Is Muslim Mentality Psychologically Disordered?

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Huuuummm... well, I agree that the problem is primarily in terms of extremism not only on muslims but on any religion. But here's the caveat- religions are, officially, extremists. If you follow everything that is in the Q'uran, or in the Bible, or in the Torah or whatever, you will be killing babies and stoning to death people just for being gay. The key is the degree to which people follow the religion. For instance, Muslims that pray 5-10 times a day are more likely to develop some kind of Obcessive Compulsive Disorder then one that, instead, see the reasoning behind it and refrain to pray 5-10 times a day and, instead, learn the lesson that the prayers teach (whatever that is. For instance, in this case the lesson could be dedication or whatever POSITIVE lesson you can learn from it the keywords being POSITIVE and HEALTHY.)
The rituals themselves might not be insane, but certain subcultures particularly those with rigid rules of behavior can lead to disfunction and depression, perhaps bordering on insanity. What about all those pedophile priests? I think supression of natural instincts can be damaging, supression of sexual urges, prohibitions against music, elimination of leasure time...

So you think devout Jews are insane?

Pedophile priests? no one forces a person to become a priest, maybe they seek the priesthood for refuge from their abnormal desires which in the end come to the surface one way or another. These people come from society, get rid of people and you stop pedophiles - black, white, brown, yellow, jew, christian, muslim and atheist.

I think supression of natural instincts can be damaging, supression of sexual urges, prohibitions against music, elimination of leasure time...

Very simplistic view, if i did not have sex with a mature woman for 60years i would not turn towards children. The desire is not there, this is a mental defect brought on by having a brain that works beyond the boundaries of normal behavior. To prove this just look at all the married pedos.
Huuuummm... well, I agree that the problem is primarily in terms of extremism not only on muslims but on any religion. But here's the caveat- religions are, officially, extremists. If you follow everything that is in the Q'uran, or in the Bible, or in the Torah or whatever, you will be killing babies and stoning to death people just for being gay. The key is the degree to which people follow the religion. For instance, Muslims that pray 5-10 times a day are more likely to develop some kind of Obcessive Compulsive Disorder then one that, instead, see the reasoning behind it and refrain to pray 5-10 times a day and, instead, learn the lesson that the prayers teach (whatever that is. For instance, in this case the lesson could be dedication or whatever POSITIVE lesson you can learn from it the keywords being POSITIVE and HEALTHY.)

But you are looking at the wrong issue. There is nothing wrong with Islam, it is only a faith. It's how devout you are, and that's affected by:

a) your society
b) your standards of law
The rituals themselves might not be insane, but certain subcultures particularly those with rigid rules of behavior can lead to disfunction and depression, perhaps bordering on insanity. What about all those pedophile priests? I think supression of natural instincts can be damaging, supression of sexual urges, prohibitions against music, elimination of leasure time...
Yes... altough I think the rituals can be pretty insane... ever heard of mayans eating hearts or druids sacrificing children?

Furthermore, the insanity of rituals lie on their degree of separation from reality, whether then an unheathy behavioural problem...
But you are looking at the wrong issue. There is nothing wrong with Islam, it is only a faith. It's how devout you are, and that's affected by:

a) your society
b) your standards of law
That's pretty much what I just said. So let's talk about it. How does religion influence middle eastern governments? How about governments that don't allow women to drive (where the hell does the Q'uran advocate for such absurdity anyways)? Isn't that influenced by the religion of the countries in question? Or what about how christianity has affected america since 9-11? I mean... I would say the american president is quite insane, for a matter of fact...

Iraqi Shiite children cut their scalps as part of an annual Shiite mourning ritual in Baghdad’s Shiite neighbourhood of Kadhimiyah.
Why dont you tell us? Impress us all with your intellect.
There's nothing impressive about what bush has done to america. Let's face it. Bush appealed to the chirstian extremist (and moderate, in some cases) masses. His speech is full of religious rhetoric. Now america is deep indebted and the economy is going shit... :rolleyes:

Iraqi Shiite children cut their scalps as part of an annual Shiite mourning ritual in Baghdad’s Shiite neighbourhood of Kadhimiyah.

Thank you, Willy, for that excellent example of your ignorance. Do you know what Extremist means? I never cut my scalp, nor did any moslim I know.

Whatever you do, dont look up ''christian crusade cruelty'' in google, might be a bit too much for someone who thinks they're religion is perfect.

Iraqi Shiite children cut their scalps as part of an annual Shiite mourning ritual in Baghdad’s Shiite neighbourhood of Kadhimiyah.
If that was happening in Canada, the social services would most definitely get involved. Without a question.

However, I refrain from being upset with the parents, much less with the children. It's their behaviour that upsets me. I still care about them and I hope they will someday reconsider the usefulness and logic behind those acts.
If that were happening in any country, the social services would get involved, :bugeye:, most defintely a nation like Canada, or Syria, or England
Exactly, because since Iraq has no government and is ruled by extremists, of course expect this type of behavior

Therefore, Willy has contradicted himself on his claims that Islaml is behind such atrocities, and realises that it is extremism, not Islam, to blame.
I think it is a severe mistake to take a few incidents and attribute it to all peoples with a similar background. You will find mentally and morally disordered folks in any religion and atheist groups as well. I perspnally have known and worked with some very well grounded and civil Muslims.
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