Isn't time that Humanity was more important than any religion

By the way if you have to the conclusion that I'm not a spiritual person, your wrong

My spiritual

Is the Human spirit
I have no Web Site or blog and nor do I intend to

So any questions you have fell free of course to ask, questions don't bother me in the least
We need to have better Sound Mind philosophy for Humanity

When you are drawn down to the depths of hell and/or heaven, we need a Humanity based philosophy that can bring us BACK to our own Being, remind us of who we are first and foremost, Human beings

Both have a power over our psychology and intellect

I would like to think that Humanity can break this power in this day and age

What about eternity, like intellect this is a feeling, and a very strong one.

We live in a simple-verse where the imagination is queen. What the mind can conceive, it will achieve.
What about eternity, like intellect this is a feeling, and a very strong one.

We as Humanity will survive as long as we possibly can

We live in a simple-verse where the imagination is queen.

That's true for the most part

We need to realise that the material world is where, right now, we are for most part living our lives

There is nothing wrong with this, the metaphysical world needs the physical Universe in order to manifest itself

Without a world to stand on, that can promote the flourishing of life, even at the simplest level, life will not exist

Life does not live and grow on just any cosmic lump

What the mind can conceive, it will achieve.


It is the direction that is my concern and really should be ALL of our concern
Think of what the emotion 'heaven' would be, and what the emotion 'hell' would be.

I don't think Hell is such a bad idea. He must be a gentlemen, a pack leader, he has to have smarts. He's tough, I'm sure he'll entertain. Hell, he's going to keep all those people, what a guy!

Can't have one without the other. What did all the moral children do with rapist? They put them in Hell, how dope is Hell?!?!?!?!

Heaven is not merely a cloud city for moral, its a man with a perspective. Give me the good, and I will friend the bad in Hell.

You have no choice to that, you are who you are, son. I'm not talking rock vs grass, but what are you? Really, why are you going to hell, and I'm going to heaven? Why are we anything but mush grey?

Heaven is described some in the book of Revelation. Sounds like the place for me...

Hell is described in the bible as hot and punishing. And you may get the impression you can die over and over and still be in hell. Not a place I hope I end up in.
And as far as me turning to mush. My body will but my spirit won't.
Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."


This what I don't like about this statement

First, about faith being sure about hope

Hope about what? That God will come to rescue us but only if we do this god (gender doesn't matter) bidding??

The second, about what we don't see

There are many things that we don't see, materially and spiritually
See the thing is, it seems so far that the material world is where every metaphysical energy resides, in the end

Sure we could ascend into other dimensional metaphysical world's, but where ever that metaphysical world is, needs the material world in which it can materialize or manifest

Therefore any knowledge gained about material Universe should be brought with one to the next dimension
Hope about what? That God will come to rescue us but only if we do this god (gender doesn't matter) bidding??
Hope is the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life"

It wouldn't surprise me if every single human being pass the age of one month uses this human facility.

My phone is slow. Give me time to respond. I will if I can.


This what I don't like about this statement

First, about faith being sure about hope

Hope about what? That God will come to rescue us but only if we do this god (gender doesn't matter) bidding??
hope he is really there. There is a heaven, a god. And his words are true...

The second, about what we don't see

There are many things that we don't see, materially and spiritually

Um let's think about this one. Angles, demons, heaven, hell, god, satan, the spiritual, Jesus. Take your pick we don't see them but they are there.
Hope is the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life"

It wouldn't surprise me if every single human being pass the age of one month uses this human facility.


Its a Wish. A belief is distinctive to a wish. You must believe to even make that wish.
My phone is slow. Give me time to respond. I will if I can.

hope he is really there. There is a heaven, a god. And his words are true...

Um let's think about this one. Angles, demons, heaven, hell, god, satan, the spiritual, Jesus. Take your pick we don't see them but they are there.

I see angels, and demons every day. Flesh spirit, the human, angel, same thing to a high degree. The bodies are different. I know which humanoid be Satan, I found all seven of them. I know his bidding as well.
Originally Posted by river

This what I don't like about this statement

First, about faith being sure about hope

Hope about what? That God will come to rescue us but only if we do this god (gender doesn't matter) bidding??

My phone is slow. Give me time to respond. I will if I can.

hope he is really there. There is a heaven, a god. And his words are true...

That is a perfect example of the metaphysical psychology I have been against

Because there is no mention of Humanity

God choses who gets in and who doesn't

The same with the devil

Those who are not dedicated to either , don't get in

Therefore metaphysically you are trapped between the two, and therefore the psychology of the two

These two therefore control us, fore the most part. , there are some that see the bigger picture, but they are in the minority for now
You need to nature, 'God,' and Satan. Anyone care to embark on a quest to do so, given logic. Who is great? What great evil is Satan?
Again this is the another example of the psychology of the gods in kx000 last post

Let's get all of us out of this psychology
I mean just who we are. Nature, like who you are naturally, further, why one Jesus, one Satan.

Satan be Tempt. Jesus be like a cool summer breeze, he be the passing spirit.