Is Muslim Mentality Psychologically Disordered?

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Well I have been known to occasionally mumble to myself while walking around with my eyes rolling back in my head.

I guess it could be misconstrued as a psychological disorder, but actually its just me doing eye and breathing exercises.

...or Macular Degeneration
When you or Truthseeker offer proof for your claim that Islam causes mentally ill people, I'll tell you my proof.....oh wait, you can't!

Ever read the old testament?

I've made NO such claim about Islam - so bite hard on your stupid tongue!:mad:

You're also showing a great deal of ignorance - Christians do not follow old testament teachings. They base their faith entirely on the new testament which specifically forbids the things you're talking about! So bite your tongue again. :bugeye:
I've made NO such claim about Islam - so bite hard on your stupid tongue!:mad:

You're also showing a great deal of ignorance - Christians do not follow old testament teachings. They base their faith entirely on the new testament which specifically forbids the things you're talking about! So bite your tongue again. :bugeye:

Two things:

1) I meant TruthSeekers claims

2) ha, sure. Christians changed their testaments to suit their changing world, but not because of anything else. There are christian extremists that still follow the psychotic views of true Christianity
Its 5-10 minutes of meditation 5 times a day.

Whats wrong with that?

Absolutely nothing is wrong with that. But do Muslims think that something bad will happen if they DON'T pray to Mecca 5 times a day?

Norsefire said:
I'm moslim, but I almost never pray nor celebrate our holidays.
I've always been curious about that:
So, you're saying that Islam doesn't require you to pray 5 times a day?

TruthSeeker said:
We had a babysitter who was a muslim, for instance. She was very obcessive. .... She seemed normal at first, but her behaviour was strange once we got to know her.
So what kept you from telling her to just STFU and do her job? Or maybe finding a non-psychotic baby sitter?
Two things:

1) I meant TruthSeekers claims

Then you should have NOT included me. That's just plain sloppy.

[/quote]2) ha, sure. Christians changed their testaments to suit their changing world, but not because of anything else. There are christian extremists that still follow the psychotic views of true Christianity[/QUOTE]

Still showing your ignorance - there were NO Christians during the time of the old testament. So how could they "change" anything? They only came to be with the new testament and began - at the beginning - with the very principles that they've been teaching ever since. You'd do best to confine your self to talking about Islam - something you actually know something about. :bugeye:
Christianity was a twisted religion in the past, you can't deny that. They would murder nonbelievers/gays/etc and they had very extreme views

Like in the Crusades, they would murder innocent Palestinian children

It is a religion filled with too much violence for a so-called ''religion of peace"

But, I won't be hypocritical. Judaism and Islam also have violence.

So, Islam is not to blame for 9/11. Nor is it to blame for anything else. the EXTREMISTS are too blame

What about the Christian extremist groups (say, the Aryan Brotherhood?)


Mike: I'm not too devout
Absolutely nothing is wrong with that. But do Muslims think that something bad will happen if they DON'T pray to Mecca 5 times a day?

Its fard, ie an obligatory prayer; however, it clashes with most people's schedules since not all societies are geared to dropping everything for prayer. Outside of such societies, people rarely pray that much. Besides, Islam is an individual faith and the prophet did say it is better to work than pray (add several other jutifications, as desired). ;)
So, Islam is not to blame for 9/11. Nor is it to blame for anything else. the EXTREMISTS are too blame

Nonsense. It is precisely because of Islam that 9/11 occurred. The obvious argument is that each of the murderers involved were Muslim. But, going beyond this, one has to consider that if it weren't for Islamic superstition, none of these people would have been motivated to do what they did.

So-called "moderate" Muslims will say over and over that Islam is a "religion of peace," and the very word "islam" means peace, etc. But within the Koran itself is indisputable evidence of the violent nature of the religion itself:

Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigrously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate (Koran 9:73).

Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous. (Koran 9:123)

The believers who stay at home -apart from those that suffer from a grave impediment- are not the equal of those who fight for the cause of God with their goods and their persons. God has given those that fight with their goods and their persons a higher rank than those who stay at home. God has promised all a good reward; but far richer is the recompense of those who fight for Him... He that leaves his dwelling to fight for God and His apostle and is then overtaken by death, shall be rewarded by God... The unbelievers are your inverterate enemies. (Koran 4:95 - 101)

To say that only extremists view these words as the holy word of your god is to diminish the entire text. If not for the secular nature of western nations and the economic and political separation from religious superstition to the degree that it is, the west would be faced with similar nonsense. In this regard, Norsefire is correct. There are similar calls to kill infidels and unbelievers in Judeo-Christian myths, primarily in the Old Testament, but many a Christian fundamentalist uses Revelation draws inspiration of hatred, bigotry and a belief that his god has room only for the believer.

The same extremism can be seen in nutter groups like the Westboro Baptist church and the aforementioned Aryan Brotherhood. But there are many, many churches that preach hatred and bigotry as a matter of course and it was only until very recently in the United States that religious delusion informed the civil rights attrocities against people of color. In many places in the Southern U.S., it still does.

So, Islam is very much to blame for 9/11. So are the so-called "moderate" Muslims who do little to change the hatred and "extremism" that exists among them. Relatively few Muslims who are affronted by the general characterization that their religious beliefs are violent actually work to change the fundamentalist and extremist views that are held and preached in madrasahs and mosques around the globe. This is evident by the illogical and irrational violence that erupted over a few silly cartoon characters of Muhammed.


This was one of those images. Nothing degrading. Nothing reprehensible. Their entire objection was over the fact that someone, particularly an unbeliever, dare draw an image of a man whom they worship. And don't tell me Muslims don't worship Mohammed.
Behavior dictated by culture is not considered a true psychological disorder, however there is something called cultural insanity, or mass hysteria that can manifest especially during religious events or rituals. For example, the apparitions at Fatima.

If culture made us insane, then you could argue that all of western industrialized culture causes mental illness.

alright lets be fair here. i have sat in on many Jewish holy rituals and they can get very strange. Does that behavior constitute insanity?

For the record: neither during or after did i think they were insane but it looked like what you may be talking about.
Nonsense. It is precisely because of Islam that 9/11 occurred. The obvious argument is that each of the murderers involved were Muslim. But, going beyond this, one has to consider that if it weren't for Islamic superstition, none of these people would have been motivated to do what they did.

So-called "moderate" Muslims will say over and over that Islam is a "religion of peace," and the very word "islam" means peace, etc. But within the Koran itself is indisputable evidence of the violent nature of the religion itself:

To say that only extremists view these words as the holy word of your god is to diminish the entire text. If not for the secular nature of western nations and the economic and political separation from religious superstition to the degree that it is, the west would be faced with similar nonsense. In this regard, Norsefire is correct. There are similar calls to kill infidels and unbelievers in Judeo-Christian myths, primarily in the Old Testament, but many a Christian fundamentalist uses Revelation draws inspiration of hatred, bigotry and a belief that his god has room only for the believer.

The same extremism can be seen in nutter groups like the Westboro Baptist church and the aforementioned Aryan Brotherhood. But there are many, many churches that preach hatred and bigotry as a matter of course and it was only until very recently in the United States that religious delusion informed the civil rights attrocities against people of color. In many places in the Southern U.S., it still does.

So, Islam is very much to blame for 9/11. So are the so-called "moderate" Muslims who do little to change the hatred and "extremism" that exists among them. Relatively few Muslims who are affronted by the general characterization that their religious beliefs are violent actually work to change the fundamentalist and extremist views that are held and preached in madrasahs and mosques around the globe. This is evident by the illogical and irrational violence that erupted over a few silly cartoon characters of Muhammed.


This was one of those images. Nothing degrading. Nothing reprehensible. Their entire objection was over the fact that someone, particularly an unbeliever, dare draw an image of a man whom they worship. And don't tell me Muslims don't worship Mohammed.


Those terrorists were not moslim, rather they use the shield of islam as thier ''motivation''. They are commiting a POLITICAL not religious point

LOL, PLEASE READ THE OLD TESTAMENT before you talk about violence HAHAHFROFL
alright lets be fair here. i have sat in on many Jewish holy rituals and they can get very strange. Does that behavior constitute insanity?

For the record: neither during or after did i think they were insane but it looked like what you may be talking about.

The rituals themselves might not be insane, but certain subcultures particularly those with rigid rules of behavior can lead to disfunction and depression, perhaps bordering on insanity. What about all those pedophile priests? I think supression of natural instincts can be damaging, supression of sexual urges, prohibitions against music, elimination of leasure time...
The rituals themselves might not be insane, but certain subcultures particularly those with rigid rules of behavior can lead to disfunction and depression, perhaps bordering on insanity. What about all those pedophile priests? I think supression of natural instincts can be damaging, supression of sexual urges, prohibitions against music, elimination of leasure time...

As compared to the highly stable expressions of self seen in free society. :D
It seems somebody doesn't know the difference between an extremist and a moderate.....

I'm moslim, but I almost never pray nor celebrate our holidays.
I've known others like you. But that's not the norm. The norm seems to be extremist (specially outside of Canada, where other cultures have little to no influence).
And I was not, I was showing you that the fact that Christianity advocates and encourages the killing of children and nonbelievers,etc, is wrong and therefore they are mentality disordered or whatever

Judaism prays WAY TOO MUCH, and to a wall for crying out loud! = mentality disorder
Well, not all christianity does that, but yes I'm tempted to agree with you.
How does her being weird has anything to do with her being a muslim ?
Maybe she was just weird.
The way she connected those things with her religion. For example, she would practically freak out if I saw her with her hair not covered...

Those terrorists were not moslim, rather they use the shield of islam as thier ''motivation''. They are commiting a POLITICAL not religious point

LOL, PLEASE READ THE OLD TESTAMENT before you talk about violence HAHAHFROFL

And yet, they were Muslims. Each and every one. They left writings that quoted Koranic scripture. And, if you removed Islam from the equation, they had absolutely no reason to commit suicide by flying planes into the WTC. Their superstitions dictated that the martyr would get to pick 70 people to join him in paradise. Without Islam, there would be no reward. Without reward there would be no motivation. Without Islam, there would be no delusion that it was God's will to fight the infidels and unbelievers.

And, to be on the record, I have read the Old Testament. Several times. It is violent. Perhaps more so than the Koran. I'm thinking you misread me or chose not to read like your sister in faith:

Hmm I stopped there. Obviously a panegyric of ignorance.

Obviously it is if you stopped reading it. I admire a woman who can be so self-critical. But joking aside, I did not write what I did to be disrespectful or mean-spirited. I've read much of what you write here at sciforums -I lurk far more than I post- and I find that you are generally well-spoken and thoughtful. I realize that you are also Muslim. And my criticism is not of Muslims but of the doctrine they tolerate which seems to have such a deleterious effect on the world.

Obviously you are moderate or even liberal in your faith, which is a good thing. From what I've read in your posts, you accept everything good that Islam has to offer and it offers much -as does Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. However, I stand by my criticism that it is the core beliefs within Islam that is problematic and which drives extremists like the 9/11 hijackers.

I ask again, what do you do (not you specifically so much as the liberals and moderates within Islam) to counter the overwhelming voice of extremism and literalism that exists in Islam and in the Muslim world? If you recognize that not all passages of the Koran, the Hadith and the Sura are to be taken literally, then what is being done to show this to the rest of the world?
Behavior dictated by culture is not considered a true psychological disorder, however there is something called cultural insanity, or mass hysteria that can manifest especially during religious events or rituals. For example, the apparitions at Fatima.

If culture made us insane, then you could argue that all of western industrialized culture causes mental illness.
I'm tempted to make that argument... :D
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