Is Muslim Mentality Psychologically Disordered?

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The way she connected those things with her religion. For example, she would practically freak out if I saw her with her hair not covered...

Yeah, but as i said that only indicates that she was weird/extremist, not that muslims in general are weird/extremist.
And yet, they were Muslims. Each and every one. They left writings that quoted Koranic scripture. And, if you removed Islam from the equation, they had absolutely no reason to commit suicide by flying planes into the WTC. Their superstitions dictated that the martyr would get to pick 70 people to join him in paradise. Without Islam, there would be no reward. Without reward there would be no motivation. Without Islam, there would be no delusion that it was God's will to fight the infidels and unbelievers.

And, to be on the record, I have read the Old Testament. Several times. It is violent. Perhaps more so than the Koran. I'm thinking you misread me or chose not to read like your sister in faith:

Obviously it is if you stopped reading it. I admire a woman who can be so self-critical. But joking aside, I did not write what I did to be disrespectful or mean-spirited. I've read much of what you write here at sciforums -I lurk far more than I post- and I find that you are generally well-spoken and thoughtful. I realize that you are also Muslim. And my criticism is not of Muslims but of the doctrine they tolerate which seems to have such a deleterious effect on the world.

Obviously you are moderate or even liberal in your faith, which is a good thing. From what I've read in your posts, you accept everything good that Islam has to offer and it offers much -as does Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. However, I stand by my criticism that it is the core beliefs within Islam that is problematic and which drives extremists like the 9/11 hijackers.

I ask again, what do you do (not you specifically so much as the liberals and moderates within Islam) to counter the overwhelming voice of extremism and literalism that exists in Islam and in the Muslim world? If you recognize that not all passages of the Koran, the Hadith and the Sura are to be taken literally, then what is being done to show this to the rest of the world?

No, again, you dont' understand. they were not moslim, otherwise why would they murder? steal? terrorize? All these things are condemned in any reasonable religion

But they use islam as a shield, to make it look like thier motivation, but they only have a political goal in mind

Just like the Jews, Zionism was just an excuse to steal land, a political point not a religious one

Or christian terrorism, it's based off politics
Muslims constant and overwelming need to use violence to defend and control their religious beliefs,

is plenty proof of their paranoia and insecurity.
Muslims constant and overwelming need to use violence to defend and control their religious beliefs,

is plenty proof of their paranoia and insecurity.

oops--wrong. Moslim extremists need.

The same with christian extremists

If a christian man was crazy about his religion, dont be surprised for him to do the same.

Educate yourself.
Obviously it is if you stopped reading it. I admire a woman who can be so self-critical. But joking aside, I did not write what I did to be disrespectful or mean-spirited. I've read much of what you write here at sciforums -I lurk far more than I post- and I find that you are generally well-spoken and thoughtful. I realize that you are also Muslim. And my criticism is not of Muslims but of the doctrine they tolerate which seems to have such a deleterious effect on the world.

Obviously you are moderate or even liberal in your faith, which is a good thing. From what I've read in your posts, you accept everything good that Islam has to offer and it offers much -as does Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. However, I stand by my criticism that it is the core beliefs within Islam that is problematic and which drives extremists like the 9/11 hijackers.

I ask again, what do you do (not you specifically so much as the liberals and moderates within Islam) to counter the overwhelming voice of extremism and literalism that exists in Islam and in the Muslim world? If you recognize that not all passages of the Koran, the Hadith and the Sura are to be taken literally, then what is being done to show this to the rest of the world?

It has been my experience that those who use religion for violence are the ones who do not know it or even know of it. Hence, they fall back on primitve means of defense (fight or flight) rather than use the tools that religion has given them (ie question and understand, be patient but unswerving in the face of oppression). I can certainly comprehend why people may get impatient and decide to take matters into their own hands, but to mistake frustration and revenge for devotion is rather shortsighted. I direct you to the excellent academic work on this subject, undertaken by better educated in the field than I, and ask you to reach your own conclusions. :)

And only because you asked nicely. ;)
I have to agree with Norsefire to a degree, although its quite obvious that nowadays there are far more muslim extremists at work than extremists of any other religion. Something is up, it probably has something to do with islam not being a very secular religion.
I have watched Muslims EXTREMISTS riot over cartoons.

yep, educate yourself before making ignorant comments

ahem, yea, gues what? there are far more Jewish extremists

And even then, in the past there were alot of christian extremists

Therefore, your argument of Islam being the problem is wrong, otherwise there would not be Jewish and Christian extremists
I have to agree with Norsefire to a degree, although its quite obvious that nowadays there are far more muslim extremists at work than extremists of any other religion. Something is up, it probably has something to do with islam not being a very secular religion.

And absolutely nothing to do with the way the people have been killed in their countries.:rolleyes:
And absolutely nothing to do with the way the people have been killed in their countries.:rolleyes:

By who ? Certainly not all the innocent people that were killed.. this kind of fighting back is wrong. But i dont have to convince you.
By who ? Certainly not all the innocent people that were killed.. this kind of fighting back is wrong. But i dont have to convince you.

Who do you think the next generation of Iraqis will hold responsible for their country's mess?

Just look at what the next generation of Iranians (following the overthrow of the democratically elected Mossadegh government in 1953) have elected now.
My point is, that you can say there are Islamic extremists, and I agree, but you cannot act as if it's Islam to blame. There is certainly alot more violence in the Torah and Bible of the so called ''religion of peace'' that we all know christianity is (that's why they killed children:rolleyes:)

But, any belief there is can become extremist. So why is it that Islam and not Christianity, a subjective religion (someone will argue against this, but Christianity is about submitting yourself to God and only God)?
Because, it's all to do with the current environment. Christianity used to be a barbaric religion, that has changed thanks to the way society has. So, Islam's no more at fault than Mr. Redneck Bush, but the society is.

Let's take a look:

Ok, so the middle east is primarily moslim with a moderate number of Jews and Christians.
Now, there are some bad people trying to brainwash the youth, and they are partly to blame for the extremism

But farther than that, let's take a deeper look: their world is being opressed by an invader, their people are suffering at the hands of tyrants, and a terrorist (Israel) looms in the shadow, stealing and killing.

So what do they do? They try to find a sense of hope, exactly as Washington had done.

That's a much better answer than Willy's ''islam sucks''
But, any belief there is can become extremist.
There you go. I agree with this, unquestioned religious belief is dangerous. Christianity isn't any better, but it benefitted from the protestant reformation. Islam has yet to have anything like it. Judaism is still rather primitive, but they haven't been as aggressive due to having to assimilate into alien cultures.
There you go. I agree with this, unquestioned religious belief is dangerous. Christianity isn't any better, but it benefitted from the protestant reformation. Islam has yet to have anything like it. Judaism is still rather primitive, but they haven't been as aggressive due to having to assimilate into alien cultures.

But, if Judaism or Christianity were put into the political shoes that Moslim countries are facing, they would no doubt spawn extremist terrorists.

People like leopold or Willy think that their religions are perfect. Well, they aren't.
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