Is there anything everyone agrees on as either good or bad?

Ya' know, I've thought some about this topic and .....

I just can't help but believe that, with all humans, there must be something that we can all agree on. It just makes sense, ya' know? There are gazillions and gazillions of "things" at some point, at some time, all humans would probably agree ...even if for only a second or two.

So ....what is it?

Baron Max

:shrug: That Baron is a Mean man? :bugeye:
:shrug: That Baron is a Mean man?

Nope, there are more than a few people who think I'm a pretty nice guy. So ....sorry, it must be something else that humans can all agree on.

I was thinking of something like slamming a sledgehammer onto your big toe, smashing it into a bloody mess. I mean, even a masochist wouldn't like that because of the long-, LONG-term healing process. Who could possibly agree that that would be a good thing?

Baron Max
I don't know about nice Baron
but you make some good points Damn!

OLI will find a reason lol
Can we all agree that there are stupid people in the world?
Possibly too many?
(For any given value of stupid, of course).
We need stupid ppl to balance out the smart ppl
stupid ppl need other stupid ppl to talk too
stupid ppl are around for smart ppl to laugh at for entertainment
stupid ppl let smarter ppl get further ahead in life

so I can't agree

I don't.

Life is all about experience.
I value and appreciate sorrow and despair as much as I do joy and optimism.
We are nothing without our experiences.
We are nothing but our experiences.

I want to feel the lowest lows as much as I want to feel the highest highs.
There is no such thing as "negative" emotions.

With that in mind...

I don't want to spend many years is atrocious pain, but if I am going to die anyway, I might as well experience somethign that I have been unable to throughout my life - pain so viscious it's enough to kill you.
I can't experience that now without ending my life, so at the end of my life I have a unique opportunity.
Let someone tear my skin off in sheets.
Boil me in oil.
Burn me.

Why not?
It will be over soon enough.
Isn't the very existence of pain the assertion by your body to avoid something? You may be your experiences, but you are also your body. Your body is telling you to avoid pain. What makes you so sure your brain is right and your body wrong? Besides, why not end this life in extreme pleasure? Sort of like the old man who married Anna Nicole Smith.
We need stupid ppl to balance out the smart ppl
stupid ppl need other stupid ppl to talk too
stupid ppl are around for smart ppl to laugh at for entertainment
stupid ppl let smarter ppl get further ahead in life

so I can't agree

Tut tut.
You actually DO agree because I wrote "Can we all agree that there are stupid people in the world?"
I didn't say that we didn't need them, other than that there are POSSIBLY too many.
But you do agree there are stupid people from your comments.
Tut tut.
You actually DO agree because I wrote "Can we all agree that there are stupid people in the world?"
I didn't say that we didn't need them, other than that there are POSSIBLY too many.
But you do agree there are stupid people from your comments.

Yeah and I am one of them lmao......
Isn't the very existence of pain the assertion by your body to avoid something? You may be your experiences, but you are also your body. Your body is telling you to avoid pain. What makes you so sure your brain is right and your body wrong?
My body IS right - I'm not disputing that.
Obviously I am talking about pain that will kill me.

Besides, why not end this life in extreme pleasure? Sort of like the old man who married Anna Nicole Smith.
You seem to have missed the point.
I can experience extreme pleasure in life (I often do) but I can't experience the level of pain I am talking about (not without being killed or never recovering and spending the rest of my life in extraordinary pain).
This is a unique experience.
Tut tut.
You actually DO agree because I wrote "Can we all agree that there are stupid people in the world?"
I didn't say that we didn't need them, other than that there are POSSIBLY too many.
But you do agree there are stupid people from your comments.

The question, unfortunately, is whether everyone can agree that something is either good or bad - not whether something is true.

shorty got you on that one.

How smart does that make you feel, sorty? :D
Sure there are negative emotions, pain is one of them. That's why it's there, so you avoid something that is dangerous or detrimental like putting your hand on the stove, someone contantly mentally, physically or emotionally abusing you, you don't generally like that person. Well, at least healthy people. Get it? Let's not be ridiculous. Even perpetrators who are scheming to hurt someone or someone who hates with the intent to hurt someone knows they are doing it for that reason.
Sure there are negative emotions, pain is one of them.
I disagree.
First of all, pain is not an emotion - it is a physical response.
Letting that aside, though, pain is not a nagative thing, for the exact reasons you stated...

That's why it's there, so you avoid something that is dangerous or detrimental like putting your hand on the stove, someone contantly mentally, physically or emotionally abusing you, you don't generally like that person.
If it weren't for pain, you would not learn to not touch the stove, and you would burn burn your hand off.
If it weren't for pain, you would not learn to avoid people who were not good for you.
Pain helpd drive people.
Pain inspires people.
Pain bonds people.
Pain is an affirmation of life.
If it weren't for pain, you would not be able to grow to your full potential.