Islam Must Rule the World

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That's interesting. I'm not a fan of Jimmy Carter, really. Tell me: what was the reaction of Palestinians or their leadership to the immigration of all these evil unbelievers back in 1920-1930? I'm just curious to know if you think the "whole mess" is the fault of the Israelis.

It was the Arabs who were the most infuriated with the Jewish settlement following the second world war. Secondly, most Palestinians today wouldn't care about Israel, if only the land was divided equally. Instead, Israel now controls about 90% of the land, which is shocking considering they started from nothing. To add to that, many Palestinians can't get to their work or reach hospitals, and Israeli forces have built an illicit fence on Palestinian territory. Besides, do you think the land was given willingly? I severely doubt it, as any rational man would.
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Isn't there a perma-thread sticked at the top of some page about Palestinians and Israelis?
That's true :)

Assuming the Israelis are no more likely to concede land to the Palestinians than the USA is going to return Hawaii to Hawaiians - what is the solution? I was under the impression that most of the "countries" in the ME are lines drawn up post-colonialism, perhaps Palestinians should be absorbed into the neighboring coutnries and that's that.

If you say they were not backed up and were refuted (both simultaneously, I presume) you must be right.:rolleyes:

Yes sam, you backed them up with nonsense from scriptures while everyone else worked hard digging up the evidence that refuted your silly claims.

However, I'll suppose I'll have to give you the one about splitting the moon in half, we'll just have to take your word for it. :rolleyes:
That's true :)

Assuming the Israelis are no more likely to concede land to the Palestinians than the USA is going to return Hawaii to Hawaiians - what is the solution? I was under the impression that most of the "countries" in the ME are lines drawn up post-colonialism, perhaps Palestinians should be absorbed into the neighboring coutnries and that's that.


What reason is there for the people to obey colonial lines drawn on their land? I'm curious as to why you think they should
:)Sammy I think the point is, that no one does obey colonial lines anymore.
I agree that no one should obey boarders that are forced upon them.

Isnt it always the way though that one lot(the British) relax their control over you just for a worst group to take their place?
What reason is there for the people to obey colonial lines drawn on their land? I'm curious as to why you think they should
That's my point. They don't have to. So why not merge the ME countries with the Palestinian territories?
I wonder if there is any relationship between the Hijab, burkha and severe lack of an artistic expression using the human form in Islamic history?

It's funny really, I was reading an interview with a woman defending the Hijab as a way to equalize the sexes! Haaa! She had this funny notion that wearing a Hijab and *poof* men had not interest in her physical body and face and were purely concentrating on her mind and thoughts. Too funny :) Yeah, that's how 18 year old boys think. Pfff LOL

Two 18 year old boys see a women without a Hijab
"hoot Aooowwooo baby! Shake that money maker!"
*puts on a Hijab*
"Excuse me miss, what do you think about contemporary art versus the lack of human form in classical Islamic period peaces..."

Proof? This sounds like something you were taught in your own school.

I don't. It's a crime there too.

Israel is trying to stop the mortar attacks (another one today); they strike back. Why are you surprised by that?

Blanket statement: proof, please.

Um, go to Israel please, and I mean REALLY go and experience it, and see if you're still the same.

Obviously if it's a crime they must not care for their own laws. Under Geneva you need to treat PoW's humanely, correct?

I just don't see how killing hundreds of palestinian children stops mortar attacks, just doesn't make sense to me

Also, Hesbollah is "just" trying to stop Israel from killing innocent people, so you don't make much sense.
That's true :)

Assuming the Israelis are no more likely to concede land to the Palestinians than the USA is going to return Hawaii to Hawaiians - what is the solution? I was under the impression that most of the "countries" in the ME are lines drawn up post-colonialism, perhaps Palestinians should be absorbed into the neighboring coutnries and that's that.


Well depends, if you're talking about present-day then yes the borders are post-colonial, but it was very different in the past.
Remember, the ME is a very old region. There was no such thing as Lebanon before the colonization, that was Syrian territory. Jordan, West Iraq, Israel, and Lebanon are all Syrian territory and will be restored with time. Ever heard of "Greater Syria"?
bottom line, Islam shouldn't rule the world, look at what a mess it is now that it only covers a much smaller area.
bottom line, Islam shouldn't rule the world, look at what a mess it is now that it only covers a much smaller area.

Well you just don't make sense there. First of all, what mess? The war in Iraq?

look at the mess when America decides to go barging in uncalled for, yea look at that mess. So tell me, why was it stable only a century ago? Oh yea, America........

Anyway, are you implying that Christianity or :roflmao: JUDAISM would be any better?
Well depends, if you're talking about present-day then yes the borders are post-colonial, but it was very different in the past.
Remember, the ME is a very old region. There was no such thing as Lebanon before the colonization, that was Syrian territory. Jordan, West Iraq, Israel, and Lebanon are all Syrian territory and will be restored with time. Ever heard of "Greater Syria"?
That's true, but I suppose in my mind it reminds me of Tibet, Hawaii, Amercia, Okinawa or even Japan.

Are the Chinese going to give Tibetian land back? Nope.
Are USA Citizens giving Hawaii back? Nope.
Are USA or Canook Citizens giving ALL of North Amercia back? Nope.
Are the Japanese giving Japan back to Ainu? Nope.
Are the Aussies giving the land back to the Aboriginals? Nope.
Are the New Zealanders giving the land back to the Maori? Nope.
Are the Indians in Fiji giving the land back tot he Fijians? Nope.
Are the Turks giving Istanbul back to the Greeks? Nope.

And actually it seems silly they would - many people were born there.

Well now we have a couple generation of people born in this slice of land the size of the pan-handle of Florida and they aren't giving it back because many were born there. Then we have many born outside of that area that think they desire to live in it. While it would be nice to have a right-of-return I see it happening as much as I see the aforementioned Greeks right of return to Istanbul - its not happening. Not likely anyway.

Now, that said, to non-Jewish people the are Citizens of Israel have equal rights under the law?

Also, just out of curiosity - there was at some point in history a small little Jewish kingdom carved out of some of that land? I mean like 2000+ years ago? What area was that?

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I looked up Greater Syria. It looks like a smaller version of the Assyrian Empire.


Here are the Assyrian Provinces in modern day:


Interesting huh?
It was the Arabs who were the most infuriated with the Jewish settlement following the second world war.

Yup. Point?

Secondly, most Palestinians today wouldn't care about Israel, if only the land was divided equally. Instead, Israel now controls about 90% of the land, which is shocking considering they started from nothing. To add to that, many Palestinians can't get to their work or reach hospitals, and Israeli forces have built an illicit fence on Palestinian territory. Besides, do you think the land was given willingly? I severely doubt it, as any rational man would.

A really rational man might be aware that the immigrant Jews bought the land (at cut-throat rates, I might add) from the Ottomans, who owned it. Darn colonial powers. Yet, I daresay you won't find any bitching by Palestinians and proponents of Palestine against the Turks. Excess of rationality, maybe?

Anyway: now imagine if only purchase of the land had been recognized as legitimate by local Arabs, or if the split of the disputed territories - most of which went to Palestine and Jordan, 83% or thereabouts - had been accepted by the Arab leadership. The land they legally bought wasn't exactly a start from nothing. Yet, instead, there were raids by their Arab neighbours and outright attempts at intimidation of the Jewish immigrants, much as they were already doing to local Christian dhimmis. Then, open wars and invasion. What was it the Jews were expected to do? Submit as dhimmis? Live as second-class citizens under their muslim overlords? I submit that they'd had enough of that in Europe and elsewhere and that it would be unreasonable - irrational, even - to expect them to do so.

What reason is there for the people to obey colonial lines drawn on their land? I'm curious as to why you think they should

Fair usage and purchase, maybe. End to violent conflict. Not everyone agrees with that, of course.

Um, go to Israel please, and I mean REALLY go and experience it, and see if you're still the same.

I have friends who are Israeli. None of them have ever been beaten by their fathers or cut off anyone's finger. When were you last in Israel? Are you getting all your info from Syrian TV? Is it the same Syrian TV that aired "Knight Without A Horse"?

Obviously if it's a crime they must not care for their own laws. Under Geneva you need to treat PoW's humanely, correct?

Some don't care for their own laws. These would be criminals. Again, compare them to members of the Iranian 'justice' industry, where correct application of Iranian law means teenagers must swing and women be hounded under a burkha.

I just don't see how killing hundreds of palestinian children stops mortar attacks, just doesn't make sense to me

Also, Hesbollah is "just" trying to stop Israel from killing innocent people, so you don't make much sense.

Kind of a polemical overexaggeration at the start; propaganda, really. Secondly and more pointedly, how is the killing of Israeli children with mortars and rockets and suicide bombers and poison and stabbing and whatnot (which, owing to the alternately indiscriminate or intensely personal methodology of the attacks, is far more morally wrong than the accidental killing of children while trying to strike terrorists, who often hide behind civilians) going to "stop Israel from killing innocent people"? You make it sound as if the Israelis are deliberately trying to kill civilians and Hamas and Hezbollah defend them, when exactly the opposite is true. The Israelis seek truces; Hezbollah rearms with missiles. Does this seem like they want peace?
Well depends, if you're talking about present-day then yes the borders are post-colonial, but it was very different in the past.
Remember, the ME is a very old region. There was no such thing as Lebanon before the colonization, that was Syrian territory. Jordan, West Iraq, Israel, and Lebanon are all Syrian territory and will be restored with time. Ever heard of "Greater Syria"?

And, then, no such thing as "Palestine" before the 1920s, when the Jewish immigrants began to arrive. The Palestinian territory was merely part of the Syrian and Ottoman territories; no "homeland", merely more Syria. Wasn't political joining with Syria being talked about before the war? Again: no "Palestine", really.
Well you just don't make sense there. First of all, what mess? The war in Iraq?

look at the mess when America decides to go barging in uncalled for, yea look at that mess. So tell me, why was it stable only a century ago? Oh yea, America........

Anyway, are you implying that Christianity or :roflmao: JUDAISM would be any better?

No. Constitutional secularism. Far, far, far better than political islam could ever provide.
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