Islam Makes More Sense Than Christianity.

Markx said:
Hey good to see you MW. I hope you are doing well.

M*W: Hey, Markx, I'm doing fine! I hope you are doing okay. I see this little angel in her burka. This is how I would like to see my granddaughters! (Although they're fine as they really are). I see innocence here. Allah only knows that I would never wear a bikini like that! My body was built to have babies. Even so, I'm still considered to be attractive! People tell me it's my blue eyes. I don't like to see American women half-dressed. If my daughters were to dress like that, I would have to tell them they are not that pretty in them. They wouldn't dress like that, of course! We should only show the body God created for us.
spidergoat said:
With this statement you confirm how Islam has reduced the status of half its population to the level of a commodity, a product, an object, to be hoarded away behind closed doors for the selfish enjoyment of their "owners".

You see, you cant escape your JEWISH background, everything for you guys is measured by money and commodity !! :rolleyes:

What I meant by the word expensive is METAPHORE...English is not my mother language, so I used the word expensive to convey how we Arabic, we use the word EXPENSIVE to refer to our beloved ones...for example, a husband says to his wife; YOU ARE MY EXPENSIVE BELOVED WIFE !! it means you mean a lot to me, you are equal to none...etc.....GOT IT ??? :rolleyes:
You see, you cant escape your JEWISH background, everything for you guys is measured by money and commodity !!

Thats a lovely JOKE, haha.

Proud Muslim, the world is not rose-colored, together with Islam. You have to realize that very quickly, otherwise you're in shit.
Markx said:
Jesus claimed to be a GOD???

WOW! Can you please where he said that? I repeate where Jesus said it? Not PAUL but Jesus.

God gave his son?

Again Show me where Jesus said it, NOT PAUL but Jesus. Easa ibn Marriam, since you don't know his name, I thought it might help you.

And those Verses from Sura Tawuba?

( We have written hundreds of pages about them) Seems like you are new in sciforums. Search the forum and you will find atleast 10 posts with more then 1000 replies about them. That is a failed agrument and holds no weight.

Well, I'm going to reply to a couple things, I hadn't read through all the threads so I thought it would be prudent to comment on Proud Muslim's comments about the verses he quoted from 1st Corinthians. You'll find with a little research that it was referring directly to who it was written, the people of Corinth, and the culture of the area of the time, which was similar to muslims of today. The culture stated that women who left their faces uncovered had loose morals. This was distracting to believers in the area, and was a stumbling block, therefore it was better for the people of the area, who were weak in their recently adopted faith, to stick with the cultural traditons, considering Corinth was notorious for being a hot bed of immorality. Therefore, this is similar to the command not to be a stumbling block.

As to my quotes on Islam, they were taken from an ISLAMIC website, and was one of many on the topic of the necessity of Jihad in the Islamic faith. I emphasize I took it from an Islamic source, a commentary by a cleric. Therefore, I assumed practitioners of Islam may know a little bit about what their faith commands and where they gain their source. This is among others, see the link in my previous post for more quotes from different suras.

And as to the claim of divinity by Jesus, as well as one big one in the Gospel, not by Jesus, I'll list a few:

Mat 16:13,15-17
13"When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked hisdisciples 'Who do people s ay the Son of Man is?'...15'But what about you?' he asked, 'Who do you say I am?' Simon Peter answered 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' Jesus replied 'Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for thhis was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in Heaven"
(See also Mark 8:27-30, Luke 9:18-21 for the same account)

John 1:1, 14
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, He was with God in the beginning....The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

Revelation 22: 12-16 (emphasis added)
12“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. 13I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
14“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
16“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

Alpha and Omega is designated for God alone, Jesus claims this title in that above verse, as well as the other cited scriptures that show his Jesus and God are one, and if nothing else, Jesus is the son of God. All of these things are blasphemy in Islam, for Allah is inequatable to such things. Yet Islam claims these scriptures as the words of prophets, which are infallable. Not to mention the numerous references in the old testament to a coming messiah, this would be blasphemy before Muhammed even came to be! Lets not forget the fact that Allah can change his mind (aborgation), so how can you even trust what was written in the Koran would be his view today?
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CounslerCoffee said:
At least it does to me. While I was reading an article today (Posted on a fundamentilist Christian Website),
First, Catholics are traditionalists, not fundamentalists. that would be Southern Baptists, etc if you are going to tell us about things, at least be clear on the terms & meanings

I came past a little tidbit of information that seemed to make a lot more sense than what the Bible has to offer
islam is made for man, because it was made by a man, read a chronological version of the Koran & you will see, that as Mohammad gained power, allah (wink, wink) gave him more in the Koran (both wives & loot), check out the rule of "Abrogation", where all the later suras can change or abrogate the first ones. thus changing the "qibla" (direction of prayer) from Jerusalen to Mecca, after Mohammad found that jews would not convert, so he killed them, look up the war against the jewish arab tribes for starters, it's ethnic cleansing against their own jewish brothers.

But it doesn't stop right there, with the Trinity thing (Which doesn't make much sense, btw).
not simple, I only understood it after I took up reading sci-fi books & became a christian years later,
He is most "alien" to us, because He is multidimensional, multi-chronal & self-existing.
sorry flatearth mann, thou only understandeth things o this earthe, not of thee Heavens

From my point of view the Christian bible can be quite clear on where it stands on this issue. Just take a look at Job (The man that God tormented).
read it again, satan wanted to prove a point, that Job only worshipped God because He protected & blessed him, that taking away all blessings & Job would curse God (as most men would do) & that did not happen, God was right

So my question is this: Does Islam make more sense than Christianity? Because it looks like it to me.
I think it only makes sense if you want to become an arab, its a religion of male warriors, it rewards suicide bombers with 72 virgins & Paradise, it may be ruthlessly monotheistic, but it chose a moon god from the Kabbah in Mecca, as its god, not YHWH, the God of the Universe.

ask yourself, why should you have to learn arabic to understand god's word? would the answer be, that god is an arab? a monolingual god, is a tribal god, not a God for all peoples, a God of the Universe should want His words translated into the languages of His people, no?
shucks, even hindus don't think its a logical religion:
Proud_Muslim said:
You see, you cant escape your JEWISH background, everything for you guys is measured by money and commodity !!
The only thing you are proving is that you are the biggest racist and most ignorant excuse for a person we've seen around here in a long time. You have proven yourself incapable of rational discussion, debate, or even a worthy argument and your sole reason for being here is apparently to engender hatred and lies.

If your behavior is demonstrative of the ethics of your god, you can have him because he's certainly not worthy of a moment of my attention. What I believe, however, is that you have absolutely no idea what Allah, God, or religion is even about. As an atheist, I know infinitely more about God than you do.

As far as I'm concerned there is no excuse for you remaining here. You have nothing of value to offer.

Raithere said:
The only thing you are proving is that you are the biggest racist and most ignorant excuse for a person we've seen around here in a long time.

You are another hypocrite, you dont mind all the bashing and the slander against Islam but merely mentioning the jews and the HELL WILL BREAK LOSE,Racism and Anti Semitism charges will start flying randomly !! you disgusts me.

You have proven yourself incapable of rational discussion, debate, or even a worthy argument and your sole reason for being here is apparently to engender hatred and lies.

Personal attacks on the messenger means his message has CRUSHED you :p

As an atheist, I know infinitely more about God than you do.

What a piece of cheap garbage...but nice try though.

As far as I'm concerned there is no excuse for you remaining here. You have nothing of value to offer.

isnt enough for me crushing the arguments of hopeless athiests like you and refuting their lies and nonesense ???

if my posts have no value, why the hell you are responding to them then ?? :D
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Proud_Muslim said:
You are another hypocrite, you dont mind all the bashing and the slander against Islam but merely mentioning the jews and the HELL WILL BREAK LOSE,Racism and Anti Semitism charges will start flying randomly !! you disgusts me.
Actually, I tend to let most of this kind of crap pass without commentary. If you take a moment to consider it, you will realize that this is not even close to being the first time you've supplanted argument with bigotry, name calling, and slanderous epithets. What I notice and take exception to though is the fact that you do pretty much nothing but make these kinds of statements. You've proven yourself time and again incapable of responding even to polite commentary with anything but rage and hatred.

Personal attacks on the messenger means his message has CRUSHED you
Hardly. I consider your behavior quite grotesque and pathetic. You are a sublime example of the prejudice and hatred that religion so successfully institutionalizes in human societies. You are a veritable case study of hate and ignorance.

What a piece of cheap garbage...but nice try though.
Your 'arguments', such as they are, consist of nothing more than abuse and/or quotations. You demonstrate little understanding of the philosophical and practical implications of your own beliefs and absolutely no understanding or even an attempt to understand any other position at all. You are so enraged at everyone who is not Muslim that you cannot see your own hypocrisy or how you damage your own cause with just about every post you write. Not everyone who is not Muslim is your enemy PM. Some of us are even sympathetic to some of the situations you bring up but you are incapable of realizing that. You forget; Allah made us both.

isnt enough for me crushing the arguments of hopeless athiests like you and refuting their lies and nonesense ?
You couldn't crush the metaphorical fly. You lack the ability to even understand me and my positions, much less refute me. I might chalk some of that up to a language barrier but your all consuming hatred is unmistakable in any language.

if my posts have no value, why the hell you are responding to them then ??
I have tried to discuss issues with you but you always respond with trash or refuse to reply. When I find trash I toss it out and burn it. Your refuse is littering my house.

Blah blah and more blabbing.

Address the message instead of the messenger, or is it the message crushed you ?? :rolleyes:
I think it was that he was pointing out the messenger started all the name calling and nastiness. Why not just post a wee question without any colours, hyperbolae, rants, or anything else.
guthrie said:
I think it was that he was pointing out the messenger started all the name calling and nastiness. Why not just post a wee question without any colours, hyperbolae, rants, or anything else.

Oh yeah, the same western self-rightous bullshit again !! :rolleyes:
Flores said:
What's wrong PM?? no stamina left in you to answer Raithere?

Nah, Raithere's last post to me was ALL persoanl attacks, nothing in it of a value to respond to, I need intelligent people to talk to, I dont have time for losers like Raithere !! NEXT PLEASE :D
Proud_Muslim said:
Address the message instead of the messenger, or is it the message crushed you??
I tell you what. In light of some of the things Tiassa said in another thread I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and back off. While I'm not convinced that his faith in you is truly warranted and I don't entirely agree with his perception of the events here, he does raise some good ethical points and I do believe in giving people another chance.

But don't take that to mean that I'm not going to question what you say. If you cannot handle my skepticism then I suggest you steer clear of me because I won't stop. I question everything and accept nothing upon authority alone. This is not particular to you or Islam but it is the way I approach everything, myself most of all.

I cannot be crushed by words because I am not bound to belief. I have faced the void of nihilism and passed through it to become whole again. There is no evidence or argument that I will not accept if I find it to be truthful. Convincing me is difficult however, because I am brutal and ruthless in my queries. My own dearest beliefs are held only tentatively and primarily out of pragmatism.

Perhaps I can word it so that you'll better understand me. We have abilities of perception and intellect and I find it sinful not to use these gifts. And while I respect the wisdom and knowledge of others, no man is god. All men are fallible, ignorant, and speak through filters of social bias and personal experience.

Because of this, I can accept no one's answers without question, I must seek my own. I examine the evidence and argument and make my own decisions. I am fully confident in my search for truth because if there is a god who is worthy of worship he will accept my honest attempt to understand. Any god who does not I dismiss as unworthy of me no matter how powerful. I would rather burn in hell for doing my best than play sycophant out of fear. As fervent as you could ever be in your faith, I am in my pursuit.

If you wish to join me in this pursuit I happily welcome you. That is why I am here, because although I study and read voraciously books are dead things, incapable of discussion, elaboration, responding to query, offering criticism, or counter argument. But if all you can do is toss quotations and doctrine at me, you're of no more value to me than a book. I've already read the Quran and have a copy on my shelf and in my computer. I don't need to see the passages again unless you personally have something to say about them. Unless you can make those passages live they are no more valuable than any of the hundreds of other books on my shelves.

Proud_Muslim said:
Oh yeah, the same western self-rightous bullshit again !! :rolleyes:
Western? But surely you get fed with people who rant at you as well? Whats wrong with asking for a little self control?
guthrie said:
Western? But surely you get fed with people who rant at you as well? Whats wrong with asking for a little self control?

Nothing, nothing wrong with it at all, so let us see your self-control here, shall we ? :rolleyes:
Does any sane, right-thinking, intelligent person on here, be they Muslim, Christian, Buddist, Martian, whatever, actually believe, without question and/or proof, the existence of a 'higher being(s)' that controls the destiny of, not only themselves, but the whole population of the planet?

I know that most Christians believe in God purely to give their lives meaning, which is fine, I suppose, if that's what it takes, but the majority of crazy, strokey-bearded Muslims are SO devout that they are too frightened to even contemplate that their 'god' is in fact just a fictional character designed many years ago to keep their rampant ancestors in check.

Anyway, long-time reader, first-time poster. Hello to all, especially Proud Muslim, as his tirades keep me amused whilst I tuck into my bacon sarnies of a morning...!
I believe, with lots of questions but with proof of life, in the existence of God, who determines the destiny of mankind, based on who/what they let themselves be controlled by.