is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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This is a fairly obvious sentiment , since it could be the case that the technologically superior culture could cause catastrophic social and economic changes in the society.

Gustav said:
i did. your inability to comprehend is hardly my problem

next case
loook, never mind 'next case' to me like a friggin breathin human. that wuld help tan two to 3 sentence dr spock soundbytes, yeah. wanna fight??
glenn239 said:
easssy. for a start go check out about the 'technology' of HEMP. seriously, this'll help you understand how certain 'rewvolutionry' things are crushed by the evil machinations of the corporate world. in HEMPS case it was the big players...the Rokerfellahs etc who decided to demonize HEMP be propagaderizing about its HIGH variety. tus via REEFER MADESSfilms demonized the plant in all its uses, for rpe paper oil you name it

now question for YOU. IF they would do that with common plant, what would they do i advanced technology were allowed to be known about. and imagin how tings would change....even if HEMP came to te fore agin
duendy said:
loook, never mind 'next case' to me like a friggin breathin human. that wuld help tan two to 3 sentence dr spock soundbytes, yeah. wanna fight??

interesting, "talk to me like a frigging breathin human"?

and a example would be this....?

duendy said:
that wuld help tan two to 3 sentence dr spock soundbytes,

funny shit. meaningless garbage but i bet it makes perfect sense to you, ja?

fucking focus and get back on topic
next case
Gustav said:
interesting, "talk to me like a frigging breathin human"?

and a example would be this....?

funny shit. meaningless garbage but i bet it makes perfect sense to you, ja?

me======thus implying or stating blatantly that in order t be an authentic breathin human you gotta talk like the fukin QUEEN...what?

fucking focus and get back on topic
next case
shit. talk abou a short attention span. i thought you were an explorer like meeeee? just cause you may have sussed that case dot go all Queen of the Psudoforums now ya'here
yes i am an "explorer" like you.
for instance.. i want to explore the next case


ps: i'll go any which way i choose.
Gustav said:
yes i am an "explorer" like you.
for instance.. i want to explore the next case


ps: i'll go any which way i choose.
yes quite. no need to patronize........i am not that glad how you've binned Bud
itwas the whiteman thatposes as the aliens and tat abucts the black peoples!
I seeen it when ismokes deh CHEEBAA!!
Huwy said:
itwas the whiteman thatposes as the aliens and tat abucts the black peoples!
I seeen it when ismokes deh CHEEBAA!!
which means exactly what 'mr normal'?
glenn239 said:
Hi Glenn,
I can`t quote exact references ,but this is quite a well-known effect in our own global society. The arrival of european immigrants in the americas , for instance ,seriously damaged the native populations in several ways , the most devastating being influenza, tuberculosis,sexually transmitted diseases,smallpox etc., but this is not the most important factor .
All of the nations on earth have their religious ,social ,financial and philosophical differences, which seem to cause friction between us. The appearance of a totally alien culture , technically superior , possibly physically and mentally superior, would cause enormous stress between the various religions and cultures .
For instance , how would the christian faith cope with the fact that their creator has also made other beings ? Are they also in his image ?
Do eastern faiths allow for additional deities not of this world?
The catholic church may raise some objections ,as they have only just come to terms with the acceptance of Gallileo`s view of our solar system (sorry about that any RC`s,but you are dragging your feet a bit on this one) which may make them resistant to aliens from ` outside `.
Another factor which could cause serious financial and social upheaval is alien technology. It`s a fact that if another culture discovers you ,then they are most likely to be more technically advanced. This can be seen in our own history , where expanding cultures like the Romans, vikings ,mongols,persians etc.,having some technical or cultural advantage (military or social )were able to expand into neighbouring states.
In no way am I suggesting the "Alien Invasion" scenario,but with the arrival of advanced technology our major industrial production methods may be made obsolete, by providing cheap transportation or significant mass production methods ,requiring less labour . An advanced culture may have a totally different outlook on the role of it`s citizens, expecting each person to reach their optimum capabilities as a social responsibility.
So, their is a lot to consider, when we meet we must be ready ,so start thinking now!

Whew ,I `m tired ,got to rest now .

Regards, Awdsci
you can also get hints from looking at other fields of inquiry such as the 'war on drugs'-------included are the psychedelics. both the Church and positivis science has persecxuated people who desire to use psychedelics for inspiration!.........we could call psychedelics a technology if ya like....a tool. i am not mad on those terms but for the sake of tis phase of deabte it may be adequate. so we can ee the powers that be are also very fearful and controlling about THAT powerful
The Evelyonian said:
Well, something that (to me anyway) points to alien abduction being real is the fact that so many people are reporting that it's happening to them. Can they all be lying or crazy?
Yes, see duendy's posts :rolleyes:
snake river rufus said:
Yes, see duendy's posts :rolleyes:
it always disappoints me that the best some so-called members of forums can do is only appear via a one-line put gutless wonder
Ophiolite said:
One line put downs help preserve the nations electrons.
wrong. the only thing they preserve are static threads waitng for others with some creative imput to carry on exploring what needs exploring
So why do you even respond to it, duendy? You are right; Snake River Rufus should not step into the conversation without adding something to it, but that said, why validate it with a response? Two, even!

The biggest complaint I have about you and Gustav is that you are so quick to SLAM somebody, and yes, that includes the people who slam you. Avoid it, duck it, ignore it. I have trouble with it myself, but it's best to just ignore somebody who does that.

That way, if you just simply refuse to respond to a post like the one by Snake, then you don't give them a reason to continue responding. Just lighten up and get over it, and they'll go away. Stick to the conversation, and stop being distracted so easily.

This is NOT a slam on either of you. It's just an observation. And yes, I'm violating my own rule; I'm not adding anything to the conversation, but I've added enough to this to say something...anyway, feel free to ignore this, but PLEASE don't justify these people dropping in and insulting you by INSULTING THEM BACK! Ignore it, and do everybody a favor.

although i agree with your wisdom, it also has to be noticed....those bitches didn't reply back..........oooops
duendy said:
wrong. the only thing they preserve are static threads waitng for others with some creative imput to carry on exploring what needs exploring
Thank you for your one line put down.
Duendy, I gave up trying to communicate with you some time ago: when it became apparent that you were too ready to 'jump to a concussion'; had stereotyped me (quite badly, in fact); refused to entertain an alternative world view, even for the sake of discussion; had an agenda, writ bold in letters of blood, that tolerated no nay sayers. In short, once you had demonstrated that you had no desire to discuss, but merely to pontificate you lost my interest as other than a target of ridicule. Quite reelaxing really.

There are many ways of being grossly rude to a person - my method of choice is to use profanity, curses and an occasional dash of elegance. Yours appears to be to discard as sub-human anyone who disagrees with you. Do have a very delightful Saturnalia.
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