Jesus is the only way to salvation??

The only difference is you have to worry about having money, food, shelter, etc. This has an impact on your belief if God does trully exist or not. People make the mistake in forgetting most of the time.

god provides plenty. and money is not necessary. the only reason that people go without is because of sin.
i am counseled and influenced by the holy spirit. and a transformation has occurred in me because of that.

As I am. My transformation occurred in me as well as in physical form. My body at this time is a representation of my soul.

In the words of Malcom X, "And if I can die having brought any light, having exposed any meaningful truth that will help destroy the racist cancer that is malignant in the body of America then, all of the credit is due to Allah. Only the mistakes have been mine."

Does not have to be about racism to apply. Do not have to be muslim to apply.
only because of sin. you do not think that god provides for his creation?

I do, most definetly. I am probably the luckiest sob I met. I feel this way, only because God loves me so much. I can't say I am poor. It is just God said that we all have burdens and no one can carry someone else burden. You might be able to say that because of sin people end up without; however a better statement would be I am not sure of the situation he is in and God is the one that knows better than I. That is what I tell myself when I see someone that is not as fortunate as I am.

After the transformation, I am also able to see into people hearts/soul.
I don't about you, but last time I checked being born of a viring is not normal.

So??? We are talking about God here. If you cannot believe that it is possable for God to cause a virgin to become pregnant and have a child then you don't have much opinion of God's power.

Christianty is based on Jesus. Christians worship Jesus instead of God, which is false and blasphemy, punishable by hell.

Jesus is the Word and in the beggining the Word was with God and the Word was God. Worthy is Jesus or worship.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So??? We are talking about God here. If you cannot believe that it is possable for God to cause a virgin to become pregnant and have a child then you don't have much opinion of God's power.

LOL, my point exactly. It is not normal. You read my posts all wrong.

Jesus is the Word and in the beggining the Word was with God and the Word was God. Worthy is Jesus or worship.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Last time I checked Jesus was human, slightly different. If you worship a human being you will go to hell. Paganism. The evil jews tricked everyone to worship an idol instead of God.
How come Christians (and perhaps some others) hold that Jesus is the only way to salvation, and that following no other person or way or means can lead to salvation?
Whence this exclusiveness?

Christians hold the Bible as their final authority. What God says goes. Jesus, who we believe is God, said he was the only way to salvation.