Is there anything everyone agrees on as either good or bad?

"Flaws" are what form character.
Just because your personality isn't like everyone else's and you don't behave the same way is that bad?
No, the point isn't that there is no good or bad, the point is that there is most certainly good and bad, but those perceptions are not, and will never be, universal.

There isn't an unmitigated absolute good or bad, they're relative.
To what you expect, what you need, what your situation is.
And many other things.
ok so we agree that flaws are a GOOD THING!

Keep trying.
Depends on the flaws.
How they manifest.
What you do about them. (Exaggerate, cherish, try to hide them, do your best to overcome them, whatever).
Do they make you self-conscious?
Do they cause problems with other people?
Do they prevent you from doing things you'd like to do?
Though I disagree, I know a LOT of people who do not think wilful ignorance is a bad thing - it helps put food on the family dinner table.

But are they aware that they're wilfully ignorant?
Show them someone they personally consider to be so, and they'll agree it's a bad thing, no?
But are they aware that they're wilfully ignorant?
Most definitely.
Not only that, but proud of it.
They simply refuse to think about or consider things that complicate what matters to them.

Show them someone they personally consider to be so, and they'll agree it's a bad thing, no?
Not at all.
Not to a strict hedonist or a solopsist.
Ask the Marquis de Sade.

So we have to include "crazy" people in determining what's good and bad? If so, then we might as well give up on this issue ....because there are, of course, humans who'd do anything, ANYTHING. But can we rightly call "crazy" people ...ahh, people?

Baron Max
So we have to include "crazy" people in determining what's good and bad? If so, then we might as well give up on this issue ....because there are, of course, humans who'd do anything, ANYTHING. But can we rightly call "crazy" people ...ahh, people?

Baron Max

The title is "everyone".
Who decides what's crazy?
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I don´t agree on the "stupid people" thing. I rather be stupid and humble than a brainy intelectual with the ego the size of a football field thinking he is better than everyone else.
Knowing when to cut your losses isn't bad.
(But it's not always good either). :)