Islam Must Rule the World

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Why do you feel trapped? Do you think extolling the religion before religious scholars is a strange route for a politician?

I don't feel trapped, i feel you are trying to bait me into saying something anti-Muslim.
There is nothing wrong with extolling a religion, there is something wrong with saying that your religion should rule the world. Which brings me to ask the question again: Do you subscribe to his opinion that Islam should rule the world ? (You didnt answer it yet..)
I don't feel trapped, i feel you are trying to bait me into saying something anti-Muslim.
There is nothing wrong with extolling a religion, there is something wrong with saying that your religion should rule the world. Which brings me to ask the question again: Do you subscribe to his opinion that Islam should rule the world ? (You didnt answer it yet..)

Of course, I am a Muslim.:cool:

And you're no politician.:D
I know and.. so what ? Please answer the question.

How has that got anything to do with it ?

Of course = yes. :p

Nah, I think we are on a learning curve and we need something better than what we have right now; it should ideally be something that does not involve using silly pretexts (like your "suspicions") to invade countries, or subsidising the rich to starve the poor.

More than anything, I think it should be the choice of the people what sort of governance they choose to live under, not one inflicted on them for economic gains.

Also, we need more people focussed on the reality of what is happening in the world today, rather than neurosis from presumed end-of-their-world-as-they-know-it scenarios.
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An Islamic government is a bad idea. A Christian government is a bad idea. A jew government is the worst idea. They're all bad because Religion and State should be seperate

I think so long as you have people that dont follow a particular religion, and you try to take over the world, you'll encounter resistance. Until the day every man is a Moslim, this will never happen. It's the same with Christianity, until every man is christian, you'll never see a world-wide Christian government
That is terrible, I do apologise. :(

I still wish the Iranians had been left alone to develop their democratic government as they were themselves inclined.

Its sad that innocent people have to suffer for stupid things like petrodollars.

Fair enough, your apology is accepted. I wish they had been left alone too., but it won't deter me from decrying the policies of the religious government of Iran.

The greed for money. Money per se is not evil.

I thought you said capitalism was bad.
Rather, the love of money is the root of all evil, not the object that is money.
If you loved ice cream alot to the point where you would steal and kill for it, yea.....

Once the petro runs out, well by then I'm sure the ME nations will have some other source of income:p
Fair enough, your apology is accepted. I wish they had been left alone too., but it won't deter me from decrying the policies of the religious government of Iran.

I thought you said capitalism was bad.

But what of the policies of the religious government of Israel? Are they any better? Chopping off fingers isn't "good" to me........:bugeye:
Of course = yes. :p

Nah, I think we are on a learning curve and we need something better than what we have right now; it should ideally be something that does not involve using silly pretexts (like your "suspicions") to invade countries, or subsidising the rich to starve the poor.
Invade countries ? Subsiding the rich to starve the poor ? You are reading to much into this, I never said or implied such things.

More than anything, I think it should be the choice of the people what sort of governance they choose to live under, not one inflicted on them for economic gains.
Agreed. But what about governance inflicted on people for religious reasons ? People should also have a choice about that.
Anyway, realistically, neither is going to happen.

Also, we need more people focussed on the reality of what is happening in the world today, rather than neurosis from presumed end-of-their-world-as-they-know-it scenarios.
I can only agree.
But what of the policies of the religious government of Israel? Are they any better? Chopping off fingers isn't "good" to me........:bugeye:

Israel chops off people's fingers, eh?

Do they also steal Palestinian children's eyes?

An Islamic government is a bad idea. A Christian government is a bad idea. A jew government is the worst idea. They're all bad because Religion and State should be seperate

I think so long as you have people that dont follow a particular religion, and you try to take over the world, you'll encounter resistance. Until the day every man is a Moslim, this will never happen. It's the same with Christianity, until every man is christian, you'll never see a world-wide Christian government

Precisely my point, thanks Norsefire. :)
Israel chops off people's fingers, eh?

Do they also steal Palestinian children's eyes?


Answer the question.

Yes they chop off fingers. I remember seeing a film based off a true story where an Egyptian spy within the IDF was discovered and the IDF cut off her forefinger

Also, do you not know about their disciplinary extremist actions? Or their awkward ones, like kissing the feet of an old man in the street?'s called civilization, something neither Iran nor Israel have yet to fully achieve.
I don't mind the concept of money\wealth\Capitalism at all, i don't even mind people hording it and worshiping what? It is just what they decide to do with it all that worries me sometimes, not to mention that for some reason people start to feel more special the more they get especially when it is not like they did anything special to get it.

Evil poor people just don't bother me as much.
Answer the question.

Yes they chop off fingers. I remember seeing a film based off a true story where an Egyptian spy within the IDF was discovered and the IDF cut off her forefinger

Also, do you not know about their disciplinary extremist actions? Or their awkward ones, like kissing the feet of an old man in the street?'s called civilization, something neither Iran nor Israel have yet to fully achieve.

And I'm sure the proof of all this is available, somewhere, or heard and definitively confirmed by some source, somewhere, up your arse.

Seriously: you're comparing an unconfirmed story about one finger (and I dare you to find me an Israeli law that allows that) with the legal execution of a sixteen year old girl because she refused to cover up and got mouthy after being raped by her uncle. No four witnesses; ergo, death. This seems on par to you, does it?
And I'm sure the proof of all this is available, somewhere, or heard and definitively confirmed by some source, somewhere, up your arse.

Seriously: you're comparing an unconfirmed story about one finger (and I dare you to find me an Israeli law that allows that) with the legal execution of a sixteen year old girl because she refused to cover up and got mouthy after being raped by her uncle. No four witnesses; ergo, death. This seems on par to you, does it?

Obviously you've never heard of the Israeli brand of torture.

No, not just that. Israel is known for inhumane cruelties against people. But then again most religious extremist states are as well.

And I am not denying that Iran does this nor am I supporting it. The Iranians are extremists so what do you expect?
Obviously you've never heard of the Israeli brand of torture.

No, not just that. Israel is known for inhumane cruelties against people. But then again most religious extremist states are as well.

And I am not denying that Iran does this nor am I supporting it. The Iranians are extremists so what do you expect?

The Iranians are not extremists, the current authoritarian rulers are. Most Iranians are more secular than the West.
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