Islam Makes More Sense Than Christianity.

But you said "God never changes. The spirit inside us never changes". If that's true, then we are becoming less like God by evolving. We're not becoming spirits - millions of years of evolution should have convinced you of that.

It's easy to speak of the evolution of humanity and an impersonal spiritual god if you can ignore that we seem to have relatively short lives, after which we all die. I was born with this body, and had no say in its evolution. Neither did you in yours. If you are right, the overruling reality should be our spiritual essence, being nothing less than God himself - yet you seem to suggest our physical state indicates how far we have evolved, and our fallible reasoning ability is stronger than our divine nature.

How is it spiritually, physically or mentally possible to "miss the evolutionary boat", in your view?
Jenyar said:
How is it spiritually, physically or mentally possible to "miss the evolutionary boat", in your view?

There is no such thing as evolution, there is only ILLUSION.
Religion is an illusion depending on what kind of religion you follow, if you embrace Islam, you will be embracing the TRUTH, the ever lasting truth.
Proud_Muslim said:
Christianity is based on a myth, in fact, pathetic myth, that God DIED !!

only the retards will believe in such illogical sect.

Do your lot always take things so seriously?
Try lightening up, my strokey-bearded friend...
... because, let's face it, all religion is a load of old bollocks, is it not?

The Flemster.
Proud_Muslim said:
Religion is an illusion depending on what kind of religion you follow, if you embrace Islam, you will be embracing the TRUTH, the ever lasting truth.

I wouldn't want to embrace anything as hairy as Islam. Are razors forbidden in The Keranngg! as well?

The Flemster.
The Flemster said:
Do your lot always take things so seriously?
Try lightening up, my strokey-bearded friend...
... because, let's face it, all religion is a load of old bollocks, is it not?

The Flemster.
Nice one Flemster :D


I will quote the very first post of this thread here:-
“It is unfitting for Allah to have a son,” wrote Mohammed, apparently interpreting sonship biologically.
Great morals from a git who rogers little girls eh?? :D
The truth is ALL religions are based on belief, if you believe it then you accept it. The problem is when other religions encroch on your own religion and there ways conflict with yours. If you belive that your religion is the truth then others should not interfere with your own beliefs.
cosmictraveler said:
The problem is when other religions encroch on your own religion and there ways conflict with yours.
I don't have a religion so therefore - no conflict!

All religion is bull, some more than others. :D
cosmictraveler said:
The truth is ALL religions are based on belief, if you believe it then you accept it. The problem is when other religions encroch on your own religion and there ways conflict with yours. If you belive that your religion is the truth then others should not interfere with your own beliefs.

But is it healthy to accept something without question?
Or could it be that religious people are too thick/frightened to ask themselves why they need to please a fictional character(s) designed thousands of years ago to keep the primative populace in check?

The Flemster.
Vienna said:
Nice one Flemster :D


I will quote the very first post of this thread here:-

Great morals from a git who rogers little girls eh?? :D

Shit! They're all secret Gary Glitter fans!

The Flemster.
Proud_Muslim said:
Religion is an illusion depending on what kind of religion you follow, if you embrace Islam, you will be embracing the TRUTH, the ever lasting truth.
That's funny. Don't all religions state that it is only they who know the whole and lasting truth? So how do we know which one is correct then? inne meeny miney mo? Flip a coin?

All religions have their own particular beliefs and structures and each claims to embrace the ever lasting truth. NONE is better than the other.
Bells said:
That's funny. Don't all religions state that it is only they who know the whole and lasting truth? So how do we know which one is correct then?

By studying the ones that interest you and then use your brain and logic and sense to decide which one suits you the best.

I ask you to read about Islam, I am sure you dont know anything about Islam, so here is your chance to start reading and I will be pleased to answer ANY question you have.

All religions have their own particular beliefs and structures and each claims to embrace the ever lasting truth. NONE is better than the other.

As I said, it is up to YOU to decide where is the go ahead, start reading, the Noble Quran will be good start, here you have the best English translation of the Noble Quran ever produced so far:

Good luck.
PM, I have read the Quran, just like I have read the Bible. If I need to know anything else about Islam I'll ask my Muslim family members and friends. But thank you for the offer anyway.
Does Islam make sense?

Does millions of strokey beard, towel headed people bowing down and praying to something they can't see, hear, touch or even smell - make sense?

It's bullshit.
Vienna said:
Does Islam make sense?

Does millions of strokey beard, towel headed people bowing down and praying to something they can't see, hear, touch or even smell - make sense?

It's bullshit.

that's right. i presume you're christian. i was skimming past threads. you worship the trinity don't you? you worship god don't you? well, i don't see that in physical form, yet you change face and accuse others of believing something not in physical form.

bla bla bla bla

what's bullshit is the stuff you type.
Proud_Muslim said:
I did not know you have MUSLIM family members !! very interesting !

Interesting why? I have family members (cousins) who've married Muslims. One converted and the others did not, instead they had the ceremonies in both religions to please both sides of the families. The kids go to church with their mothers and mosque with the dad. The two hubby's celebrate Christmas and Easter with the wives and wives celebrate Ramadan and other holidays with the hubby's. They've managed to integrate both beliefs in their homes and they seem happy as do the kids. No one in those homes see one religion as being superior to another, instead they respect both sides of the equation and they're happy. The one who converted did so because it was easier for her, however her hubby had the priest who'd baptised her as a baby come and bless them after the wedding.. it was a suprise gift for her which I thought was sweet. The hubby sometimes goes to Church with her during the holy holidays because he knows that she'll always be a Catholic, regardless of the conversion so he goes out of respect for her and her family. I also have a family member who's converted to Buddhism because that's where he's found his true happiness and his wife is a Protestant. Then there is me and a couple of others who are agnostic. As my father says, the only religions we need to get in the family now are Jewish and Hindu's and Pagans of course lol.
do not let pride swallow you proud muslim. that is many the case for the downfall of man.

the way your post is stated makes it look like you welcome bell's post with pride knowing he or she has muslim relatives. this is nothing to be proud off.

i have seen muslims who have treated converted christians to muslim as if they were holy and as if they were god. "wow, we converted a christian to a muslim. we should give him special treatment to ensure he remains being a muslim."

the relationship for a muslim is with god. if the "muslim" converts back to christianity or whatever religion he or she is, then it is his or her lose. and it is good riddance for muslims to remove liars and cons from their religon.