people as He sees fit.

What is the issue is that there are people who nowadays (supposedly!) hear the message of Jesus (like you and me), and who still refuse to accept Jesus as their savior.

At what point can one really say that one has heard Jesus' message? How are we to be sure what we have heard indeed is Jesus' message, and not some distortion of it?

Who has got it right about what Jesus' message is? There are numerous translations and interpretations of the Bible, there is no unbroken and authoritative lineage of teachers nor a unified authoritative body within Christianity. There are only many different traditions, each one of them more or less openly accusing the other of being the distorter of God's Word.

I do not think it is is fair that Christians in general put the whole burden of proof on seekers; being left to oneself like this is a recipe for delusion.
But this isn't really the issue here. The standard Christian comeback at this is that God will take care of those people as He sees fit.

What is the issue is that there are people who nowadays (supposedly!) hear the message of Jesus (like you and me), and who still refuse to accept Jesus as their savior.

At what point can one really say that one has heard Jesus' message? How are we to be sure what we have heard indeed is Jesus' message, and not some distortion of it?

Who has got it right about what Jesus' message is? There are numerous translations and interpretations of the Bible, there is no unbroken and authoritative lineage of teachers nor a unified authoritative body within Christianity. There are only many different traditions, each one of them more or less openly accusing the other of being the distorter of God's Word.

I do not think it is is fair that Christians in general put the whole burden of proof on seekers; being left to oneself like this is a recipe for delusion.

It's not about fairness. Christians have no proof to offer. All you can expect is hearsay, personal( emotional) experiences and quotations from the Bible which is taken as a given.

If you cannot accept the Bible as the word of god, there is nothing to discuss with Christians. The ball is in your court. Either accept external authority or work things out for yourself.
If he is the son of God then he is

Not everyone will come to know him in life ,but at the end of time all shall know him in death and prior to resurrection.Many in the afterlife do so now.In an interim condition between heaven and earth.They are not in hell...coz hell is the lake of fire,but they do recognise that they need to be in communion with him to be happy.So self chastisement and contrition in this middle condition will save them from hell even if those souls did not know Jesus was the only way whilst they were alive
I didn't need Jesus nor any other form of religion to be saved. I saved myself from myself.
However I could find metephoric truth in any religion if I so desired.
Many find salvation through some form of religion, and they think it's the only way to find it - but not everyone takes the same journey. Their are many paths to salvation.

Jesus is just one of many possible ways.
But this isn't really the issue here. The standard Christian comeback at this is that God will take care of those people as He sees fit.

What is the issue is that there are people who nowadays (supposedly!) hear the message of Jesus (like you and me), and who still refuse to accept Jesus as their savior.

At what point can one really say that one has heard Jesus' message? How are we to be sure what we have heard indeed is Jesus' message, and not some distortion of it?

Who has got it right about what Jesus' message is? There are numerous translations and interpretations of the Bible, there is no unbroken and authoritative lineage of teachers nor a unified authoritative body within Christianity. There are only many different traditions, each one of them more or less openly accusing the other of being the distorter of God's Word.

I do not think it is is fair that Christians in general put the whole burden of proof on seekers; being left to oneself like this is a recipe for delusion.

A Seeker who is willing to trust in God and is prepared to lay down their pride will be lead by God to safety.

In the end this point i make true. What point would there be for God to reject and lead into destruction one that is as the above?

In the end even if God would lead a genuine seeker into destruction what could us mere mortals do about it?

So there is no other plausible policy to follow if God exists then to place oneself at His mercy and seek His guidance.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yet only those who discipline themselves will attain it; only the very luckiest will achieve it! - Koran
I didn't need Jesus nor any other form of religion to be saved. I saved myself from myself.
However I could find metephoric truth in any religion if I so desired.
Many find salvation through some form of religion, and they think it's the only way to find it - but not everyone takes the same journey. Their are many paths to salvation.

Jesus is just one of many possible ways.

that's not completely true. yes, there are truths in many things, including religion, but there is only one true salvation. the bible is the last word of our age. an age in which we suffer. what we suffer from is called sin in the bible, and no matter how hard you try, you will never, ever save yourself from that. it is inherent in you the day you're born and it's the reason you die.

the story of jesus is a story of the removal of sin. redemption, restoration, and healing. eternal life without suffering of any kind. this will be the new kingdom.
that's not completely true. yes, there are truths in many things, including religion, but there is only one true salvation. the bible is the last word of our age. an age in which we suffer. what we suffer from is called sin in the bible, and no matter how hard you try, you will never, ever save yourself from that. it is inherent in you the day you're born and it's the reason you die.

the story of jesus is a story of the removal of sin. redemption, restoration, and healing. eternal life without suffering of any kind. this will be the new kingdom.

So if I believe in God, but I don't believe Jesus was his Son, do I go to hell?