Islam Must Rule the World

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Hey geoff

how goes it?

"Mutually assured destruction", in the context of a runt dictator who's threatened to "wipe Israel off the map" and spearheads new reconstructions of antisemitism, might mean a very different thing than the historical NATO-Warsaw Pact meaning, if you take my drift.
Sorry i did not get abck to you yesterday, i have only just noticed this
I take it you refer to Ahmendijad of Iran above??? He was elected was not he? And to be hionest i think the Mullahs would have control over the nuclear button if they did have nukes. And he said "that regime which occupies jerusalem shoudl be wiped off the map" but thats another argument... Anyway it does not matter what president Iran had, America and Israel would still be wanting Iran to stop thier alledged "nuke program" Awhmendijad the stupid fool has just amde it easy for them to justify the rhetoric aghainst iran.

Another worry thing is that the deputy PM of israel - Avigdor liberman is head of the strategic threats department (ie Iran) and wasnot he the guy who said he woudl want to Bomb the Aswan Dam if Egypt did not do what they said with regards to the palesitinains ooopss i mean did not help the palestinains as much... to name just one of his outrageous statements. he probaly has just as much power over the nuke button as Ahmendijad would ahve if Iran got theirs.

You do realize they're outnumbered 200 to one and hated by not single nations, but every nation around them for their temerity in building a Jewish state on a part of dar-al-islam? Or that every nation - including India and Pakistan - with nukes always builds far, far more than necessary? (Probably economy of scale. :rolleyes:) Or that any attack on them, even if the originating country were destroyed, would be immediately capitalized on by any neighbouring nation with the capacity to put men in BMPs and roll them westward? Meaning: if Iran were to nuke them, the Israelis would probably take out everyone around them in response. Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, everyone. The ultimate Masada. And yet the leadership of Iran shows every intention of being insane enough to launch in the sidelong hope of bringing about the advent of their Mahdi, or at least waking him up from the bottom of the well. You also realize, I assume, that the resulting and somewhat one-sided exchange would bring on at the very least a nuclear autumn, and more probably a nuclear winter, with global rather than local effects (which no help could be provided for anyway, and which would mean the rapid death of about a quarter billion people and the irradiation of about another 300 million more, with immediate and far-reaching health effects well into the next half-millenium). You have a wife and kids, Zak. Does it seem like a good idea to let Iran have the chance to push the Israelis into starting a nuclear winter with worldwide fallout and a temperature decrease of a solid 5 degrees C? Maybe we could have another ice age, even! That would be GREAT for skiing, not so good for crop growing..

Iran will not attack Israel with nuclear missle strike, i would put my house on it???? and as you so convinced they will what would you give me if they dont???

I love it geoff - Econmoies of scale - incredible stuff!!!

Anyway Geoff 200+ nukes, that one hell of a lot of Nukes.. wont just 50 do the trick, and why the neutorn bomb development???
Terrorists are human targets too, and that's what the munitions were for. Maybe they could stop hiding behind civilian buildings and in built-up areas?


hezbollah's netowkr of tunnels and storage dumps were in the rural areas, the Un has not found any in turabn areas, of course you can check this I think Hareetz would be a start. the IDF even refered to them as the nature reserves.

Please post proof that Hezbollah were fighting from urban civilian areas.
Yes; but it got squashed by the religio-political realities of the region; sentiments which persist today.

Agreed. Many on both sides don't want peace badly enough; or at all, in some cases.

The leadership on both sides needs work. I think it atrocious that the Palestinians have been used as a ploy; nor am I happy that there was such an exodus, but I don't think it would have worked societally anyway. It would have gone the same way as the ancestral Jewish and Manichaen culture in the region; the slow supremacist squeeze.

i am sure the normal people want peace as all they want to do really is bring up their families and earn a lving to put bread omn the table at the end of the day.

greedy power crazed hmans though usually get their won way though.

See above. MAD vis-a-vis Israel/Iran not the same thing as NATO/WP.

No its not Geoff, qwuiote right, israel has over 200+ nukes and neutron bombs and their ongoing development and Iran does not.

take it ez
How nice, Zak, that you're willing to gamble with the lives of thousands, perhaps millions, of Israelis.

Baron Max

My dear Maximus...

I hope all is well with you:D
Its nice to hear from you.... I've missed you:D

Its ashame that you dont read the posts properly and actually grasp what people are trying to say.

Also most Egyptians (certainly millions) are taking a gamble at the moment with Avigdor Lieberman being the deputy PM of Israel, Saying that he wants to blow up the Aswan dam! Are put my house on that not happening aswell, now curse me for Gmabling with Egyptians lives.. As you know it is well within Israels capacity to do this, much more than it is for irans to nuke israel saying that Iran dont have any fucking Nukes.

Ahmendijad is a pussy cat compared to that Mad man, but luckily for EGyptians and israelis is that both Ahmenidjad and Leiberman, netenyhu and the restof them do have checks against them.

You know damned well Iran wont fire nukes at Israel even when they do have them. Just as much as Leiberman wont carry out his threat to bomb the Aswan dam.

take it ez
And just how do I, or anyone else, know that, Zak?

Baron Max

My dear maximus,

1) Well they aint got them at the moment maximus.

2) as soon as one gets off the ground, then Tehran and every major iranian city will be elliminated by some of israels 200+ nukes!! they may even lob a few neutron warheads over too just for good measure.

i think its called MAD, i take it you've heard of that.

Just like that fuckass Avigdor Leibrman who wants to blow up the Aswan Dam, by doing so they will take out half of israel (if not more)


take it ez
Just compare how many countries they invaded in the last 100 years, with how many Israel has invaded since inception.
so basically you are saying that countries with an history of invasion and conquests are the ones most likely to fire the first shots???
so basically you are saying that countries with an history of invasion and conquests are the ones most likely to fire the first shots???

I'd say countries with a history of using arms to resolve their issues are more likely to use arms to resolve their issues.
Yo Zak!, got any assurances to back that up!!!

hiya vega

hows it going?

long time no speak

they aint got nukes!!

its funny also that they are always 3-10 years from getting a nuke, according to estimates in the late 80's they were 10 years way then too.

if they had nukes, then i can assure you as much as can be assured of israel nuking tehran or blowing up the Aswan dam!!!

take it ez
hiya vega

hows it going?

long time no speak

they aint got nukes!!

its funny also that they are always 3-10 years from getting a nuke, according to estimates in the late 80's they were 10 years way then too.

if they had nukes, then i can assure you as much as can be assured of israel nuking tehran or blowing up the Aswan dam!!!

take it ez
Good to see you out here zak!
Yes it's been awhile, I do have a life you know:)

I like your geo-political knowledge on the mid east, it's just your emphasis on the calmness of the whole scenario that has me worried!, you trying out for a job as mid east mediator?:)
yeah thats called history!!!

I'd say the fact that they haven't invaded anyone since, is a pretty good sign. ie change the last 100 years to the last ~1500 years. Also they are signatories to the NPT.

Can you say the same for Israel?
Israel will defend itself if provoked or even if it thinks there might be an invasion. Now, with America involved, Israel has little to fear if it were to strike out at an aggressive state. That's why things there now are SOMEWHAT quieter IMHO.
Israel will defend itself if provoked or even if it thinks there might be an invasion. Now, with America involved, Israel has little to fear if it were to strike out at an aggressive state. That's why things there now are SOMEWHAT quieter IMHO.

Like it invaded Lebanon and occupied it for 18 years because the Palestinian refugees were there, like it invaded and depopulated parts of Palestine, like it invaded Lebanon last year because two of its soldiers were caught on the wrong side of the border... like it has currently surrounded the refugees and blocked all exits (including into Egypt) while it shuts down the transport of food and electricity (4 out of 5 electric stations are down). The fact that they are prisoners of war in their own country is an international shame. That Hamas is the elected government is conveniently ignored.
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I'd say the fact that they haven't invaded anyone since, is a pretty good sign.

Can you say the same for Israel?
I would say so, however there is nothing pretty good in Iran at the moment to satisfy the world concerns thats its increased developed in missile systems, nuclear technology and interests in neighbouring gulf states are likely to escalate into regional domination.
I would say so, however there is nothing pretty good in Iran at the moment to satisfy the world concerns thats its increased developed in missile systems, nuclear technology and interests in neighbouring gulf states are likely to escalate into regional domination.

And not allowing Iranian economy to develop, blocking education and economic progress through incessant sanctions since 1970 (after 25 years of brutal rule under the western puppet) is helping how?
History of sanctions against Iran:

Sometimes its surprising to me that these people are actually supposed to be educated and informed:

Most Americans Back Sanctions on Iran
Nuclear Program Seen as Threat in Polls

Seven in 10 Americans would support international economic sanctions as a way to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons

These are the same people who look the other way as Israel develops nuclear weapons (without signing the NPT) and also when their government sends in arms to kill innocent people when Israel goes on yet another chest thumping exercise. Just compare how the British dealt with soldiers picked up, to how Israel did. Which soldiers are home now?
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