Isn't time that Humanity was more important than any religion

Intellectually I think we Humans should look up into the night sky, and not just find constellations of astrology but see the night sky without the shapes of the Zodiac

I don't think that has been more intelligent time in recent Human history.

At no time before have we had a more informed people all over the world

Inotherwords we have the ability to question the metaphysics that got us here in this mess globally in the first place, which most of the threat to this planet is caused by

Hopefully some good will come out of all the discussions that are going on , on these stations and the like
I think you, too, know damn well how hard it is to live without having certainty about God.

Yes indeed. I have learned to like the idea, after having been taught it, that we are shepherded to a pleasant eternal future life after this one ends. It was hard to face how religions are man-made and not God-given. Yet still, having wrong information about something doesn't change the reality of the thing. So, yes, God could still exist.
Yes indeed. I have learned to like the idea, after having been taught it, that we are shepherded to a pleasant eternal future life after this one ends. It was hard to face how religions are man-made and not God-given. Yet still, having wrong information about something doesn't change the reality of the thing. So, yes, God could still exist.

Then you are coming from a significantly different perspective than I.

I've always thought of God as a potential threat, the potential ultimate threat. I've never associated anything pleasant with God.
Although I've never thought of God as someone who doesn't care about me, I've never thought of God as someone who loves me. But more like a mysterious presence which can destroy me anytime, but which, since it has given life to me, has the right to take it away, so I cannot rightfully rebel against it or consider it unjust.
Then you are coming from a significantly different perspective than I.

I've always thought of God as a potential threat, the potential ultimate threat. I've never associated anything pleasant with God.
Although I've never thought of God as someone who doesn't care about me, I've never thought of God as someone who loves me. But more like a mysterious presence which can destroy me anytime, but which, since it has given life to me, has the right to take it away, so I cannot rightfully rebel against it or consider it unjust.

The ones who taught you those characteristics of God were apparently trying to justify bad behavior they did or wanted to do. I got that in school, too, having been raised Catholic, but somehow my mind saw through it as wrong, probably because my dad didn't care for that stuff. He seemed to get that the love aspect was right.

I don't think that has been more intelligent time in recent Human history.

Nothing's new. It's all in the vedas.

At no time before have we had a more informed people all over the world

What use is the information without knowledge of the Original Cause?

Inotherwords we have the ability to question the metaphysics that got us here in this mess globally in the first place, which most of the threat to this planet is caused by

Hopefully some good will come out of all the discussions that are going on , on these stations and the like

What kind of ''good'' are you hoping for?

well isn't it ?

is not Humanity more important than any god ?

I think so

it is time to find our own destiny


My personal thoughts are if there is a heaven and a hell. A god of "good" and a satan of "evil". It is my thought that god and heaven are more important. But each person has free will. And some do choose humanity over the spiritual. And some satan and hell.
Look, in short, yes nurturing and support is important to developing a bond to help the assistance of change, but if you are crying foul the moment you receive any sort of negative feedback you are simply inflating yourself in a position that is impractical and also advocating a principle that you (nor practically anyone else) cannot perform.

It doesn't matter whether we are talking about origami or spiritual practice.

If you extend this notion of yours into all aspects of pedagogy, no one can effectively learn anything

I have been criticsed and given negative feedback for many things. One person criticized me for not drinking alcohol, for example.

Per your reasoning, I should have simply accepted the criticism and change my behavior accordingly, simply because it was made.

I don't think you are being fair to me, or to others.

We simply have different value systems.

Your criticism that I am "crying foul the moment I receive any sort of negative feedback" and how I am "inflating myself in a position that is impractical" would apply if we would have the same values.

But we don't. Just like I and that person who criticzed me for not drinking alcohol have different values.

So I am not "crying foul the moment I receive any sort of negative feedback", I am pointing out that we have different values.

If anyone has inflated themselves in a position that is impractical, it is you, with unilaterally taking it upon yourself to be our guru.
My personal thoughts are if there is a heaven and a hell. A god of "good" and a satan of "evil". It is my thought that god and heaven are more important.

Only because the philosophies behind both of them work on the psychology of Humanity, hence why we have the main religions ,Abrahamic that make us think that they ARE in fact important and so important in fact that they now are lining up against, 2 against, one with the world hanging in the balance

Metaphysical philosophy does not have philosophy based solely on the Human potential

All metaphysical philosophy has either a God and/or godesses at its very core and that ,what we need need to do is is obey and /or give yourself to them, not to Humanity , above all else in the Universe
My personal thoughts are if there is a heaven and a hell.

Think of what the emotion 'heaven' would be, and what the emotion 'hell' would be.

I don't think Hell is such a bad idea. He must be a gentlemen, a pack leader, he has to have smarts. He's tough, im sure he'll entertain. Hell, he's going to keep all those people, what a guy!

A god of "good" and a satan of "evil". It is my thought that god and heaven are more important.

Can't have one without the other. What did all the moral children do with rapist? They put them in Hell, how dope is Hell?!?!?!?!

Heaven is not merely a cloud city for moral, its a man with a perspective. Give me the good, and I will friend the bad in Hell.

But each person has free will. And some do choose humanity over the spiritual. And some satan and hell.

You have no choice to that, you are who you are, son. Im not talking rock vs grass, but what are you? Really, why are you going to hell, and I'm going to heaven? Why are we anything but mush grey?
Let me be as lucid as I can

I'm not ignoring the metaphysical aspects of life, far from it, I know they are here

What is important to me is Humanity, that's it and will always be

Humanity in its existence has never had a philosophy dedicated to Humanity devoid of any metaphysical aspects to this philosophy

I think it is high time we did

We need a philosophy that is all our own to live by
All metaphysical philosophy has either a God and/or godesses at its very core and that ,what we need need to do is is obey and /or give yourself to them, not to Humanity , above all else in the Universe

Nonsense. Look up metaphysical naturalism. It has nothing to do with any gods.

Since the beginning of modern philosophy during the seventeenth century, problems that were not originally considered within the bounds of metaphysics have been added to its purview, while other problems considered metaphysical for centuries are now typically subjects of their own separate regions in philosophy, such as philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, philosophy of language, and philosophy of science. -wiki​
Originally Posted by river
All metaphysical philosophy has either a God and/or godesses at its very core and that ,what we need need to do is is obey and /or give yourself to them, not to Humanity , above all else in the Universe

Nonsense. Look up metaphysical naturalism. It has nothing to do with any gods.

Since the beginning of modern philosophy during the seventeenth century, problems that were not originally considered within the bounds of metaphysics have been added to its purview, while other problems considered metaphysical for centuries are now typically subjects of their own separate regions in philosophy, such as philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, philosophy of language, and philosophy of science. -wiki​


But this does not address my last post and actually has nothing to with it
Originally Posted by river

But this does not address my last post and actually has nothing to with it

You do not seem capable of expressing a cogent point.

My point is this, the philosophy we live by right now is mostly Abrahamic or some other metaphysical philosophy which involve a God or Godess, that's the philosophy I'm trying put aside

We need to breakaway
My point is this, the philosophy we live by right now is mostly Abrahamic or some other metaphysical philosophy which involve a God or Godess, that's the philosophy I'm trying put aside

We need to breakaway

Good luck with dissuading ~80% of the worlds population. Do you have any plan on how to do so? You know, other than posting on a science forum where few of these people visit.
Originally Posted by river
My point is this, the philosophy we live by right now is mostly Abrahamic or some other metaphysical philosophy which involve a God or Godess, that's the philosophy I'm trying put aside

We need to breakaway

Good luck with dissuading ~80% of the worlds population. Do you have any plan on how to do so? You know, other than posting on a science forum where few of these people visit.

I have no plan, other than just getting it out there

Hopefully it will take a force of its own, for our good
We need to have better Sound Mind philosophy for Humanity

When you are drawn down to the depths of hell and/or heaven, we need a Humanity based philosophy that can bring us BACK to our own Being, remind us of who we are first and foremost, Human beings

Both have a power over our psychology and intellect

I would like to think that Humanity can break this power in this day and age