As far as I know, every single civilisation that came under the Muslim rule, joined the trade routes of the time; trade laws were not inequitable, which is why the trade prospered from Morrocco to Indonesia, and contributed extensively to the arts, science and riches of all these countries, at the same time. There were individuals who inserted personal dogma here and there, but the policies on the whole did not lead to mass impoverishment and starvation in any country that I know of. Nothing compared to the 25 famines in India under the 250 years of the British for example, with more than 30 million dead, at a time when there was sufficient food in the country (equivalent to the Irish famines, when the British were exporting food while people were starving so close by). Nothing like the 27,000 children dying daily due to unfair trade practices. Individual instances of greed were present yes, but those are separate from a deliberate ideology of discrimination.
Nothing compares even remotely to this: