Jesus Christ is the Son of God


Cris is brainwashed to the max, hardcore...
Everytime she recommends a website, she dont reccomend just a historian or a scientist, but she posts ATHEISTS WEBPAGES, to brainwash teens and young innocent kids to the max...

check that webpage and youll see "Burton Mack" of who's book she reccomends...
Jesus is a myth? How can you say that despite all the evidence? Someone this stupid proves the devil must be real...
Hey, great stuff. I haven't visited that website for a long time. Thanks for posting a good atheist link for our younger members. You are a credit to atheism.

Looks like I should start some more reading again.

References to Burton L Mack on non-atheist websites.

His books seek truth and are independent of atheism or theism. This is why his books are referenced in many places, e.g. Christian literature, history research, and atheism.

If you were interested in discovering truth rather than just preaching your own perceptions then you would do well to read some of his material.

and so on……..
Originally posted by whatsupyall
Cris is brainwashed to the max, hardcore...
Everytime she recommends a website, she dont reccomend just a historian or a scientist, but she posts ATHEISTS WEBPAGES, to brainwash teens and young innocent kids to the max...

check that webpage and youll see "Burton Mack" of who's book she reccomends...
Jesus is a myth? How can you say that despite all the evidence? Someone this stupid proves the devil must be real...

Wait, how do you know Cris' gender??
Adam, quite following me around. It's pathetic.

Cris is female? Now I'm quite sure whatsupyall is on crack. :D
Hey, I don't mind being female for a while. I'm always game for a new experience.
I finally saw the whole picture...I came in this forums about 2 months ago (I think), and I dont know much about u guys...But I got the whole picture now...This is like a cult organization, where Cris is the head, and the atheists kids (zero, frenchy, xelios, g-bil, etc.) are the brainwashed followers...THATS WHY GUYS U CAN NEVER JUDGE WHY SOME NEVER BELIEVES IN EVOLUTION, OR SOME KILLS FOR JESUS OR COMMIT SUICIDE IN CULT RELIGIONS, YOU CANT BLAIM THEM, BECAUSE I SEE THAT HERE WITH YOU GUYS...Your all brainwashed to the max, IT SEEMS YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE IN GOD, am I little too late? Many of you are brainwashed to the max, HARDCORE....With Cris as the head, your all losing your judgment, you cant even tell anymore the difference between "all-knowing and all powerfull" to "controlling" your so brainwashed to the max that you think those are all the same words, that omniscience cannot co-exist with freewill .......

note: Gino, Gladzic, Tony, do you guys believe Jesus is God or do you believe he is just another prophet? Im curious.....
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Yay! He's leaving!

Are you really whatsup? I will miss you, I'll think about you every day and all that crap.

Yesyesyesyesyes he's leaving!!! w00t!!
Well, Whatsup, you came into the forum with your first reply entitled "God is proven", followed by 6 posts of insults and assumptions, and all we asked was for your proof. On your seventh post, you finally presented your "proof":

Since some atheist (like you) are cone heads and stubborn, ill repeat the evidence of God once more. God exist because the universe exists. If intelligent cause doesn’t exist, then the effect (detailed life) doesn’t exist (the principle of causality) but because detailed life forms exist, then the intelligent cause exist (God); every complex and detailed form is an effect of intelligent cause (as observed and studied), from mechanical to biological. Reality triumphs over Lies, Fact triumphs over Opinion…

Unfortunately, no one here will buy that worn out fallacy. As of yet, that's the best you've done in evidence. At least other theists make some effort to back their argument. So unless you have a new argument that is improved from "because it is, God is", give up.

I have to say, some of the ID theorists are doing a lot better these days, such as at But much of the actual science there falls short, and when they start using Biblical passages as evidence...oh well...
Jaxom and other atheists, you notice what is not the proof that I post, yet you dont notice the MANY OTHER EVIDENCE I PRESENTED....but its ok, like I was saying, good and evil always exist, stupid and obedient peeps always exist, atheists and theists will always exist in this just happen to be an atheists....

In your 362 posts of thousands of words, most caps, and little punctuation, this is about it on arguments that you present.

Proof of God

1) The universe exists
2) People have testified belief
3) God exists otherwise King Henry/Shakepeare never did either
4) People have died for religion
5) 99% of universities founded by Christians
6) Healing, miracles, and other supernatural claims
7) Random chance cannot form computers, nor life
8) Intelligent design

The last three are really the only ones even considering. Had you offered some evidence of number 6, then we could have examined the validity of the claims. Had you a clue on how chemistry and probability combined with enormous time and numbers of molecules equates to chances, you wouldn't have spent so much time on number 7. And number 8 has been debunked many times over, from the watchmaker on up.

So yes, we've read your points...those who didn't ignore your shouting and namecalling. Maybe if you had brought more proof, and less insults, more people would have debated what aruments you have with you.
I'll probably regret asking this but what does "peeps" mean in this context? I've assumed it is an insult of some type but I have never come across this variation.

This is like a cult organization, where Cris is the head, and the atheists kids (zero, frenchy, xelios, g-bil, etc.) are the brainwashed followers...
I guess I should feel flattered that I appear as a leader but really that isn’t true. All contributors here are independent individuals with complete freedom to express entirely their own views. The fact that many of us share the same ideas through independent reasoning rather than any form of indoctrination or brainwashing gives me enormous hope that there is likely to be a promising future without religion and that people can learn to think for themselves.

Atheists do not depend on archaic ancient religious books for their inspiration, atheists do not attend churches where they would be subjected to unquestioned repeated indoctrinations and brainwashing, atheists do not live under the threat of eternal torment if they make mistakes, atheists do not suffer from guilt worrying whether they have sinned or not, etc., etc.

So where oh where do you think atheists receive this brainwashing? It certainly can’t be me since all my posts are directed at theists and other religionists. And as far as I know I have never told another atheist what to think or how to think.

Peeps is generally slang for friends..
OK thanks. Do you know its derivation? Is this American slang? And from what age range?

thank you Xev sensei.
Originally posted by Cris

OK thanks. Do you know its derivation? Is this American slang? And from what age range?

thank you Xev sensei.

Cris, I can't believe you are not up on your slang. Yep it's American slang. Not really sure the age range I don't even think there is one. :cool: :)
OK thanks. Do you know its derivation? Is this American slang? And from what age range?

thank you Xev sensei.

I think it derives from "people". It seems more common on the 'net than in the mundane world - none of my friends use it. I don't know if it's American - like I said, rare offline - and I think the age range is like 30s or so.

All heil Cris, leader of athiests! :p
maybe there were several candidates running for messiah at the time. maybe it's kind of an intertwined deal where there were like, 3 guys all claiming to be the messiah and were thusly called jesus, so when they were written aboot... well, you know... it made the book mesh. hell, which person claiming to be moses calles himself bob? He says: I'm moses!


how fucking ironic that this whole primitive caveman kind of religious foundation thing is all based on someone who never existed. that there is quality comedy. :)