Islam & Science

7x7 said:
As for (1) Moon God - I’ll try to find time to look for the information for you. Unless someone here happens to have some information they’d like to post

As for (2) Moon Calendar - Yes that does make more sense and may be the answer as to why Moons are on top of some Mosques.

But it could also be that both are true or one or the other - as one does not naturally exclude the other.

Again the moon represents nothing in Islam beside the calendar where our events take place based on it. I can assure you that. Pre-islam I only they worshiped their idols only , nothing like moon or sun worship.

Here from the dictionary

Each daughter had a separate shrine near Mecca (Makkah), where the moon god Hubal (al-Lah or "the God") had his shrine, the Kaaba. The most prominent shrine of al-'Uzza was at a place called Nakhlah near Qudayd, east of Mecca towards Taif.

from here

The view is from the earth and so is a side on view of our galaxy. You want a view from above the galaxy.

I don't understand. I said there is no rotation (what appears) between solar antapex and solar apex.

But you don’t believe me so why not ask someone else? John Harper is a professional astronomer.
Nothing against you. Why you don't ask him what will happen to the sun when it reaches the solar apex point?. The problem that ,you are referring to solar apex as direction while many sources refer to it as a point?
So which one is true?

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 537:
“Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease." “

You are saying this is proof Muhammad was a prophet from God. So if it is not totally accurate it cannot be from God.
One wing does not have the disease and the other the cure as Muhammad states.

first, I've heard that the cure exists only at the right side, but I'm not sure about Arabic like many other languages there are expressions, different types of them.

What do you think when you read statement by prophet like this one.
"Give him honey, God books is the truth and your bother stomach is lying/liar"

stomach dose lie?

If you look at the why the fly dip into the water you would see at most cases that it dip at it side. So to avoid complexity just dip it all, that what prophet wanted to say. He could say that the cure at that part and the disease at the part and then you look what part of the fly dipped in and then try to figure where the cure part is then dip only where cure exist…etc….

Which makes things harder, and pointless since the cure kills the germs and people are eating or drinking.

Arabic is not like any other languge . what do you read from this sentence:

"My hair is burning white"
the first answer would be that the man has now white hear. Well actually is refers to that the man getting older.

And so….

No need to complicate things, the whole point is to prevent people from the disease that are carried with the fly.
@ anonymous2

7x7, Mars retrograde motion is because both the earth and Mars are orbiting the sun, and since their orbits are different, at times the earth "overtakes" Mars. Mars is NOT actually "reversing course". Think of how we see the sun rise and set. Besides geocentrists, we know this is due to the earth spinning, not the sun actually revolving around the earth every 24 hours. This "retrograde" motion was known to people a long time ago, and "epicycles" were proposed to explain their movement (see Ptolemy). Now we know this motion is not caused by epicycles, but rather the differences in the orbit of Mars and the earth. This motion is not something just recently discovered, and there's nothing amazing about it, although if you didn't know the mechanics involved, it might seem amazing. Do a search on the net about it and you'll find it explained in great detail. It can easily be explained.

You apparently just don't understand how this works.

I didn’t say that resrograde motion what will make the earth slow down or reverse motion. I was referring to that special accidents happen all time, while Igor was saying that we have to wait for long time before earth reverse motion or its motion slows down a lot due to the gravity of the moon.
All I wanted to say from this point that "gravity vr motion".
Many incidents could affect the gravity of earth like a planet approaching earth.

Resrograde motion is not part of Islam and science thread, it was a replay to Igor.

It’s all in the definition.

Is the body one mass? Is the forebrain one mass? Is a neuron one mass? Is a protein one mass? Is a chemical one mass? Is an atom one mass? Is a proton one mass? Is a meson one mass? etcetera . . .

No, body is not a one mass, and it dose not develop at once. Things after things….

This statement also proves that brain is not one mass and every portion controls something and you know it.

it is not just a definition :)

True, if you are referring to a liberal sense of “understand”. It’s like saying: A person can hear and see but can not understand complex maths. Sure I agree. However, you are not talking about a liberal sense of understand. You are talking about ALL understanding. Think about the above questions again.

No one is referring to complex math. There are people "crazy" that can hear and see but they don't understand a word.

I have seen real examples..

anaphylactic shock

Can you give me more info:
What is that?
Why that happen?
What type of honey?
Is the honey is pure or cheated?
Where that happen?

But there are a lot of evidence that suggests that these prophets were completely make-believe. For example, many early Christians didn’t think there really was a Jesus character. Although they were still Christians. Funny huh? Ironically, I believe that the Qur’an says that the Mandeans are allowed to worship – and even they don’t think Jesus was a prophet from god! And that’s from the Qur’an!!

What dose this word means?

Idol worship doesn’t exclude moon and sun worship. It just means that the God (or God’s divinity - such as a divine stone) is symbolized via some object. I think pilgrims come to Arabia to walk around some special stone? I see no difference really. When I have time, I will look up the info. I am pretty sure that Allah was the name of a moon god worshipped in Medina and Mecca. And moon gods were worshipped all over the ME. Common really.

First pilgrims started by Prophet Abraham, it was not just brought. And no one is worshiping the stones here. We do worship the only god, Allah.
They worshiped the idols, the stone, but we do not.

When I have some time I will look into it – I promise, at least literarily if anything.

Ok, thanks.

So what? All animals do! Even human animals - as I posted earlier!!

and prophet's words are just a coincidence.?
It is not a strange for atheist, since human existed in coincidence

Each daughter had a separate shrine near Mecca (Makkah), where the moon god Hubal (al-Lah or "the God") had his shrine, the Kaaba. The most prominent shrine of al-'Uzza was at a place called Nakhlah near Qudayd, east of Mecca towards Taif.

what was Hubal?
And what wa AL-Uzza?

Both were names for idols.

Idol is the moon god? Or the moon god is an Idol?

No one was worshiping the moon as far I know.
7x7, if Muhammad said that a disease is in one wing, and a cure is in another, then can you tell me what scientist says that a fly carries a disease in one wing and its antidote in the other? Also, can you tell me if it would be wise to dip a fly in a drink, considering it can be a carrier of many diseases? Are you trying to tell me that a fly has the antidote for EVERY DISEASE it could possibly carry? If so, what scientist says that?

Just because a fly can produce substance to fight off disease, that doesn't mean that a specific wing holds a disease while the other one holds the cure.

I think what Muhammad was thinking is that, flies were known carriers of disease, and he thought, "how could flies carry those diseases without dying/being sick from them?" So, I suppose he figured that the fly must have an immunity to the diseases by supplying its own antidote. I think modern science believes the fly is not genetically able to be sick from many of the diseases it can carry, not that it has a specific antidote to those diseases.

The fact of the matter is that, at least according to the English translation, the idea is FALSE that a fly has a disease in one wing and its antidote in the other. And, even if it did, how wise would it be to FURTHER expose a vessel to possible disease by dipping it in a drink, considering how MANY diseases a fly can carry? That doesn't seem very wise to me.

As an example, how many Muslims do you know, if they see a fly drop in a vessel, they grab it and then dip it in the vessel? That does not seem very sanitary.
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7x7 said:
it is not just a definition :)
sure it is, and I'm still waiting for yours
So again,

For: sight, hearing, and understanding
(i) what is it?
(ii) how does it come about?
(iii) where does it occur?
(iv) what day does it start?
(v) what is required for it to occur?

@Honey and how it sometimes kills some people.

Q: What is that?:
A: Anaphylactic shock is a severe allergic reaction

Q: Why that happen?
A: Hypersensitivity

Q: What type of honey?
A: Any type

Q: Is the honey is pure or cheated?
A: Any honey

Q: Where that happen?
A: In the entire body

Yes ANY honey can and does KILL some people. I would suspect down through the centuries many good Muslims who were just reading the Qur’an for some advice unknowingly gave honey to some poor sop who then had anaphylactic shock and died because of the honey.

What does that say about the verse?

Or are you going to do the re-interpret dance around this one too – until you have reinterpreted it over and over and over until it has some meaning – for you at least. Not that it’ll do the sops any good who died because of being given honey!

Here's a book about it if you want to learn more: Anaphylaxis:

And here’s a scientific article about allergic reactions specifically to honey:
Allergy to honey: relation to pollen and honey bee allergy

Incidentally, it was still copied from earlier medical writings! Everywhere from the Romans to the chinese used honey!

7x7 said:
First pilgrims started by Prophet Abraham, it was not just brought. And no one is worshiping the stones here. We do worship the only god, Allah. They worshiped the idols, the stone, but we do not.

However, they didn’t worship the Idols. Your mistaken if you believe that. The carving of their God is just a representation. Hindus don’t worship the Rock carving of their Gods – it just represents their Gods. These special stone carvings are just used to represent the Gods.

And, to tell you the true 7x7, I don’t see any difference in a Hindu dancing 3 times around a rock somehow special to Shiva and Muslims walking around some rock special to Allah.

As far as the act is concerned (that of walking around some stone as if it is going to bring someone closer to God) well - there’s really no difference between the two religions, to me anyway.

7x7 said:
and prophet's words are just a coincidence.?
It is not a strange for atheist, since human existed in coincidence
What’s a coincidence? There is no meaning in the “Fly” verse. As all animals have an immune system – so what? It doesn’t take an act of God to write down something that has no valuable meaning.

Similar to the “honey” verse the “fly” verse just has no meaning.

That is until, like the “hearing, seeing, and understanding” verse, you reinterpret it over and over and over at nausea until YOU at least are satisfied it has some meaning – of course I doubt anyone else will. Speaking of which, I’m still waiting for you to answer my questions of hearing, see, and understanding. As you seem to think the Qur’an has the answers it should be a piece of cake to answer them.

I’ll repost them again:

For: sight, hearing, and understanding
(i) what is it?
(ii) how does it come about?
(iii) where does it occur?
(iv) what day does it start?
(v) what is required for it to occur?
Much of the so called "Scientific Miracles of the Quran" are just descriptions of things that can be observed by the naked senses.

  • Like the mountains which look like pegs.

    Like the boundary between salt & fresh water. Determined by tasting the waters at the point where a river exits into the ocean.

    Like the hail & thunder. Rarely occuring in the hot middle east but leaves a lasting impression.

The rest of these supposed miracles loses its authenticity due to the fact that surrounding nations had already made such statements and discoveries.

  • Like the stages of embryology which had been known by the neighboring greeks.

    Or some concept of a big bang which was already speculated in Persia & India.
Some muslims try to convince themselves that these obscure hints of scientific realities constitute for a miracle. Do they really know what a miracle is?

A miracle is something that is understood by anybody, any nationality, even by children. Like the miracle of raising the dead or the miracle of instantaneously healing a leper, or the miracle of killing every first born child in Egypt, or the miracle of dividing the Red Sea. If such a thing does happen: Americans, Russians, Arabs, Asians, all of them will see and understand that a miracle had happened. Even athiests would be shaken and many of them would believe.

And what is with this Quran? Give it to a Japanese and he will just stare at you blankly and say "Whats up dude?". :lol: Tell him that this is a miracle and he will tell you "I dont even understand this language, dude".

So maybe its a miracle for you, but not for everybody else that is not a muslim. The Miracle of the quran is that muslims think it is a miracle even though it is truly not. :idea:
Bells said:
Yeah but that could be said for any religion Doc. Past and present.

Please stick with the topic. We are discussing "Scientific miracles" and Islam. You think what I said is applicable for any religion? Then tell which other religion beside Islam who claim "Scientific miracles" in their religious texts.
DoctorNO said:
Please stick with the topic. We are discussing "Scientific miracles" and Islam. You think what I said is applicable for any religion? Then tell which other religion beside Islam who claim "Scientific miracles" in their religious texts.
My my, testy today aren't you? I was agreeing with you. And all I was trying to say that all religions claim many scientific facts to be miracles. Islam is one of the many. Any thing that was different from the norm could be construed as a miracle. Any observation of nature could result in the discovery of a new miracle. What may have seemed miraculous in the 6th century, was easily explained in later centuries as not being miraculous, instead it was merely nature. Many of the discoveries claimed to be miracles in the Quran were already studied and discovered long before Mohammed's time.

For example, in the Quran, it describes the fetal developments in 3 stages. Some may see this as a miracle and others (like myself) would point out that Aristotle had already described the fetal development of chicks as being one that occured in 3 stages in the 4th century BC.

Another example is the the healing of the boy in the bible thought to have been possessed by the devil. Hardly the devil as epilepsy is hardly a phenomenon of modern times. A miracle? Many claim it is, and others see it as a boy having a fit that passed and was gone. Not a scientific miracle for sure, but it just describes the fact that people will believe what they want to believe and will see what they want to see.

Genesis 9:11-17 says that the rainbow was the result of a special act of creation. Hmmm... hardly a miracle. As you said above in one of your previous posts, rain and lightning and hail was a rare phenomenon in the desert areas of the middle east. Of course when it did rain and a rainbow formed, the peons looking up would think it was a miracle as they did not happen often but they did not realise that the rainbow was hardly a sign from God but only light being refracted by water droplets.
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7x7 said:
what was Hubal?
And what wa AL-Uzza?

Both were names for idols.

Idol is the moon god? Or the moon god is an Idol?

No one was worshiping the moon as far I know.

7x7 how could you read "where the moon god Hubal (al-Lah or "the God") had his shrine, the Kaaba" then turn around and make that post? ...... You aren't really interested in reading or understanding other peoples posts are you? So why bother
Bells said:
Yeah but that could be said for any religion Doc. Past and present.

Bells with all due respect go through this thread to see the scientific miracles presented :p we aren't talking about any religion but islam and the incredibley vague/nonexistant signs allah gave in the quran.
7x7 said:

I don't understand. I said there is no rotation (what appears) between solar antapex and solar apex.
Like I said it’s two different pictures which makes it very confusing.

first, I've heard that the cure exists only at the right side, but I'm not sure about Arabic like many other languages there are expressions, different types of them.
Both of the fly’s wings contain germ killing chemicals to protect them against fungus and bacteria. Without these chemicals the wings would soon rot away like a bad apple.
What do you think when you read statement by prophet like this one.
"Give him honey, God books is the truth and your bother stomach is lying/liar"

stomach dose lie?
Here I have to rely on translators. This probably explains why they vary so much.

About Honey. The verse is about paradise not this world. Are there illnesses in paradise?

YUSUFALI: (Here is) a Parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised: in it are rivers of water incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, a joy to those who drink; and rivers of honey pure and clear. In it there are for them all kinds of fruits; and Grace from their Lord. (Can those in such Bliss) be compared to such as shall dwell for ever in the Fire, and be given, to drink, boiling water, so that it cuts up their bowels (to pieces)?
PICKTHAL: A similitude of the Garden which those who keep their duty (to Allah) are promised: Therein are rivers of water unpolluted, and rivers of milk whereof the flavour changeth not, and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers, and rivers of clear-run honey; therein for them is every kind of fruit, with pardon from their Lord. (Are those who enjoy all this) like those who are immortal in the Fire and are given boiling water to drink so that it teareth their bowels?
SHAKIR: A parable of the garden which those guarding (against evil) are promised: Therein are rivers of water that does not alter, and rivers of milk the taste whereof does not change, and rivers of drink delicious to those who drink, and rivers of honey clarified and for them therein are all fruits and protection from their Lord. (Are these) like those who abide in the fire and who are made to drink boiling water so it rends their bowels asunder.
path said:
Bells with all due respect go through this thread to see the scientific miracles presented :p we aren't talking about any religion but islam and the incredibley vague/nonexistant signs allah gave in the quran.
Ah my apologies.

On topic, one of my personal favourites is:

We send down from heaven pure water so that by it We can bring a dead land to life and give drink to many of the animals and people We created. (Qur'an, 25:48-49)
Hmmm, mere observation after a rainstorm would see that dormant plants regenerate. As do some dormant animals and insects who only become active after the rains have passed.

Although this would have to be my favourite so called miracle claimed by many Muslims in the Quran so far:
The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of God is that of a grain of corn: it groweth seven
ears, and each ear Hath a hundred grains. God giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseth: And God careth for all and He knoweth all things.(Quran 2:261)

Most people would probably overlook this, but corn is a plant native only to the Americas. The people of the Middle East couldn't have possibly known about corn at the time of the Qur'an. Maybe 200 years later when the first West African explorers set up small settlements in the Americas (they don't tell you that in the history books), it might have made its way to the Middle East, but not at that time[meaning the time of the Quran]. I know it's a tiny thing, but still interesting."
Now excuse me while I wipe tears of laughter from my eyes...

Shame they failed to realise that corn was already cultivated in ancient Egypt long before the birth of Christ and was a great exporter of crops such as wheat and corn. And corn was also grown by neolithic Cypriots.
Bells said:
My my, testy today aren't you? I was agreeing with you.
Sorry of the misunderstanding then.

Bells said:
And all I was trying to say that all religions claim many scientific facts to be miracles. Islam is one of the many.
Islam is the only religion I know that is being sold through that strategy. "scientific miracles"
DoctorNO said:
Islam is the only religion I know that is being sold through that strategy. "scientific miracles"

And, let's not forget, the only religion to claim the existence of those elusive fire-goblins known as Jinn. And to do so with a straight face. Surely, that takes a lot of scientific rigour, or a ginormous sense of humour, I'm still undecided on that one...