Islam Must Rule the World

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The same can be said for any quack. Not only that but atheists have proven themselves to be the most brutal tyrants. Eliminating religion would solve absolutely nothing at all. Thinking it would, not saying you necessarily do, is wishful thinking. Even for modern problems it would be insignificant.
John99, where did I say eliminating religion outright? Actually if you troll back through you'll see I said the opposite. Although I sometimes wonder if monotheisms shouldn't be reshaped. but anyway.

Removing religion from a democratic government is the point there bub

Good old 15th century thinking for ya. You'll find that exactly the opposite is what happens in the real world.

What world are you referring to?

The best way is to put all of the power into the hands of the Citizens themselves.

That is a fantasy that would more likelyturn into a nightmare. Hasn't there always be a hierarchy presesent right up to a singular individual. This is a sociological fact, not only in government. Even with just two people, most likely one will dominate or they will go their seperate ways or kill eachother. Just a matter of time.

You take all men were created equally too literally because it appears to be true that rarely ever happens.

And we look to prove it every chance we get.
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What world are you referring to?
Up until the beginning of the 18th century most European Monarchs thought it was perverse to give the power to the people. All hell would break loose they whinned. God created us as their superiors they whined. And then there was the French Revolution. And guess what. Everything worked out just fine.

That is a fantasy that would more likelyturn into a nightmare. Hasn't there always be a hierarchy presesent right up to a singular individual. This is a sociological fact, not only in government. Even with just two people, most likely one will dominate or they will go their seperate ways or kill eachother. Just a matter of time.

You take all men were created equally too literally because it appears to be true that rarely ever happens.

And we look to prove it every chance we get.
Maybe you missed something but all American Citizens of voting age are given equal weight to their vote. A womans vote is equal to a man's vote. A rich persons vote is equal to a poor persons vote - etc...

Flames; profanity; insults deleted -infractions awarded- thread closed.

If anyone has a compelling reason to reopen the thread, they can PM me and I'll consider it.
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