Jesus is the only way to salvation??

why don't you believe in a perfect existence? the removal of sin? eternal life? what's your reasoning?

Jesus was Jesus. You can not be Jesus, only look up to Jesus. The fact that he was from God, sent down to spread His Word and Will. It is blasphemy to believe you can be like Jesus.

Sin removal is possible, however they will never be able to completely remove sin without God. God promised to rid us of our rancor when we die, not in our worldly life.

Eternal life is given after this life, whether they spend it in heaven or hell is up to that person.

My reasoing is God.
Jesus was Jesus. You can not be Jesus, only look up to Jesus. The fact that he was from God, sent down to spread His Word and Will. It is blasphemy to believe you can be like Jesus.

Sin removal is possible, however they will never be able to completely remove sin without God. God promised to rid us of our rancor when we die, not in our worldly life.

Eternal life is given after this life, whether they spend it in heaven or hell is up to that person.

My reasoing is God.

life on earth isn't going to just stop. why do you think we're here, if our destiny is not in flesh?

what do you think communion (the ritual) is about.

the bible says that we will be given new bodies. it also says that jesus' blood heals, cleanses, and redeems. what do you think that means?
Yet only those who discipline themselves will attain it; only the very luckiest will achieve it! - Koran

Luck???? I doubt the quran says luck has anything to do with it and i believe the quran is false.

As for self discipline, that does conform to the thoughts of men. People who want to achieve Self discipline want to feel the pride that goes with it when they delude themselves into thinking that have achieved it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Luck???? I doubt the quran says luck has anything to do with it and i believe the quran is false.

As for self discipline, that does conform to the thoughts of men. People who want to achieve Self discipline want to feel the pride that goes with it when they delude themselves into thinking that have achieved it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

LOL, plesase keep you misinterpretations to your self. I suggest you read the quote again so you don't make a fool of your self.

LOL, The Quran is false? What is true then?
life on earth isn't going to just stop. why do you think we're here, if our destiny is not in flesh?

what do you think communion (the ritual) is about.

the bible says that we will be given new bodies. it also says that jesus' blood heals, cleanses, and redeems. what do you think that means?

Everyone has a purpose ofcourse their destiny is in flesh. I don't see how being perfect has to do with that.

I don't see how the ritual has anything to do with God.

If you earn what God intended, you will get to keep your body once you die. Instead of being a floating cloud like entity. Why do you think there is 7 heavens. 7th is for those who have earned more and are closer to God. 1st for earning less however they are still in heaven and close to God. If you ask me, a lot better than hell.

I don't see how his blood healing, cleansines, or redeeming has anything to do with God.

I don't worship Jesus, sorry I worship God.
Jesus was Jesus. You can not be Jesus, only look up to Jesus. The fact that he was from God, sent down to spread His Word and Will. It is blasphemy to believe you can be like Jesus.

Then you are professing that Jesus was not a normal man, a product of the union of joseph and mary but that He was from God? If you believe that Jesus was born as a normal man then clearly it would be possible for all other men born as normal men to become like Jesus was in His lifetime on earth.

Sin removal is possible, however they will never be able to completely remove sin without God. God promised to rid us of our rancor when we die, not in our worldly life.

Eternal life is given after this life, whether they spend it in heaven or hell is up to that person.

My reasoing is God.

Christianity never teaches that we can be like Jesus in this lifetime. We look forward to being transformed into a Good state of being at the time of the resurrection.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Everyone has a purpose ofcourse their destiny is in flesh. I don't see how being perfect has to do with that.

I don't see how the ritual has anything to do with God.

If you earn what God intended, you will get to keep your body once you die. Instead of being a floating cloud like entity. Why do you think there is 7 heavens. 7th is for those who have earned more and are closer to God. 1st for earning less however they are still in heaven and close to God. If you ask me, a lot better than hell.

I don't see how his blood healing, cleansines, or redeeming has anything to do with God.

I don't worship Jesus, sorry I worship God.

jesus was god in the flesh, as we all will be one day, when communion is restored, with god and with each other. we will all be one, even in our individuality. we will have complete freedom and peace and joy.

the ritual of ingesting the blood and body of christ is representative of a time when we will have bodies like from sin, and in communion with god.
jesus was god in the flesh, as we all will be one day, when communion is restored, with god and with each other. we will all be one, even in our individuality. we will have complete freedom and peace and joy.

the ritual of ingesting the blood and body of christ is representative of a time when we will have bodies like from sin, and in communion with god.

Jesus was God in the flesh? That is an insult to God and an insult to Jesus. How can you say such blasphemy?? Jesus worshiped God, and not himself.

We will be souls in heaven yes, everyone knows that.

I'm sorry but that ritual has nothing to do with God.
Then you are professing that Jesus was not a normal man, a product of the union of joseph and mary but that He was from God? If you believe that Jesus was born as a normal man then clearly it would be possible for all other men born as normal men to become like Jesus was in His lifetime on earth.

Christianity never teaches that we can be like Jesus in this lifetime. We look forward to being transformed into a Good state of being at the time of the resurrection.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I don't about you, but last time I checked being born of a viring is not normal.

Christianty is based on Jesus. Christians worship Jesus instead of God, which is false and blasphemy, punishable by hell.
Jesus was God in the flesh? That is an insult to God and an insult to Jesus. How can you say such blasphemy?? Jesus worshiped God, and not himself.

We will be souls in heaven yes, everyone knows that.

I'm sorry but that ritual has nothing to do with God.

what do you think god is?
Jesus was God in the flesh? That is an insult to God and an insult to Jesus. How can you say such blasphemy?? Jesus worshiped God, and not himself.

We will be souls in heaven yes, everyone knows that.

I'm sorry but that ritual has nothing to do with God.

it has everything to do with god. restored communion with god. what good are we, or god, if we can't commune?
it has everything to do with god. restored communion with god. what good are we, or god, if we can't commune?

LOL, commune and communion are 2 different things. Everyone knows to commune for God's sake. Communion on the other hand is something to worship Jesus.
You mean what He looks like face to face? Or what is He to us?

no...i mean what is it? what is god? what is god comprised of? what are god's characteristics? makeup? spiritual, physical, or otherwise?
LOL, commune and communion are 2 different things. Everyone knows to commune for God's sake. Communion on the other hand is something to worship Jesus.

communion is how bird's flock, and bees work. communion is an individual being part of a whole that is greater than it's parts. communion is a state of deriving knowledge and instinct from the greater good, as opposed to one's self and mind. communion is being "in tune" with each other and with the world around us. we all are part of god and his creation. we are all connected. it is the denial of this connection that destroys us and everything around us.
no...i mean what is it? what is god? what is god comprised of? what are god's characteristics? makeup? spiritual, physical, or otherwise?

God is The Creator of Heaven and Earth. He is our Father and we are His children at the Source. How would anyone know what God looks like? How would anyone know any of those things? The only things we know is some of the basics. Mercy, Powerfull, Wise, Just, Fair, Loving, etc.