Isn't time that Humanity was more important than any religion

Wynn are you saying that religion is not part of the madness that is going on in the middle east , seriously.. ?

If you are saying that "religion is part of the madness that is going on in the Middle East", then you have the burden of proof.

Yes, I am just saying that, if we are messed up, we would "do" religion in a messed up way, so nobody can conclusively say that it is the religion that causes the problems. Just as it is quite unreasonable to say conclusively that the river ganges is not polluted, although perhaps one could speak of it in the terms you describe above, it is clearly reasonable to just attach the normal meaning of "polluted" and say that a river with filth in it is polluted. History shows us that religion, as practiced en masse, has been fairly ineffective in perfecting humanity, at least looking at it at this stage of human development, and I would tend toward blaming humans instead of religion, since we do secular things, military, commerce, science, etc., with just as many egregious abuses and mistakes, as those which occur when we do religious things.

If we want clarity, if we want to be just, then we have to be more precise than to satisfy ourselves with generalized popular ideas.
If we want clarity, if we want to be just, then we have to be more precise than to satisfy ourselves with generalized popular ideas.

Nonsense. You have just equivocated "polluted" into utter meaninglessness. Apt generalizations are extremely useful, as demonstrated in all science.
If you are saying that "religion is part of the madness that is going on in the Middle East", then you have the burden of proof.


Someone was telling a story on NPR yesterday about a desert fighting unit over there that had kidnapped him for ransom. At one point, the man guarding him thrust the butt of his AK-47 into the his face and said something akin to -send me to paradise. It seemed legitimate and not a trap based on how the story went, and flat-out suicide is not acceptable according to that religion, to my knowledge. ?
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If you are saying that "religion is part of the madness that is going on in the Middle East", then you have the burden of proof.


Since I assume that you are not blind and are at least familiar with Irans attitude towards Israel , that is the proof

And the US backs Israel , two against one!!!

It's Israel and Christians against Islam

And rightly so

But this is a religious war , obviously
Since I assume that you are not blind and are at least familiar with Irans attitude towards Israel , that is the proof

And the US backs Israel , two against one!!!

It's Israel and Christians against Islam

And rightly so

But this is a religious war , obviously
yeah, certainly explains why the muslims in Indonesia, Bangladesh and India are also heavily involved despite their complete isolation from the international oil trade ... hang on a sec ... :scratchin:
Yep, hasty generalizations based on a war over oil and a minority of religious extremists.
How about every convenience of the modern era?

Which is, of course, famous for providing those conveniences for everyone, everywhere, for their short-term and long-term well-being and happiness, is fully sustainable and has no negative effects on anyone or anything.

Since I assume that you are not blind and are at least familiar with Irans attitude towards Israel , that is the proof

And the US backs Israel , two against one!!!

It's Israel and Christians against Islam

And rightly so

But this is a religious war , obviously

Can you explain what is religious about it?

Can you explain what is so very religious about it that it makes it into a religious war?

Someone was telling a story on NPR yesterday about a desert fighting unit over there that had kidnapped him for ransom. At one point, the man guarding him thrust the butt of his AK-47 into the his face and said something akin to -send me to paradise. It seemed legitimate and not a trap based on how the story went, and flat-out suicide is not acceptable according to that religion, to my knowledge. ?

Do you see this guard's words and actions as representative of religion?
If yes, why?

I don't think that religion is or that it is supposed to be all lovey-dovey.
But I also don't think that hasty generalizations and shooting from the hip are examples of sound reasoning either.

Just because someone mentions a line from a religious text, this doesn't automatically mean that said person is religious or religiously motivated.

Anyone can quote religious texts, anytime. That doesn't automatically make them a religious person or religiously motivated.

For example, a teacher in an university course on religions can quote numerous religious texts, from different religions. But that doesn't make him religious.
It does

As the pope lives in luxury
Of course

The absence of US troops in Indonesia, India and Bangladesh (the most populous Muslim countries) explains why the pope lives in comfort.

You might also be shocked by this startling piece of evidence

Of course

The absence of US troops in Indonesia, India and Bangladesh (the most populous Muslim countries) explains why the pope lives in comfort.

You might also be shocked by this startling piece of evidence


I get the humour, well done

The thing is though you mentioned in post #432 about Christians....
Which is, of course, famous for providing those conveniences for everyone, everywhere, for their short-term and long-term well-being and happiness, is fully sustainable and has no negative effects on anyone or anything.

Generalization is also famous for advancing medicine, communication, transportation, etc.. Do you have any point?
rabbit with pancake hat means what?
I hate it when i don't know about some meme, well not hate really, just... anyway.

also, it is important to note that in pakistan for example, many of the local people admit that blasphemy charges are really about competition between merchants and family grudges, and not about religion at all. It sems really naive to me, considering the evidence, that people still blame certain problems on religion, when religion is only an abuse of basically harmless systems and not an actual motivation in many, many, many instances. Anyone who thinks palestine and israel are shooting rockets at each other in relation to religion for example, without taking into account the land factor, is confused.