is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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yes it's all done and dusted. i saw docu. about it too.........
regardin evidence. noticew how its all gone quiet since i brought in consciousness....why else is it te HARD probelm if it aint is the Biggie. the Biggie which confounds science in its especially materialistic positivist bias ....But it simply canoot be left out of the equation whatsoever. that IS a FACT!
i must make it clear, i m not trying to turn the debate all amorpus and away from solid evidence neite. i am trying to exploore an understanding of reality which includesphysical and what we see as soild reality.......the impass for the sceptics herer--i feel--is teir adherence to materialistic science. hence their emphasis for solid evidence, and thus their disregard for evidece which isn't 'solid'

however. that documentaryt about abductions...Bud Hopkins says:"Sceptics are fond of saying there's no physical evidence. [what they mean is] they haven't heard of any cause they haven't looked into it. [he shows photographs of 'scooping marks']-These turn up again and again. I may have seen a hundred of these. Why don't the critics recognize it? It's because they don't even KNOW about it. [Bud has collected photographs of abductees who claim theri experience left them with abnormal scars---A little boy of 5, his scar turned up over night. There's one case of 3 women who got te same scoop mark in te same place on the thigh. Docgors have told him that te scars resemble the scars from punch biopsies]. Sometimes [the aliens] will take 2 samples if the prson is reabducted and another sample is taken. One can infer without much difficulty, they are taking a flesh sample--our own DNA, our own physical genetic makeup"
screwed up a crucial sentence

meant...i am rather exploring a reality which both includes physical reality and .....'spirit'? thats a well loaded term ins't it? what shall i say then? physical and....consciousness_in_its_entireity
Well...too bad about Flight 41...made for good storytelling.

I still think something with Area 51 is going on...and you KNOW the govt. would never make anything public. I saw a documentary on that and it really makes you wonder what exactly happened out there.

I'm sure I'll get pounded for this since I don't see most of the members as being Christians, but the Bible describes several entities that look like they are made of metal and shaped like UFOs...but the average Christian debunks all of that. Disappointing.
spuriousmonkey said:
I actually mentioned some irrefutable evidence for alien abductions in another (proper science) thread.
i had this experience too reading your contribution. it was a vision of you all like a big red Cokk struttin about wid yer chest stuck out when yer said '(proper science)'....can hear it in Cock language too...'proooooopersciiiencacoladooodeeddooo!!!'/...hehe
Well, something that (to me anyway) points to alien abduction being real is the fact that so many people are reporting that it's happening to them. Can they all be lying or crazy?
The Evelyonian said:
Well, something that (to me anyway) points to alien abduction being real is the fact that so many people are reporting that it's happening to them. Can they all be lying or crazy?

Alot of people also report to be the next messiah of their religion; Napoleon; "God" etc

Some people do suffer delusions caused by particular types of diseases or poor education. Notibly certain "recreational drug" habits also add to the distortion of their reality like Cannabis.

There have even been cases of this mass-delusional types starting alternate religions (lovingly refered to as cult groups) and inventing their own interpretations of both law and religious doctorines. Can anybody work out how or why such people become so deluded in the first place? (No it's not an alien conspiracy, although it's bound to include Hemp.)

The entire concept of alien abductions started with B-Movies, of course if people had truly taken these as factual evidence for abductions and aliens they would also know that flying saucers are held up in the sky by a very fine string.
Stryder said:
Alot of people also report to be the next messiah of their religion; Napoleon; "God" etc they DON@T. that is a silly comparison

Some people do suffer delusions caused by particular types of diseases or poor education. Notibly certain "recreational drug" habits also add to the distortion of their reality like Cannabis.

me::wqhen you say 'suffer diseases', i am guessing you mean 'mental diseases'?....and you include taking cxannabis as als giving you mental illness? let me tell you that the whole belief that mental illness is biological disease is a mythbased on pseudoscience, and it is a very huge insult to call peole who have had experiencs seeing UFOs or have had abduction experiencs, mentally ill. It also, ironically. shows up your utter ignorance........also, from what i have seen and heard, many of the abduction reports come from people who dont smoke cannabis. you are just graspin at straws. throwin any old shit in andhopin it'll stick to further yer blind cause!

There have even been cases of this mass-delusional types starting alternate religions (lovingly refered to as cult groups) and inventing their own interpretations of both law and religious doctorines. Can anybody work out how or why such people become so deluded in the first place? (No it's not an alien conspiracy, although it's bound to include Hemp.)

me::whats wit tis Hemp tang? i couod tell you a few truths about HEMP, but haven't got timenow and i've forgot the part of the tread i have done so.....jus this. the State has duped you regarding Hemp.
You are comparing abductions with religious cultic visions now?.......thought that religious cultics really believe in thier cult's belief system. form what i have gathers abduteees dont necessareily follow an alien religion.....these efvents happen out of the blue

The entire concept of alien abductions started with B-Movies, of course if people had truly taken these as factual evidence for abductions and aliens they would also know that flying saucers are held up in the sky by a very fine string.
oh pleeeeassss. this is like going back to fuin kindergarten , please don drag the debate back to ground zero. please go make the effort to read this threads predecessor thread and all of tis one. abosorb and get back to us
duendy said:
if you care to loook at a first post from jdaaawg to me. he callms me a douche bag, i'm crazy bla bla.......yeah? now. do you aree wit that? why aren't ya whinin on about THAT then??
His post directed at you in this thread? He does not call you a douche bag. He did not say that you were crazy. ?

We have established that you are a hypocrite. Are you a liar as well?
shaman_ said:
His post directed at you in this thread? He does not call you a douche bag. He did not say that you were crazy. ?

me::look you phony shaman...dont tell me who what when someone has insulted me right? i dont have to wait for you to let me fukin know. i know aready.....not this thread LST thread. this nd that thread are continuous

We have established that you are a hypocrite. Are you a liar as well?
and you are a silly 19 year old makin a complete prat of yerself. now get on wid the debate and stop causin trouble
Stryder said:
of course if people had truly taken these as factual evidence for abductions and aliens they would also know that flying saucers are held up in the sky by a very fine string.

LOL, What, they're not? :D

On the contrary. I think it’s one of the most stimulating and engaging trains of thought.

so you have fun cooking up a story line. it still does not negate the pointless and ultimate futility of the exercise.

verify et. establish contact. then set the cia on their ass

Verified according to available known symptoms and brain functions, right? But what if you could tap into the brain? On the one hand, sleep paralysis has its causes—nuts and bolts.

a likely function of atonia is the prevention of the physical enactment of the motor components of dreaming. i find this a rather reasonable explanation.
the nyc abduction has all the trappings of a scam
i cannot give it any serious consideration in light of the question posed by the topic post
Meanwhile said:
So it's not evidence per se; but in a way, it is. Because it brings to light a compelling reason why an advanced galactic society would rather not co-mingle with your terrestrial society.

i'll play

the aliens have mutated to look just like us and are to be found in the highest echelons of govt. this is how actual evidence and knowledge have been witheld from the public by the alien operatives

so my flights of fancy contradict yours (mingle vs isolation)
now what?

Meanwhile said:
But to take-up on that infiltration scenario: it may not necessarily require actual mingling, like telesurgery. As to morphs, I have yet to experience an inkling to such evidence…I doubt I will… so the visibility of that idea doesn't really exist for me…it has no place in my jigsaw puzzle.

you are correct. it was unfair to compare your plausible scenario of observation with my rather ridiculous one.

THE SANTA CLAUS GAMBIT: This trick consists of lumping moderate claims or propositions together with extreme ones. If you suggest, for example, that Sasquatch can't be completely ruled out from the available evidence,the skeptic will then facetiously suggest that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny can't be "completely" ruled out either.

<li> Argue that extraterrestrials would or wouldn't, should or shouldn't, can or can't behave in certain ways because such behavior would or wouldn't be logical. Base your notions of logic on how terrestrials would or wouldn't behave. Since terrestrials behave in all kinds of ways you can theorize whatever kind of behavior suits your arguments.

first, what do you think of that?
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Interestng what you say about the craft.....the physicist Jack Sarfatti. teorizes about POST quantum mechanics, anc crafts that are consciousness, he is involving consciousness into the equation:
"The Evolution of Physics:
* Classical deterministic physics is 100% about dead rocklike things (1600 to 1925AD)
* Quantum indeterministic physics is 100% about thoughtlike, but STILL unconscious things that mysteriously "collapse" to 100% rocklike tings (1925 to 1995AD)
* Post-Quantum self-deterministic physics is about co-evolving 50% rocklike and 50% thoughtlike things tat combine into 100% living conscious things (1995 to ?)

also cnsider along with that biological materials, which even is known about in OUR fledging science.......?

tis is what i mean about Imagination........i tend to see your average sceptic not excercizing theirs much..........
I believe the most common argument against this idea is the "Non- interference with discovered intelligent species " theory ,which is widely used in popular science fiction ,films etc. AKA `The Prime Directive`:- "An advanced culture meeting a less advanced civilisation should not interfere ,to allow the development of the civilisation on it`s own timescale. " (My paraphrasing of the directive).
This is a fairly obvious sentiment , since it could be the case that the technologically superior culture could cause catastrophic social and economic changes in the society.

Gustav said:
the nyc abduction has all the trappings of a scam
i cannot give it any serious consideration in light of the question posed by the topic post
can you summarize reasons why you think it is a scam?
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