is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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I don’t know if this constitutes “evidence” of alien abductions, but a few years ago I went to a bachelor party and got so wasted that the next morning I woke up with my pants around my ankles, my hands tied behind my back and a sticky substance on my butt-cheeks.
My asshole ached as if I had squeezed out a constipation log.

I asked my friends about it.
They told me some weird shit had happened the night before. I remember very little of it, except me screaming in painful ecstasy and a sock being pushed in my mouth.

Wadda you think…should I go to Oprah with this? :confused:
Gustav said:
those are decent points yet irrelevant to this discussion. the topic post could probably be resolved within the constraints of the scientific method so artfully presented.

Gustav:: i like yer style.....reminds me a bit of like rapier logic.......and thanks for the compliment a post or two ago where you congratulate me on my honesty etc. ....BUT, my way of discussing hre is my way. no where have i challenged your way of trying to get throught the sceptics hard rind. i personally feel WEHAVE to approach tis problem in a multidisciplinary way, as we have to ote subjects suchas Ecology i am gonna continue wid it

philosophizing can only muddle the issue at hand

me::no, being unCONSCIOUS of the philosophical premises muddles the issue

again, can you present me with a few abduction cases that you find compelling?
i must confess i have absolutely no familiarity with these kind of cases
well a biggie tat apparently seems to have suddenly ben forgotten about, which was mentioned at the end of te closed thread all bout this, was th NYC adbduction where it WAS seen. The sceptic JDawg seemed initially imprtessed and called on others to offer some feedback aboutit. ten we got te thang between you and mr annonymous

so i would like to look at that case for now. mainly cause JDawg and others are always presuming this shit is NOT observed by others etc
duendy said:
well a biggie tat apparently seems to have suddenly ben forgotten about, which was mentioned at the end of te closed thread all bout this, was th NYC adbduction where it WAS seen.

Allegedly seen, but we haven't got many names to follow up. That's more allegation, not evidence duendy. If it's the story I think, some top brass official allegedly saw this from their limo, and the story was verified by the driver. There are lots of problems with this story, largely that the woman involved provides all the information, and the witnesses turn up much, much later, when the 'facts' of the case are widely published, and the 'witnesses' are probably just some teenagers pulling Bud Hopkin's chain.
phlogistician said:
Allegedly seen, but we haven't got many names to follow up. That's more allegation, not evidence duendy. If it's the story I think, some top brass official allegedly saw this from their limo, and the story was verified by the driver. There are lots of problems with this story, largely that the woman involved provides all the information, and the witnesses turn up much, much later, when the 'facts' of the case are widely published, and the 'witnesses' are probably just some teenagers pulling Bud Hopkin's chain.

Nothing satisfies you'll does it?......for example, 'you' suggest that ALL bduction cases aren't observed....not even being AWARE of this famous case........SO, i find it andpresent it, and yet it still isn't enough. before you discount single abductees.........then you discount FAMILY abductions.........then you discount OBSERVED abductions.....

let me then ask you just WHAT would you need to conivnce you someting odd's going on. seriously just give us a clue what would make you think there was something to this abduction thingy?
Duendy try to discuss the evidence and forget the attacks on sceptics and scientific method. It seems that your goal is to discredit science and sceptics therefore somehow proving that the paranormal is more likely.

Anyway here is a discussion on the same case. Still reading it myself although it does appear there are some questionable aspects to the case..

Don't worry duendy it's not from the evil csicop.
shaman_ said:
Duendy try to discuss the evidence and forget the attacks on sceptics and scientific method.

me:;hahaaaa. ta's rich. 'attacks'..?? the main big style attack regarding this whole debate has come from te 'scepics'.....have you checked out what closed tis treads predecessor? go check out and you will really SEE attacks...not on sceptics but on people trying to explore about this. dpnt be so htporitical and short sighted.
As for te 'scientifi method'......wonder, do you do any symbol, similar to crossin yerself when you say tose terms?. I am explorin the possibility that the criteria of te 'scientific metod' for trying to understand the pheomena we are deabting may besomewhat limited?......for as i am more and more sensing--CONSCIOUSNESS is most definatly involved, and the po old scientific metod doesn't seem to be able to fatom te 'problem' of 'what IS consciousness'. in fact its mode of operation--at least as applied by the subjective users of it--seems to HAMPER any radical developments regarding what we are discussin

It seems that your goal is to discredit science and sceptics therefore somehow proving that the paranormal is more likely.

me::'paranormal' --your use of that term
implies that you KNOW what is 'normal'...? yet, you dont know what consciousness is do you? as neither does science in its present terefore interpret m imput here as 'discrediting and 'attack' rather tan being open to a more radical form of inquiry. your prob not mine!

Anyway here is a discussion on the same case. Still reading it myself although it does appear there are some questionable aspects to the case..

Don't worry duendy it's not from the evil csicop.
well it is kinda like he said she said etc do i know author aint makin it up........?...haha, wheres ze evidence??

what i would like is him etc round a table talkin sos i can watch and observe and listen....Getting things on the table so to speak

btw. scince dosn't even take tis subject SERIOUSLY. hence expriences here in 'pseudo'science...?
Gustav, I reported your post because you constantly attack people. You obviously won't stop, so I reported you. Continue this in a thread I am trying to participate in, and I'll report you again.

This thread, as did the last, will degenerate into flames because duendy refuses to see why anyone would be dismissive of UFO reports, and anytime anyone says something Gustav doesn't like, he will call them a fucking asshole or something to that effect--even when he's not participating in the thread! That's called trolling and stalking, my man.

Anyway, the point is that duendy doesn't want to discuss this, she just wants to tell us all we aren't soft enough or open-minded enough; none of us will gain anything worthwhile from this thread, so why don't we just give it up? I know I am.

JDawg said:
Gustav, I reported your post because you constantly attack people. You obviously won't stop, so I reported you. Continue this in a thread I am trying to participate in, and I'll report you again.

me::well i just hope the moderator who you snitched to has enough savvy to realize what a complete and utter hypocrite you are, and totally ignore it.....yu mate have refered to me in te past as a shit bag and gondknowswhat else, but i didn't go snitchin on you. even though your pretended use of logic and is not in te same league as Gustav who also has some WIT too. also did you find mr anonymous's attack on Gustav NOT a snitchable offense? of bleedin course not, he's on yer side isn't he?

This thread, as did the last, will degenerate into flames because duendy refuses to see why anyone would be dismissive of UFO reports, and anytime anyone says something Gustav doesn't like, he will call them a fucking asshole or something to that effect--even when he's not participating in the thread! That's called trolling and stalking, my man.

me::no its called you being a sad case who cant see whats goin down. if you cared to review the ongoing debates, you woulld see quite clearly it is the scepticcamp who have been te most abusive, patronizing' condescending' obscene, humourless, hostile, nonesensical, beligerant, obfrggin noxious.....But you seejadaaawg, we, or i, anyhowm can DIG this. i can accomadate how tis debate might be hot. case it is a kind of clash of worldviews. but you go runnin to report to sir is fukin pathetic. you contribute all te fukin time to flaming but dont even acknowledge it which is pathetic. you are pathetic......what you seek mate is some dead forum where you will just spout yourshit an noone will contradict you. what a bore

Anyway, the point is that duendy doesn't want to discuss this, she just wants to tell us all we aren't soft enough or open-minded enough; none of us will gain anything worthwhile from this thread, so why don't we just give it up? I know I am.

me::pleas dude. YOU give it up. why you think tis forum/universe? revolves round what you are presenly feeling. dont you even know it will pass. take a break. go on's the fukin money already. now go and let the adults continue huh??

peace my arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssse!
just like to add. it is glaringly obvious whose the first on to try and flame war this 'new' thread....whyyy old jdaaaawg

i thus urge you'll to not follow suit and go right off sebject about whose dissn who blabla, and tus get THIS fukin thread closed.
TRY and stick to te subject even if it disturbs. its not only sceps that get disturbed ya know. all explorers do!
poor lil jdawg

go see a shrink
do something
you are obviously traumatized
anything is better than the incessant whining and temper tantrums

if you do not intend to make any meaningful contribution to the thread, please fuck off
duendy said:
BUT, my way of discussing hre is my way. no where have i challenged your way of trying to get throught the sceptics hard rind. i personally feel WEHAVE to approach tis problem in a multidisciplinary way, as we have to ote subjects suchas Ecology i am gonna continue wid it

very well
i can respect that
Gustav said:
debunkery by association
the issue is abduction not ghosts it abduction...or rescue

If aliens KNOW th planets going up in a big smokey explosion in the near future, perhaps they are being graceful and kind enough to offer a lifeboat, a chance to get off it before it all goes up.
spuriousmonkey said:
Take the 3rd exit on the highway of pseudoscience. Make a full left turn and go on the highway of science.

Thank you , your apeness ,may all your bananas ripen in the sun of enlightenment. By the way ,which side of the road do you drive on? I
spuriousmonkey said:
Take the 3rd exit on the highway of pseudoscience. Make a full left turn and go on the highway of science.

Thank you , your apeness ,may all your bananas ripen in the sun of enlightenment. By the way ,which side of the road do you drive on? I`d rather not have a head-on with the other drivers here, rather difficult types it seems. All this fuss over a simple subject like abduction by aliens, tut,tut.
The left side is the correct side to drive upon as it is god's will, and driving on the right is merely a blasphemous notion by the Directorate of the French Revolution ands spread around the world by the evil of Napoleon and the scum backing the trecherous Washington and his army of traitors.

God made it that way as he made our right hand our sword hand, so, it is necessary to mount a horse on the left side of the street facing left, as only one leg can be brought up into the stiirrup to mount the horse due to the restriction of the sword.
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