you know what,
all you aethists and non believers are have no life, no faith, no guidelines, what are your rules in life?
This is almost comical, we disagree therefore are sad and have no life no guidelines etc, but since im here i shall educate the uneducated, the rules in my life are quite possably no different to many of yours, but rules is the wrong term, you have rules layed down to you by a book which you believe to be the word of god and infallable, i have moral guidelines which i came to on my own time in my own way through my own experiences, i had no book to tell me how to live i made my own decisions, in fact i probably have more free thought than you do.
you are astray, with no base or conscience, no feeling of right or wrong, no FEAR.
Whilst your opinions are welcome, expect to be corrected, many atheists have fear, i do not, i have nothing to fear, i have a feeling of right and wrong, why should i need a god to decide that? I may be astray by your terms, but to me you are a sheep, and i'd rather live a day as a tiger than a lifetime as a sheep.
who do you think made you, made everything around you?
Made me? my parents of course, made man? man evolved and wasnt made, also i shall point out here that the things around us are no proof of a god, shall i give an example? theres a chair in my room, is that proof it was made by a chairmaker? not at all anyone could have made it, theres the flaw in your logic.
if you seriously think that everything was created out of nowhere, then you have no grasp over anything, how the hell is anything a result of nothing?
How the hell was god the result of nothing? O and who said we were the result of nothing? Another of your opinions me thinks.
humans are the most complicated creature or thing ever to exist
Im sure there can be a debate about this somewhere but to be honest its irrelavent.
does it not confuse you when you are telling yourself that you just "happened"...logic is the key to narrow minded, ignorant, illogical, undereducated people like you,
Pot, kettle, black, need i say more?
something or someone has to have created the first human, a supernatural power must have...
And where is your evidence for this baseless statement?
that is the first fact you must grasp before you talk or argue about anything related to Quran, the Bible, revelations, religion, or anything as such.
Wait, before we can argue that god does or doesnt exist, we must accept he does? That weakass arguement is the best you can come up with to get us to believe???
I suggest you go think things out, who made you should be the main heading of your thoughts...until then, and until you have realized that there must be a greater God that has created you and everything should not involve yourself so much in such discussions...
Well, i think we should be fair here and say that until you learn that god may not exist you should not involve yourself in discussions, or form opinions, about atheism, can you see the flaw in your logic yet?
Go ahead, think for once instead of sitting and rippping pages and pages of sad excuses of defying the Holy Quran off the web....think...
Nows time for a question me thinks, why is your religion more true than any other? And where does your evidence for this come from, thankyou for your time.