Islam Makes More Sense Than Christianity.

Good answer.
Let me ask you, at the risk of offending you (I don't want to), but when do think the world was 'created'?
We're in danger of going way off the topic. And don't worry, I'm very hard to offend.

Personally I don't think that question can really be answered - religiously or scientifically. I don't think it was 6000 years plus seven days ago, because that misses the point. It's no more useful information than "20 billion and seven years ago". What the Biblical authors saw fit to call the "beginning" had little to do with the universe, and a lot do with man.

And for us, the world we know could only have been "created" when consciousness appeared to perceive it. For God, it had existed ever since He conceived of it. But whatever time or form the process of creation took, I do not doubt that God was the artist at every moment of it.

If you asked a critic when the Creation of Adam was created, he might say 1508, when it was started, or 1512, when it was finished, but if you asked Michelangelo, he would say it was already begun in his mind when he conceived it, and only finished when he was satisfied. Saying it was created 492 plus four years ago would technically be quite right, but not entirely accurate.
The Flemster said:
Good answer.
Let me ask you, at the risk of offending you (I don't want to), but when do think the world was 'created'?

Everyone knows when the universe was created. Assuming that's what you meant by "world" because you didn't make it clear. Everyone knows that the universe gets a little bigger each year, and so by measuring how much bigger it gets each year, you can reverse and see how many years it would take for the universe to shrink back into a dot. World scientists have estimated this to be 12.3-13.2 billion years.

Proud_Muslim said:
Rants and general statement does not amount to debate.
You are so right, lets see if you can comply with that?

And the church of England has GAY preists as well !! is that development, NO, it is the beginning of the end.
I heard that even though gays are not encouraged in islam, that it is wide-spread, especially during Ramadan, any comments P_M?

Finland was the FIRST WESTERN nation to give women the right to vote in 1906, 1300 YEARS AFTER ISLAM........... INCREDIBLE.
1300 years? proof, I need proof, not propaganda. Also, why did M change arabic culture? woman had power then, his first wife was a rich merchant, yet after she died, M said, "o alalh send me many wives", & lo & behold, he did. islam makes sense, if you are into polygamy, slavery, war, plunder & second-class status for non-muslims
Finland was the first Western nation to give women the vote
Yeah but always remember that New Zealand was the first eastern nation to in 1889... due to a tiny population and needing more voters... go Kiwiland! says I...
I'm sorry if it seemed like I was going off-topic, I merely wanted a few otler people's opinions before I ask (all deeply religious, non-free-thinking) our fellow contributors the following question:

Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in ANY religious text?

(And don't come back with that 'God/Allah (dkny, whatever) put the evidence of them here to test mankind'.
'Cos that's a crock of cop-out shite, and you all know it!

The Flemster.
The Flemster said:
I'm sorry if it seemed like I was going off-topic, I merely wanted a few otler people's opinions before I ask (all deeply religious, non-free-thinking) our fellow contributors the following question:

Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in ANY religious text?

(And don't come back with that 'God/Allah (dkny, whatever) put the evidence of them here to test mankind'.
'Cos that's a crock of cop-out shite, and you all know it!

The Flemster.
there's mention of a levanthian, look up the reference in the back
Proud Muslim said:
Christianity is based on a myth, in fact, pathetic myth, that God DIED !!

only the retards will believe in such illogical sect.
God gave us his life. You would you be dead without it.
Proud_Muslim said:
Christianity is based on a myth, in fact, pathetic myth, that God DIED !!

only the retards will believe in such illogical sect. ****...what they believe, then they should also die.
M*W: Who in their right mind would want to believe in a dying demigod savior? God doesn't die. You're right. Christians are retards. If they are true to what they believe, then they should also die.
Interesting perspective. My personal prediction is that we all will die, but that's just me.

"Who in their right mind", indeed...

For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
- 1 Corinthians 15
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Jenyar said:
Interesting perspective. My personal prediction is that we all will die, but that's just me.

"Who in their right mind", indeed...

For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
- 1 Corinthians 15
M*W: Risen indeed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen Jesus walking around lately. Jesus DIDN'T die, you fool. Jesus may have never lived! I'll give him credit, because I believe he lived, but I don't give him credit for dying for me 2000 years ago. Come on, Jenyar, you believe in fairy tales. Give it up!
I have more reason to believe Jesus lived, died and was resurrected than you have that we were all created by ourselves.
Jenyar said:
I have more reason to believe Jesus lived, died and was resurrected than you have that we were all created by ourselves.
M*W: Jenyar, I don't care what your reasons are. You're so dumb that you don't know what you're talking about. Obviously, you haven't read or understood what I've posted or you would know that God created us in its image to become Godly. Why would you believe in a dying demigod savior? You're responsible for your own sins. Christianity is a cop-out. It's on its way out. Only 25% of the world's religions are Christian. What about the other 75%? Man, you're on your way out! What are you gonna do when Christianity fizzles? You believe in fairy tales.
Jenyar said:
What happened to God after He created us, then?
M*W: First, we have not been totally created just yet. We are still in the last day of creation, but we still have a long way to go. God is where God has always been. God never changes. The spirit inside us never changes. God is still in the process of creating us in its image. Since we are created in God's image, we do NOT need a dying demigod savior to save us from ourselves.
Jenyar said:
If our spirit has always been complete, what need is there for a body?
M*W: When humanity becomes perfected into the image of God, we will no longer need our body. But for now, we live on Planet Earth, and we need our Earthsuit to live compatibly in this ecosystem.
If we are in the image of God, and God is spirit, where is God's earthsuit? How did we end up on earth?
Jenyar said:
If we are in the image of God, and God is spirit, where is God's earthsuit? How did we end up on earth?
M*W: Jenyar, do you know how ridiculous you sound? God is pure positive energy = spirit. We are the human body of God. How did we get here? We evolved, and we're still evolving. Unfortunately, I think you missed the evolutionary boat.