Islam Must Rule the World

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Hehe - sure it has. He didn't mean all Joos, just ze evil vones...I mean 'ones'. Of course. And the not wearing ties thing and the arrest of thousands of women for inappropriate attire and hanging teenagers and so forth under the auspice of his government....well, he's like a prisoner, maybe. Not like Western leaders who are responsible for every evil in the world, both inside dar-al-islam and out of it. He's just an ordinary guy. Like you. Like me. Like Hitler.

...uh, oh, scratch that last one.

You must have a comprehension problem, or merely an inability to read, since what you just wrote has no connection to the link.

And it shore beats outsourcing your citizens for torture so you can liek still hold the torch for liberty.
Depends. Are you hoping to be re-elected by a primarily atheistic society? In that case, I might consider it a political speech.

No.. :confused: Are you trying to put words in my mouth ?
And I never said that he did anything bad, I don't even know who he is. I'm just going by what he said in the article.
No.. :confused: Are you trying to put words in my mouth ?
And I never said that he did anything bad, I don't even know who he is. I'm just going by what he said in the article.

Carry on paranoia. :shrug:

"There is no truth on earth but monotheism and following tenets of Islam and there is no way for salvation of mankind but rule of Islam over mankind," said Ahmadinejad in a meeting with Afghan Sunni and Shiite ulama at Iranian Embassy in Kabul.

I suppose the fact that he was speaking to the ulema (religious scholars) is completely insignificant.
You must have a comprehension problem, or merely an inability to read, since what you just wrote has no connection to the link.

And it shore beats outsourcing your citizens for torture so you can liek still hold the torch for liberty.

See S.A.M. ? This is what I meant, it is perceived as a 'latent' threat..
Carry on paranoia. :shrug:

I suppose the fact that he was speaking to the ulema (religious scholars) is completely insignificant.

Paranoia ? What is your problem ??
And, yes it is insignificant to who he said it. Does it change the meaning of his words when he says it to someone else ?
You must have a comprehension problem, or merely an inability to read, since what you just wrote has no connection to the link.

Actually, the problem's more yours. You asked for a discussion about the naughty things little Ammy has done; I gave you a few. You ask for them but now you don't want to talk about them.

And it shore beats outsourcing your citizens for torture so you can liek still hold the torch for liberty.

It shore does? Hanging kids for being raped? Gawrsh, we shoooore does have a diff'rent set o' moral constructs.
Actually, the problem's more yours. You asked for a discussion about the naughty things little Ammy has done; I gave you a few. You ask for them but now you don't want to talk about them.

It shore does? Hanging kids for being raped? Gawrsh, we shoooore does have a diff'rent set o' moral constructs.

I said what he has done. I believe you are a proponent of free speech, yes?

Show me some actions.

Show me where kids were hung for being raped, or admit you're a bigot.
Actually the suggestion is that since the 300 years of war in Europe led to the elimination of all that was good in their society in a deliberate and indiscriminate manner, then without the Islamic Rennaissance, there would have been no Europe.

One thing to consider is that the Muslims preserved everything they came across, and did not consider it unworthy or less valid but treated it as knowledge and information. The West on the other hand systematically destroyed every society it touched and did not export or share its success beyond its borders. Muslim systems of trade made everyone rich, western systems of trade have made everyone but the West poor, so that only societies that kept their markets restricted and protected internal trade (like India) are able to compete today.

Most of the countries that were occupied by the colonialists (except America and Australia, which were open land) came to the attention of the West because of the riches they accumulated.

Complete nonsense. There are threads here in which sam makes all kinds of these silly claims. But, when the evidence actually came to light, Muslims were responsible for a few mathematical endeavors (which they stole from the Greeks anyways) and that's it. Nothing more.

Oh, and they split the moon in half, too. :rolleyes:
But still, everyone knows that you get those kind of reactions if you say such a thing... its a stupid thing to say.

Yeah when having a meeting with religious scholars, it is normal to merely play tiddlywinks.:rolleyes:
Complete nonsense. There are threads here in which sam makes all kinds of these silly claims. But, when the evidence actually came to light, Muslims were responsible for a few mathematical endeavors (which they stole from the Greeks anyways) and that's it. Nothing more.

Oh, and they split the moon in half, too. :rolleyes:

S.A.M. said:
see previous comment


I figure that saves your time and mine
So you subscribe to his opinion then ?

Frankly, he is a politician, he makes speeches. Or do you believe that Muslim politicians are incapable of speeches?

I am more concerned by his policies and practices as an indicator of his true ideology.

And I am tired of ignoramuses who cannot see beyond their nose.:bugeye:

I figure that saves your time and mine

But, what would really save everyones time would be if you stopped making all those ridiculous claims which you are completely unable to back up (and were refuted) because they are based on your Islamic indoctrination.
Frankly, he is a politician, he makes speeches. Or do you believe that Muslim politicians are incapable of speeches?

I am more concerned by his policies and practices as an indicator of his true ideology.

And I am tired of ignoramuses who cannot see beyond their nose.:bugeye:

Wtf S.A.M. ! Its you that has a comprehension problem. I didn't say one bad word about Islam, and yet you're trying to trap me into saying something anti-Muslim.
But, what would really save everyones time would be if you stopped making all those ridiculous claims which you are completely unable to back up (and were refuted) because they are based on your Islamic indoctrination.

If you say they were not backed up and were refuted (both simultaneously, I presume) you must be right.:rolleyes:
I said what he has done. I believe you are a proponent of free speech, yes?

I beg your pardon? I don't have camera set up around his house to catch him beating his kids or his wives or something. I'm talking about his responsibilities as a legislator and a leader. Does George Bush get a pass because he's a great dad and all? Get a grip, Sam.

Show me where kids were hung for being raped, or admit you're a bigot.

Excuse me again? I'll have an apology for that, right now. A sixteen year old was hung in Iran for having sex and her sentence was confirmed by the Iranian Supreme Court. You know, that final arbiter of justice and so forth. Ah! But I'm sure you have a way that's the American's fault or something.

It seems that all she did was to take off her headscarf and insist that she was the victim of an older man's advances: but even if she had stripped naked and called the judge a fat ignorant bastard, those actions would hardly merit death, even under Islamic law. Nevertheless, the judge was so outraged that he decided he would personally put the noose round the child's neck.

That disgraceful and disgusting "punishment" has excited a great deal of condemnation in Iran among the reformists. As far as I can see, it has not produced any comment here. Amnesty International issued a statement expressing outrage at the execution (the tenth of a child in Iran since 1990) - but no British newspaper or television station has reported this.

Why not? The two extremes of pro- and anti-Muslim sentiment in Britain are now united in not expecting even the most minimal ethical standards from Islamic countries such as Iran: the pros because they think that Islamic laws should not be criticised for fear of giving offence; the antis because they think all Muslims are just a bunch of irredeemable barbarians.

Those two extreme views have infected media coverage. What would be headline news if it happened in America (can you imagine the response if a 16-year-old girl was executed for having sex in Texas?) is, because it happens in an Islamic state, apparently too banal to count.

Go read a fucking newspaper. Bigot, indeed.
Wtf S.A.M. ! Its you that has a comprehension problem. I didn't say one bad word about Islam, and yet you're trying to trap me into saying something anti-Muslim.

Why do you feel trapped? Do you think extolling the religion before religious scholars is a strange route for a politician?
I beg your pardon? I don't have camera set up around his house to catch him beating his kids or his wives or something. I'm talking about his responsibilities as a legislator and a leader. Does George Bush get a pass because he's a great dad and all? Get a grip, Sam.

Excuse me again? I'll have an apology for that, right now. A sixteen year old was hung in Iran for having sex and her sentence was confirmed by the Iranian Supreme Court. You know, that final arbiter of justice and so forth. Ah! But I'm sure you have a way that's the American's fault or something.

Go read a fucking newspaper. Bigot, indeed.

That is terrible, I do apologise. :(

I still wish the Iranians had been left alone to develop their democratic government as they were themselves inclined.

Its sad that innocent people have to suffer for stupid things like petrodollars.
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