is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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Well awdsci,
do you mean the science side of it, or just serious talk about aliens. talk about aliens seems to end up as a rgument rather than a disscussion, mainly because you get people that say nothing exist, but just as well you get the creative imagination type that got scared in the night or something. really i dont know, i think looking at the possiblies of alien life is worth the effort of disscussion.
quelquechosedautre said:
Gustav said:
debunkery by association
the issue is abduction not ghosts it abduction...or rescue

If aliens KNOW th planets going up in a big smokey explosion in the near future, perhaps they are being graceful and kind enough to offer a lifeboat, a chance to get off it before it all goes up.

your hypothesis is not supported by any of the typical abduction scenarios in which humans are picked up and dropped off..

...right back here on earth

allot of jive in this thread, don't take it personal and try to get some sleep.

maybe you were just to close to the truth which triggered the wrong thoughts.
OK, here is a start, first how did aliens get here accross the vast space. and why would they even think of such, it is actually a long way to travel. getting past this question if it can be awnsered then how come humans are not traveling space, certainly a lot of people would like to vist other planets, so why is the goverments not giveing us this how to knowledge, after all we pay them and make even there slights dreams possible don't we, so why hide it from us.
And then there is of course the question of what would alien even wan to do with us, really why not tell us they are aliens and talk to people on the internet.
well you know i have my own views but these are just some coopertive points that could be disccussed on aliens .
quelchie,at the risk of being accused of abducting this discussion ,I must tell you that I now have some serious problems with my lower parts ,which is totally due to your advice regarding the mounting of the horse . Or ,perhaps it`s the way I wear my sword, centrally . Anyway ,I won`t be doing any abducting for a while . Ouch!

Gustav said:
quelquechosedautre said:
your hypothesis is not supported by any of the typical abduction scenarios

...Of course not. That's because there are still a few of us who can think rather than being a sheep with a badge of pride.

Gustav said:
in which humans are picked up and dropped off..

...right back here on earth

What a cruel trick that would be! Picking us up to take us to safety and then just dumping us back on earth BEFORE it is devastated. Most people leaving with aliens will stay with them. As in lifeboats, only the real nutters and troublemakers would be trown out back here again.
quelquechosedautre said:
...Of course not. That's because there are still a few of us who can think rather than being a sheep with a badge of pride.
granted. yet your attempt at thought is somewhat laughable. divining alien motive is pointless. i can just as easily claim et abducts us to fuck then eat us

quelquechosedautre said:
What a cruel trick that would be! Picking us up to take us to safety and then just dumping us back on earth BEFORE it is devastated. Most people leaving with aliens will stay with them. As in lifeboats, only the real nutters and troublemakers would be trown out back here again.

your offended sensibilities are of no concern to me
share em with someone else
duendy said:
me:;hahaaaa. ta's rich. 'attacks'..?? the main big style attack regarding this whole debate has come from te 'scepics'.....have you checked out what closed tis treads predecessor? go check out and you will really SEE attacks...not on sceptics but on people trying to explore about this. dpnt be so htporitical and short sighted....
Riiight, so the naughty sceptics have been abusing the harmless quiet believers..? Are you really that deluded duendy?

There have been some verbal attacks from both sides. The thread was closed because it had degenerated into just insults. Do not pretend there is another reason.

The reason I made the comment that we are discussing is because you hardly ever actually discuss evidence. The sceptics criticise the evidence and you attack the sceptics... Do you understand the difference between criticising the evidence and ad hominem?

duendy said:
As for te 'scientifi method'......wonder, do you do any symbol, similar to crossin yerself when you say tose terms?.
Weren't you the one complaining about people being patronising?

duendy said:
I am explorin the possibility that the criteria of te 'scientific metod' for trying to understand the pheomena we are deabting may besomewhat limited?......for as i am more and more sensing--CONSCIOUSNESS is most definatly involved, and the po old scientific metod doesn't seem to be able to fatom te 'problem' of 'what IS consciousness'. in fact its mode of operation--at least as applied by the subjective users of it--seems to HAMPER any radical developments regarding what we are discussin ....
Yes yes heard it before. You are just proving my point about discrediting science.

duendy said:
me::'paranormal' --your use of that termimplies that you KNOW what is 'normal'...? yet, you dont know what consciousness is do you? as neither does science in its present terefore interpret m imput here as 'discrediting and 'attack' rather tan being open to a more radical form of inquiry. your prob not mine!
Don't waste my time. You know very well what is considered to be paranormal. You knew exactly what I meant when I used it. If you want to discuss the meaning of paranormal then start another thread.

duendy said:
well it is kinda like he said she said etc do i know author aint makin it up........?...haha, wheres ze evidence??
Unbelievable. If it was someone else I would think they were trying to be funny or ironic but I think you are just being stupid.

You criticise phlogistician because he doesn't believe every aspect of the case.. You are baffled that he doesn't instantly believe an amazing story on the internet! :eek: Then you read a critique of the case and instantly dismiss it all because you don't want to agree with it!

You didn't even address phlogistician's comments regarding the case, you just criticised him. You didn't even discuss the points of the critique, you just dismissed it. You are a hypocrite.

You clearly are not after the truth duendy. You are just trying to reinforce your alien fantasy.

duendy said:
what i would like is him etc round a table talkin sos i can watch and observe and listen....Getting things on the table so to speak
Thats right you are convinced that you can tell if someone is lying by watching them. You are naive..

duendy said:
btw. scince dosn't even take tis subject SERIOUSLY. hence expriences here in 'pseudo'science...?
Yer thanks for the clarification :rolleyes:
duendy said:
me::well i just hope the moderator who you snitched to has enough savvy to realize what a complete and utter hypocrite you are, and totally ignore it.....yu mate have refered to me in te past as a shit bag and gondknowswhat else, but i didn't go snitchin on you. even though your pretended use of logic and is not in te same league as Gustav who also has some WIT too. also did you find mr anonymous's attack on Gustav NOT a snitchable offense? of bleedin course not, he's on yer side isn't he?

me::no its called you being a sad case who cant see whats goin down. if you cared to review the ongoing debates, you woulld see quite clearly it is the scepticcamp who have been te most abusive, patronizing' condescending' obscene, humourless, hostile, nonesensical, beligerant, obfrggin noxious.....But you seejadaaawg, we, or i, anyhowm can DIG this. i can accomadate how tis debate might be hot. case it is a kind of clash of worldviews. but you go runnin to report to sir is fukin pathetic. you contribute all te fukin time to flaming but dont even acknowledge it which is pathetic. you are pathetic......what you seek mate is some dead forum where you will just spout yourshit an noone will contradict you. what a bore

me: leas dude. YOU give it up. why you think tis forum/universe? revolves round what you are presenly feeling. dont you even know it will pass. take a break. go on's the fukin money already. now go and let the adults continue huh??
Duendy can you please suck up to gustav a little more? Please... Its hilarious!

If people are not going to add to the discussion and are just going to insult others then they should be reported (regardless of their beliefs). If you don't like that then go find a computer game forum and trade insults with the 14 year olds....

It's been years since I have heard someone use the term snitch :D

Love this bit at the end duendy - "now go and let the adults continue huh??" Adults!! lol !
WELL...THAt coupla posts was a little bitch-athon wasn't it shaman....i could try and out-bitch you point for point but i anna really be arsed. it will degenerate ti thrad like happened before ...with silly childish behaviour

i am really nt sure if you, or any of your fellow sceptics can share intelligent debate without hurling insults.........?
so....exploring abou this my way....hoping at least someone wit any maturity may seek to challenge without insult.....
i am seeing the abduction UFO phenomena demand we look beyondthe established call for 'evidence'--witin te criteria of what science means by is used as an IMPASSE. it is used to stop any further
SERIOUS inquiry.....'no evidence? are a kook--a woo woo!.....hey, why you attackin us scientists??????'kind of thing. thispattern is repeated ad nauseum.......meanWHILE INQUIRY unhindered by the GESTAPO-evidence-demnds is thwarted

so in te spirit of inquiry, i am saying this: Scince dosn't even know the entireity of consciousness--hence its mind/body problem and Hard Problem. And it has been prety to establishing a major pseudoscience which is bio-psychiatry.

Al of tis is relevant for how science approaches the abduction UFO phenomena. forit is pproaching it from a very limited perspctive. not taking CONSCIOUSNESS into account
duendy said:
i am really nt sure if you, or any of your fellow sceptics can share intelligent debate without hurling insults.........?
You mean like your last post aimed at jdawg? ok.
shaman_ said:
You mean like your last post aimed at jdawg? ok.
ohhhhhhhhsiiiiiighhhhh you wanna groups dynamic interlude, that it?.........i will b brief about it. know why? cause i am quite passionate about explorin about the wole question of 'wat is the UFo abduction etc phenomena?'....excuuuuse me for being curious, in a forum supposedly aimed for thi person.....but no. you want to inquire who said fuk first last to abfukin c.....ok then kid. ...but i dont want this going on till my pubes go grey

if you care to loook at a first post from jdaaawg to me. he callms me a douche bag, i'm crazy bla bla.......yeah? now. do you aree wit that? why aren't ya whinin on about THAT then??
i told him after his big announcement about how evil Gustav is and how he's reported him, that he is a snitcher, a grass, a rat. fo I didn't do same to him for HIS fukin abuse. ie., hes a hypocrite. he tigs HE can behave like that , yt cant TAKE it.

goddit. good. whant intelligent debate now? why donts ya try it
hmmmmmmmmwell i read it. was excited at first couple of paragrphs....then disappontment as it all goes slopdge into new age mystical schppeak

i was good to the prt whhere he's talking about Paul Davis' quetioning the 'ghost in the machine' Descartesian propganda, and about how when observed closely 'matter' seem to be a dynamic patterning reaching out.....but then author starts indoctrinating reader wit his metaphyscial assumptions such as platonic dualism.......speaks about Carlos Castenada--a known hoaxer......then about Sai Baba, te Hindu guru, a known fraudster.....unknowing, making his argment ironic

YES, consciousness IS very much a key element to do with the issue of UFo and abduction phenomena, but te whole history of of ideas ABOUT consciousness also has to be made aware of, and tis autho doesn't seem to realize whn he is being dualistic.....for instance when he suggest consciousness can produce matter. tis is idealism and is the polar oppostite of the materialist idea that matter produces consciousnss....!

rather--at the moment, i am agreeing wit Professor Quincey where he wartns not to get lost in 'energy talk' when discussing consciousness, as he above author did. That consciousness and matter are always togther yet distinct......consciousness is like the inner FEELING of matter/energy!
There is evidence; you can take it or leave it. Just google "Flight 41 Bermuda Triangle" and read about that. The government has the audio tapes from those planes on file....

JFS321 said:
There is evidence; you can take it or leave it. Just google "Flight 41 Bermuda Triangle" and read about that. The government has the audio tapes from those planes on file....


That was a good example for a long time but has been pretty much debunked in the past several years. There's been absoultely no evidence that there were "aliens" involved at all. It appears that the flight commander became disorientated and simply did NOT trust his instruments. Bad, bad mistake. They were clearly telling him that he wasn't where he had made up his mind that he was.

The planes just ran out of fuel and all crashed into the sea fairly close together. You did know that they've all been located, right?
JFS321 said:
No, when and can you give a website???

I just did a quick search that didn't turn up anything helpful. However, it wasn't too long ago that I saw a documentary about it. They talked to the base radio operator, played the recording of the pilots that you mentioned and I believe it was Ballard (same guy that located the Titanic) that found the crash site. They had films taken by the divers that clearly showed the planes. Apparently none of them had attempted to bail out and simply ditched when they ran out of fuel.
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