Islam Must Rule the World

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Artists are artists, they tell the story of Human emotion. That is not missing from Islam.
I agree but I am actually a little shocked that the human form in marble and bronze is so utterly scarce? Especially considering that the Egyptians were such craftsmen with stone - for their time. Not only that but some of the finest examples of human sculptures (in marble) came from Asian Minor, Syria, etc...

What changed?

I looked at the sites posted and I did find this online book:

Now I am really curious as to what happened? I can see that there are a lot of sculptures or patterns and certainly a lot of paintings of calligraphy but for some reason the beauty of the human body is missing? That's odd.


I'm sure this guy is an absolute idiot dick-head but where the hell did he pull this crap from - other than his arse? TV is Haraam Is there a perversion from showing the human form because of Islam tradition? If so is this good for society? Wow it seems really really sad if people felt it was in general wrong to depict human nudes. UNsurprisingly it reminds me of fundamental Christianity.

Here is a 15th century painting of Muhammad prohibiting the intercalation of the calendar. (what is intercalation and why prohibit it?) I'm assuming that because it's a depiction of Mohammad it was done by a reputable artist.


While the painting of Mohammad is much better than I could paint, I can't help but feel that Muslim painters had lost their ability to reproduce human form. As an Italian painting of the same period demonstrates:


And it's not like people in the Islamic coutnries didn't produce wonderful peaces of art such as this golden glass lamp:

But it's like the ability to create human form was hindered somehow?


I was thinking of the two painting - mainly in terms of composition or what would seem to be ability - this may also be a reflection of the use of linear perspective. Maybe Muslims felt that such poor representations of reality, say drawn by hand and eye, were not fit for reproduction and hence the field didn't mature to the advance stages of European realism?

Just a thought
Are you being sarcastic with those art pieces?

If you're talking about art, I dont know. maybe they just didn't know how to paint:p, really nothing to do with Islam
Nobody knows what Mohamad (PBUH) looks like... (for that picture above)

Funny though...
Funny how people get confused with culture and religion. You explain over and over again yet they refuse to accept that morphing culture and religion isn't the way.
You can't say, example, Islam accepts terrorism because of a Muslim terrorist, which is more to do with generalising and steroetypes.
But what get's to me is, how do people have the heart to be so racist?
Islam MUST rule the world. The keyword being must. Why is this a topic? Pretty pathetic personally (note my alliteration). DO we rule the world? Are we PLANNING to rule the world? Let's say we MUST but do we? So why are people making such a big deal? Isn't life too short to be analytical about things like that? We don't rule the world...or are you referring to Islam growing as many more people accept it?

If you 'don't care' about Islam (for people who aren't Muslims or just don't like us), and it is a topic you would 'shrug off' because you don't care or give a crap about us, then why consume your time making yourself look like you care and typing up all these little facts you know off by heart?
I think you care A LOT.
Christianity MUST rule the world. Judaism MUST rule the world. It's pretty much the same concept...
The Western system of democracy is a sham. It lives off years of colonial exploitation (they return anything they take? Any compensation for 200 years of starvation, exploitation and poverty) and TILL today the Western system of politics and government can only survive by directly destroying Third world economy below subsistence level (e.g. it would take only a nickel a day from everyone in the developed countries to save the 25,000 to 30,000 children that die of starvation everyday).

Yes and when the caliphate was strong it did the exact same thing.
Are you being sarcastic with those art pieces?

If you're talking about art, I dont know. maybe they just didn't know how to paint:p, really nothing to do with Islam
Actually they did know how to paint and that was the general style at the time. I looked through a number of "Islamic" paintings before settling on this one. All religions have an impact on art as in inspiration. I'm not trying to make that link, other than to say - where the hell are the human forms? The point is of course that the President of Iran suggests Political Islam. Now politics have a great impact on the arts.

So it is with this reason I posted it and I think I explained my ideas in regards to the human form and art. I personally see art, science, medicine, philosophy, math, poetry, plays, music and sports as the defining characterizations of civilization. Any successful government should be recognizable by success in these endeavors - right? I like to see how each of these fairs under each civilization - partly because I think it's interesting. The Greeks excelled in all. They far outshine any other of the ancient civilization IMHO. You should read some Olympian stories - very fascinating.

Anyway, this thread is of course about how an Islamic government is the best form of Government. It hinges on this idea that in that past there was this Caliphate and it was pretty close to the Islamic-Ideal and hence if the whole world were as such - well everything would be just fine. There are many paths to perpetuating this myth and I think the easiest to taking it apart is to "measure" each of the above and see how well they were perpetuated.

For example, many Muslims (Sam) like to suggest the Italian Renaissance happened as a direct result of the Religion Islam :bugeye: Some how this puts a peace of the European glory in the hands of Muslims. The myth is perpetuated. I think the Renaissance was initiated by a loosening of the rule of the church, the rise of an aristocratic class that was willing to compete with other cities in a revival of the arts as exemplified by Italian painters. How exactly does Islam fit into Italian art? It doesn't seem to, to me. Maybe you see a way that it does.

Nobody knows what Mohamad (PBUH) looks like... (for that picture above)
Yeah and???

I thought the debate was about the Iranian President's assertion if the world were all Shia Islamic there would be world peace and it's be the best for the people of the world. I know sounds silly, but he said it.

I thought the debate was about the Iranian President's assertion if the world were all Shia Islamic there would be world peace and it's be the best for the people of the world.

That's what HE thought. I think that's lame because making the world shi'ite Islamic won't work out too well.

What is there to debate about? That is just lame. He said it. Big whoop. Let's have a party...

Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign said and I quote:
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."
People say stupid stuff.
Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign said and I quote:
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."
People say stupid stuff.

Say what you will, her logic is flawless.
Muslim systems of trade made everyone rich, western systems of trade have made everyone but the West poor

what was different about their system? did they make your slaves rich too?

I've searched wikipedia, not one article on your 'Islamic renaissance'

And instead of claiming that everything in the world revolves around Islam, maybe you'd like to provide some evidence.
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"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

juju, I'd totally agree with you 100% if there weren't a bunch Brooke Shields fan-boys parroting Ms Sheilds.

I quote:
President Ahmadinejad is one of the few Muslim men with power I even respect any more. I agree with him wholeheartedly here.

Now this isn't to say Kadark is in the same league as a Brooke fan-boy. Actually Kadark has played GoWII and I am going to get that game and so Kadark is actually a smart person who got duped.

It's the "duped" part that is the most interesting part of this whole debate. And, frankly, it takes some thinking about and challenging yourself and your assumptions. Looking at things from a different angle. Art and the human form is just such an angle.

It's the "duped" part that is the most interesting part of this whole debate. And, frankly, it takes some thinking about and challenging yourself and your assumptions. Looking at things from a different angle. Art and the human form is just such an angle.

"True, true." (Budweiser)
I agree. But we should look at things from a 360 degree seems like the more considerate thing to do...
Salams :D
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