Jesus is the only way to salvation??

Somehow I don't believe I would see Tom Cruise as a mentor. But thats just me.

Do you think that the people you met in KSA were willing to admit Islam is no more or less a valid religous beleif compared with Scientology? Did they say the superstitous views of Mohammad etal, ie Qur'an, are no more and no less valid then those of Ron Hubbard.

I'm just curious.

Perhaps Tom Cruise is more open minded and could have mentored you much better. Maybe if you had met The Living Prophet Tom, you would be able to say these words: Yes, the possibly exists there is no God.

All Praise Xenu,
Hmm, again, somehow I don't believe Tom Cruise would convince me of ANYTHING. :mad:
If you are wondering what all the criticism and protests are about,
I recommend you do some reading on the deaths and human rights abuses.
When they start burning people alive at the stake or strapping killing people for slight variations in doctrine - then we'll get worried.

On a side note, anti-depressants actually don't help most people who are prescribed them. Perhaps this is what the Scientologists are getting at in that regards. It does seem to be their "thing".

It's as if all superstitions have to have their "thing". Not eating pork or not taking blood by IV or some such crap. Scientology seems to be anti-depressants.

As for not letting people leave the "religion" you should ask Cris, I'm not sure but I think they kicked her out?

Hmm, again, somehow I don't believe Tom Cruise would convince me of ANYTHING. :mad:
Come on SAM, we don't know Tom Cruise. It's just tabloid stuff.

He is the Living Prophet :p

Anyway, maybe back then you were more easily convinced of things. I mean, you did think the moon split in half pffffff :D
How come Christians (and perhaps some others) hold that Jesus is the only way to salvation, and that following no other person or way or means can lead to salvation?
Whence this exclusiveness?

As Adstar pointed out, the Bible teaches, in some places, that Jesus is the only way to salvation. There are other verses in addition to the ones he quoted that say this same thing. But then again, there are other verses that seem to teach otherwise.

Jesus taught his own people that salvation was both by faith in Him and by keeping the Law. He taught that you could not have one without the other. Most modern Christians disagree with Jesus over the whole necessity of keeping the eternal Law of God. They seem to think that they know more about this than Him.

The Christian church teaches many conflicting versions of salvation because the source of their faith, the Bible itself, teaches many different versions of it.

Take Care!
The Christian church teaches many conflicting versions of salvation because the source of their faith, the Bible itself, teaches many different versions of it.
Which is why we can simply recognize that Jesus is the Grecco-Jewish version of the Life/Death/Resurrection Hero-Deity. So we take a look at these other Man-Gods: Baal, Horus, Osiris, Amun, Amun-Min, Atunis, Adonis, Cronus, Cybele, Dionysus, Orpheus, Persephone, Attis, Mithras, Aeneas, Bacchus, Proserpina, Damuzi, Inanna and realize that yes Jesus IS the way to life eternal.

So, seeing as in the GreccoJews copied everything else from the Greeks that THIS being a central point was certainly copied.
Jesus said so.

John 14
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Matthew 28
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

both these texts have been noted that they originally appear in a the present tense.

IOW "right here, right now , I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes ....."

given that he had to remind people that it is not ok to have sex with your neighbour's wife or steal, its not such a difficult idea to entertain .....
Explain "salvation" ?

It can mean several things, to name some -

- A happiness that is not subject to change, aging, illness and death.
- Not burning in hell for all eternity.
- Not being reborn/reincarnated anymore.
Come on SAM, we don't know Tom Cruise. It's just tabloid stuff.

He is the Living Prophet :p

Anyway, maybe back then you were more easily convinced of things. I mean, you did think the moon split in half pffffff :D

Do you even know the story of the moon? You and (Q) talk like you've read the whole thing and arrived at a logical conclusion, when you haven't even bothered. :rolleyes:

Western historians such as A.J. Wensinck and Denis Gril, reject the historicity of the miracle arguing that the Qur'an itself denies miracles, in their traditional sense, in connection with Muhammad
I had read an article somewhere in which salvation was explained as being part and parcel to resurrection. In other words, an individual could not attain salvation without having their own personal resurrection, so to speak.

I'm sure many bits of 'cheese n' crackers' eaten late at night have been misconstrued as such.
It can mean several things, to name some -

- A happiness that is not subject to change, aging, illness and death.
- Not burning in hell for all eternity.
- Not being reborn/reincarnated anymore.

I guess we first have to establish whether or not hell and rebirth/reincarnation are realities..
Avoiding hell makes no sense if hell doesn't exist, same with rebirth/reincarnation.

Can you explain the first point to me ? To me that sentence simply says "afterlife".
I guess we first have to establish whether or not hell and rebirth/reincarnation are realities..
Avoiding hell makes no sense if hell doesn't exist, same with rebirth/reincarnation.

Sure. But as far as I know, the way to prove that hell exists is to actually do the things that various scriptures say leads to hell - such as killing, causing harm, spreading lies ...

Can you explain the first point to me ? To me that sentence simply says "afterlife".

The happiness we usually experience in this world is subject to change - it comes and it passes, and it can more or less easily be influenced by a number of things. As such, this happiness is not steady, it is not reliable and working towards getting this sort of happiness eventually leaves us frustrated.
Conversely, in some religions, there is the notion of a happiness that is not subject to such change, a happiness that cannot be influenced by the usualy worldly factors such as aging, illness and death in all their forms.
Sure. But as far as I know, the way to prove that hell exists is to actually do the things that various scriptures say leads to hell - such as killing, causing harm, spreading lies ...
So it is essentially unknowable.
By the way, I am of the conviction that virtually everyone would go to hell if we were to take scripture literally.

The happiness we usually experience in this world is subject to change - it comes and it passes, and it can more or less easily be influenced by a number of things. As such, this happiness is not steady, it is not reliable and working towards getting this sort of happiness eventually leaves us frustrated.
Conversely, in some religions, there is the notion of a happiness that is not subject to such change, a happiness that cannot be influenced by the usualy worldly factors such as aging, illness and death in all their forms.
But still this just sounds like afterlife to me, heaven specifically.
So it is essentially unknowable.

I don't think so. It is unknowable only if you refuse to investigate it.

By the way, I am of the conviction that virtually everyone would go to hell if we were to take scripture literally.

Yes, if we take only some parts of scripture literally, and ignore the other parts that speak about what one can do in order to avoid hell.
I don't think so. It is unknowable only if you refuse to investigate it.
Investigating is impossible because it would require sinning and then dying to find out.. and that's assuming you'll remember who you was and what you were investigating before death.

Yes, if we take only some parts of scripture literally, and ignore the other parts that speak about what one can do in order to avoid hell.
I don't think so.. it's a sin to have sex before marriage, right ? How many people do that, even religious people ?
What about all the atheists (and that's including all the people praying to the wrong God) ?