Islam Must Rule the World

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Try exchanging paranoia for reality; it takes a certain level of desperation to reach the point where tying a bomb to your chest seems more worthwhile than the indignity of living. Remember, there were no suicide bombers in Palestine or Lebanon, before there was Israel.

Good point, creation of Israel= creation of modern day terrorism
Yes, but the 1948 is no conquest. It is an illegal occupation, because it was given to the Jews by the UN who were desperate to run away from their bland and boring lives, therefore they did not "conquer" it, it was merely given at will as if the Palestinians did not matter.
If they had taken it by force, then that is different.

Baron, you're willing to gamble with the lives of thousands, millions, of Arabs?

How is it different? How is it illegal? By what law?
Look, Israeli's, whom I hate with such a passion, I don't care right now if I'm stereotyping or being a hypocrite....back to my point, Israeli's have done bloody enough, no fricken country wanted them. They were stupid OUTCASTS, yes, if a stupid Israeli who agrees with this terror and is reading this, i will say it, STUPID ISRAELI, NO ONE LOVED YOU AND YOU ARE STILL UNLOVED.


My Palestinian blood runs hot and true. (hot, metamaphorically)

P.S. I'm not changing my name. Ever.
Look, Israeli's, whom I hate with such a passion, I don't care right now if I'm stereotyping or being a hypocrite....back to my point, Israeli's have done bloody enough, no fricken country wanted them. They were stupid OUTCASTS, yes, if a stupid Israeli who agrees with this terror and is reading this, i will say it, STUPID ISRAELI, NO ONE LOVED YOU AND YOU ARE STILL UNLOVED.


My Palestinian blood runs hot and true. (hot, metamaphorically)

P.S. I'm not changing my name. Ever.

Bad, bad juju :spank:
I don't support the decision to not allow other religious worshipping in your nation. To my knowledge, Saudi Arabia is one of the few, if only, countries in the middle east that doesn't allow other buildings of worship, such as synagogues and churches. Even the Iranians, who are the focus of this thread, allow other religious buildings of worship. Saudi Arabia has many corrupt, intolerant rules, such as not permitting women to drive.

Saudi Arabia is joined in this respect by Egypt, Pakistan, and Malaysia and Indonesia I think, not to mention a couple places in Africa. And as for the Iranians, I've never heard of a church being built there, but I'm willing to listen if you have the evidence.

Um...women and children didn't pay the jizya, if that is what you're getting at.

The jizya was indeed imposed on every member of non-muslim households at the discretion of the islamic establishment.
Saudi Arabia is joined in this respect by Egypt, Pakistan, and Malaysia and Indonesia I think, not to mention a couple places in Africa. And as for the Iranians, I've never heard of a church being built there, but I'm willing to listen if you have the evidence.

The jizya was indeed imposed on every member of non-muslim households at the discretion of the islamic establishment.

I think you need to brush up on your info. I've personally met Egyptian and Pakistani Christians. There are also Indonesian Christians (not sure about Malaysia)

Many Scandinavian countries routinely refuse requests for mosques.
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GeoffP, as I have said, the Jews did buy some land.

And again: how hypocritical is it to whine about how poorly a genocidal war goes when you lose? I didn't see the Germans complaining about losing a fair bit of land at the end of WWII (you remember, the war the Americans "freed the slaves to fight in").

Um nah cus they only had 185000 men.

Well, I was willing to meet you halfway and say the Greeks were only outnumbered 2000:1 at that pass, but now I'm going to go the full distance and say the Persians had a million men, so now it's 3000:1 again. Don't say I didn't give you a chance.

therefore you know no isrealis you only know americans

So because I live in the US...I can't know any Israelis...because Israelis don't fly to other continents ever? Well, unless they boil a Palestinian kid's eyes or something, which Syrian media reputes them to steal, I guess. By the same token, you can't have had an American education. How would you even get to North America??? It's just impossible.

All Iranians are extremists?

:confused: Noooooooo....what the hell are you talking about? Is there a gas leak in your house?

No, remember in 1948 syria was on herself for only 2 years and Israel had allies

Syria was on herself after the almost unarmed Israelis handed her ass to her? Sounds kinky. Anyway, what allies? The Brits were training Egyptian pilots, FFS.

Um yea, I do. I've lived in syria and syrian culture is similar to Israeli culture, mediteranean culture.

This illustrates two things to me:

i) you've never been to Israel.

Not surprising. I imagine Syrian media has probably convinced you by now that the sharp horns and pointy pitchfork of the average Jewish person are just too darned sharp to risk walking about on the street, not to mention that the evil hooknosed Jews might just pluck the soul out of your chest, or steal it by taking your picture.

ii) because you believe 1) that Israelis lash their children and live in some medieval behavioural codus and 2) think that "syrian culture is similar to Israeli culture, mediteranean culture", that:

iii) Syrian culture actually does involve beating the shit out of kids and women. After all, you say that it's common for Israelis to do (it isn't) and that "Israeli culture [culture being what?] is similar to Syrian culture". Ergo, that really does go on in Syria. What a humanitarian haemorrhoid Syria must be.

Yea, suicide bombers who are brainwashed young men. But hesbollah targets the IDF unlike Israel only targeting Hesbollah, Im sure the nun was a hesbollah member

Hezbollah fires rockets randomly across the border into civilian centres and brainwashes the choicest individuals off the short bus from Damascus into strapping bombs to their chest; ergo, Hezbollah does not target IDF only, or even at all. Period. Thanks for playing.

Yea, nukes! :roflmao: sure, just because they have nukes they automatically win. I'm sure Israel would not use a nuke so close to home, unless they want to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Damascus isn't that close to home. And - just to try and educate you a little, since you didn't get any anywhere else - if they were going to be overrun, what would the difference be? Genocide vs nuclear destruction? It amazes me how blind people with your positions really are; as if the propaganda really got in there and took root.

Sure, but no one had a country handed to them as compensation for being baked elsewhere.

Wow. That was an unbelievably shitty thing to say. You're special - in the Damascus short bus kind of way.

post Holocaust guilt has created more victims and I for one see no reason to use political correctness as an excuse to deny the truth, none of my ancestors were in the German camps.

Another shitty thing; yet, similarly, islamism and islam has created far, far more victims numerically speaking; I se no reason to allow political correctness to colour the quite legitimate criticisms of the political system of islamism, or even of the religion itself.

I used to feel the Jews needed a place to get away to, after the Holocaust, and I doubt anyone would have kicked them out of Arabia if they had not decided to "take over"; Arab hospitality rules themselves would be against turning away anyone in need of refuge (this is before westernization left its secular mark, of course). The imam of Mecca himself made a speech in that regard, indicating that the return of the Jews to the land that belonged to them would contribute prosperity to the people.

The Grand Mufti of Palestine had a different opinion. And how hospitable is Arab society to the non-muslims in it's midst? Ah: I suppose that's another ayah (Q 9: 29) for another time, eh? Dhimmis really like being second-class citizens? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: the difference between being an outspoken kuffir visitor and citizen in islamic society.

However, after reading what really happened at the time (see Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine), I feel the creation of Israel was a mistake. But that was a mistake in the past, and we live with the consequences of our pasts. The ideal, in my opinion, would be that Israel learns to get along with its neighbors, without which, I see no future for Israel nor its neighbors.

A remarkable bout of lucidity. Too bad the religious and political leaders of Palestine don't seem to be reading from your book. Then again, it appears to be a cookbook, given one of your earlier comments.

It also behooves the question: who are the victims? I have sympathy for the prisoners of the Holocaust, but their descendants have all the opportunities their predecessors were denied. Time to join the real world.

When it suits, apparently. And - "prisoners"? The 6 million Jews were really just detained?

You also show a remarkable misunderstanding of the issue. The Jews saw what the majority society was willing to offer them as inhabitants of the ME - second-class citizens, to be provoked and harassed and abused at will by their proper islamic overlords, as written in the Quran - and realized that even in their religious and cultural homeland, they were going to be treated as bad or worse than in the West. They decided against allowing it - and things escalated. Kind of hard to blame the victim of a crime, really.

I mean, unless you don't have the requisite four witnesses or something.
Iran will not attack Israel with nuclear missle strike, i would put my house on it???? and as you so convinced they will what would you give me if they dont???

Why, my house, of course????

Anyway Geoff 200+ nukes, that one hell of a lot of Nukes.. wont just 50 do the trick, and why the neutorn bomb development???

Hmm - I see you didn't read the post.

Please post proof that Hezbollah were fighting from urban civilian areas.

Watch the news, Zak. Besides, you wouldn't believe me whether I posted it or not. Why would I bother?

i am sure the normal people want peace as all they want to do really is bring up their families and earn a lving to put bread omn the table at the end of the day.

Hey that's great but has nothing to do with Iran possibly developing nuclear weapons. You know, Israelis just want to bring up their families and earn a living to put bread on the table at the end of the day, you know.

No its not Geoff, qwuiote right, israel has over 200+ nukes and neutron bombs and their ongoing development and Iran does not.

That's why I said it wasn't the same as the NATO/WP standoff, since neither of the above two sides was as likely to use their weapons as Iran would be.
I think you need to brush up on your info. I've personally met Egyptian and Pakistani Christians. There are also Indonesian Christians (not sure about Malaysia)

I meant in the modern period, toasty. Not too many from my brief scan of your links. Should be easy for you find, though - along with the proof that they didn't require government permission to be built or repaired. Your links appear to concern mostly the issue that non-muslim communities continue to survive in the islamic world, which no one is denying. Until they do get extirpated, of course, in which case you'll blame them themselves, or the Americans.

Many Scandinavian countries routinely refuse requests for mosques.

"Routinely"? How interesting. Again, the evidence must abound - as must the spurious reasons for such refusal in the present benighted period of islamic tolerance.
Yes, but the 1948 is no conquest. It is an illegal occupation, because it was given to the Jews by the UN who were desperate to run away from their bland and boring lives, therefore they did not "conquer" it, it was merely given at will as if the Palestinians did not matter.
If they had taken it by force, then that is different.

They were running away from a world that had just given them the Holocaust.

You're a fool.
They were running away from a world that had just given them the Holocaust.

You're a fool.

So they decided to return the favor?:rolleyes:

Where did the Poles, gypsies and other remnants of the rest of the 5 million victims of the Holocaust go. Does anybody know, or even care?
Also GeoffP I have already pointed you to a source of accurate information on the creation of Israel, based on Israeli declassified documents. Your persistent refusal to educate yourself on the matter (if the documents were online, I could link them but they are not) can only mean that you prefer to see the Israelis as victims even when they are the oppresors.

e.g. What do you think of the JNF afforesting Palestinian villages and graves?

As such I see no point wasting my breath responding to your false information.
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I meant in the modern period, toasty. Not too many from my brief scan of your links. Should be easy for you find, though - along with the proof that they didn't require government permission to be built or repaired. Your links appear to concern mostly the issue that non-muslim communities continue to survive in the islamic world, which no one is denying. Until they do get extirpated, of course, in which case you'll blame them themselves, or the Americans.

How many new mosques have been built. You are being extremely silly in this regard. I don't recall when a temple, or a mosque or a church was last built in Bombay either.

"Routinely"? How interesting. Again, the evidence must abound - as must the spurious reasons for such refusal in the present benighted period of islamic tolerance.
Yeah they are:

Here is one:
Norwegian Muslims encountered some difficulties in obtaining local permission to build mosques in areas where they are concentrated. Since 1975 the town council in Drammen has regularly turned down applications to build a mosque.
You can look up the rest.
Here is one:

You can look up the rest.

Here is the opening line of that section
The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the Government generally respects this right in practice. The Government at all levels generally protects this right in full and does not tolerate its abuse, either by governmental or private actors.

Zoning is rather strict in norway

here are some of the mosques and islamic cultural centers in this small country
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