Is it wrong to kill an animal?

Killing animal for survival --> justified. However, killing animals for pleasure, i.e. sport, is not justified in no way imaginable.

How many yeast cells give their lives for seemingly trivial things like beer and bread?

Ok, they don't feel the same way higher animals do but still its a life form.

I guess the people here have a few problems with predators. Is it then wrong to kill a predator? Ok, if they are in a natural setting, then their foraging is justified.

Feral dogs? They kill in excess of their needs. Feral cats are the greatest menace to songbird populations. Kill them all.
yeah but the destruction caused by feral cats is really humanity's fault.

I would be cool with all of it if people were being killed at the same rate.
Is it wrong to kill a human? why?

... no seriously... why?
One reason people think it's wrong to kill humans because they're also human, some have families, and they understand that it would hurt others as well, not just the individual. It's not justified though, animals have families and feelings as well, to kill an animal is just as bad as killing a human. It's not acceptable.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
yeah but the destruction caused by feral cats is really humanity's fault.

I would be cool with all of it if people were being killed at the same rate.
Is it wrong to kill a human? why?

... no seriously... why?

If its humanity's fault they exist in the environment, it cannot wrong for us to right it.

Ditto with animals raised for food. Ditto with animals raised for sport. Is it wrong to keep a horse just to ride it? How about all those animals that will never exist because we spay and neuter our pets? Do these animals have the right to raise young?

Humans are getting too damn soft hearted. We are a part of our environment and killing other animals to survive is proper interaction in that environment. Besides, venison, wild turkey, duck, squirrel, rabbit, dove, quail, bear, elk, moose, goose and antelope all tase very good. And are much better than anything bought in the store.
Weisse Bora, You think people need to kill to survive because it's part of our environment?

I'm glad i don't live in your environment, we have many grocery stores with all kinds of good tasting food where i come from. I grew up eating meat and learned to enjoy it's taste but why kill for it when there are products that taste better and are actually good for your body.

For every hamburger, hot dog, chicken burger, chicken nugget, bacon strip, pepporoni, sausage and pound of lean ground beef sold, there is a delicious, grease free, fat free substitute. A substitute that doesn't cause a lifetime of suffering before it's slaughtered to satisfy the taste buds of a selfish caveman.

People only kill now because they are weak and give in too easily, they really need to take a good look at themselves and think about their actions and how the affect the world. Some still think like cavemen and they always will but believe it or not, most of us have evolved. I hope society realizes this someday but it's unlikely to happen on a planet that's as corrupt as ours.
Animals have less feeling


It annoys the shit out of me when people become veggies because "eatting meat is so cruel!". What make's eatting plants better? "Oh, plants don't have feelings like animals"...prove it. The only conclusion one can make is that plants have less feeling than animals. If this is your logic than i eat animals because they have less feelings than humans. And if Snorgiifs come to our planet i suspect they would eats us because we have less
"feelings" then they do.

Be a veggie because it's healthy, not because your saving animals.
Grocery stores are crammed full of what is WRONG with modern diet. Mass produced food including farm raised meat is the problem. Hydrogenated vegetable oils are in particular, the worst yet the guilable public thinks red meat is the problem.

People have been living on red meat for thousands of years without any problem. People have been consuming hydrogenated oils for only 60 years and during that time span, heart disease has risen. Do we blame the logical suspect, that being the processed oil? NO!, Its the meat that is being cooked in this oil that is bad. Pseudoscience.

Look up trans fats. See haw really bad they are. Then look up who stands to gain from hydrogenation of vegetable oils. Its the agri-industrial complex who hydrogenates vegetable oils and in doing so, creates trans fats.

Natural foods like game animals are far healthier than anything you can buy in your precious grocery stores.
Wessie Bora,

Do more people hunt (in America) for food or sport?

if anybodys out shooting deer, i'll wager it's primarly for the thrill secondly for food. i pretty sure the 500 he spent on his gun could have went a long way in the refrigerator.
Have you ever seen a plant scream as it is ripped from it's offspring knowing it's about to be slaughtered? They have eyes and hear the screams, they see what is happening to the other animals. I don't eat meat for many reasons, why does it have to be only one? Does that annoy you as well?

I have read your post many times in more or less words, it never has substance. At least you're right about something, we don't all have feelings. I'm leaving for a week on vacation so don't expect a reply.

Take care :D
To dayglo or anyone else following this argument

Originally posted by DayGlo
Have you ever seen a plant scream as it is ripped from it's offspring knowing it's about to be slaughtered? They have eyes and hear the screams, they see what is happening to the other animals.

I'm a fighter so i reply wheter you do our not.

I'm sorry i'm not convinced a cow realizes what happens to her babe when farmer Joe takes it and it never comes back. I believe animals feel certain emotions, but not or no where near the full range of emotions people feel. Just like your not conviced grass doens't have the emotions necessary to be terrifyied of lawnmowers. Where does one draw the line? What about insects? if i step on an ant does the one beside it get pissed or scared? Do chickens get mad when you take their eggs because you've taken one of their precious babies or is it instinct to guard the nest? I thoroughly believe the latter.

People are at the top of the food chain becuase we smarter than other animals. Exercise your privelidge, eat all things under you.:D
Originally posted by Mrhero54
Wessie Bora,

Do more people hunt (in America) for food or sport?

if anybodys out shooting deer, i'll wager it's primarly for the thrill secondly for food. i pretty sure the 500 he spent on his gun could have went a long way in the refrigerator.

Every "gun" I have ever bought will outlast any refrigerator ever made. Furthermore, ther eis a reason hunters get a "thrill" out of hunting, namely the sucess of the hunt evokes satisfaction on a primordial sense that he and his family will not go hungry.

The thrill is secondary. Of course there is a much greater thrill when one utilizes a longbow to sink an arrow into the heart of a deer at 10 yards. That same deer had been stalked for the better part of a day and many times questioned the hunter's presence, only to be fooled by the hunter's superior skill.
I don't have time right now to educate you so why not do the world a favor and read for yourself. You can start with some basic facts at but you seem too "proud" to consider doing such a thing.

Hunting is for the weak and greedy, i'm ashamed to be of the same species as people like yourself. I'm done with this thread.

Good Riddance.
Come to think of it, I understand why vegans are scared...we eat vegetarian animals. Dayglo, what about lions and tigers?

What about eagles, hawks and falcons?
You're stating the obvious, you're a primative animal.

You see, a tiger can't just go buy it's food, it doesn't have our the intelligence to do so. If it did, the tiger would have out smartened humans and they would be the ones having this conversation. The fact is, we no longer need to hunt, some people just can't grasp this concept.

"vegans are scared"? I didn't see anything that would imply this. Mind if i ask what you're talking about?
I'm not vegan and if i was, why would it matter? What sort of "being scared" are you talking about? Being hunted in the woods by a redneck or taking a flight to another continent? What's more likely to happen? I certainly don't fear either.
"The fact is, we no longer need to hunt, some people just can't grasp this concept. "

of course we don't NEED to hunt. not right now. but we used to, remember? I guess all my ancestors who hunted so that they wouldn't, umm, starve, were just greedy.

as far as the whole killing plants issue goes:

i still don't understand how one can hate that people eat animals and yet be perfectly fine with animals eating other animals. I've heard the "they're not as smart as us" aguement. doesn't really sway me.
Originally posted by DayGlo
You're stating the obvious, you're a primative animal.

You see, a tiger can't just go buy it's food, it doesn't have our the intelligence to do so. If it did, the tiger would have out smartened humans and they would be the ones having this conversation. The fact is, we no longer need to hunt, some people just can't grasp this concept.

"vegans are scared"? I didn't see anything that would imply this. Mind if i ask what you're talking about?
I'm not vegan and if i was, why would it matter? What sort of "being scared" are you talking about? Being hunted in the woods by a redneck or taking a flight to another continent? What's more likely to happen? I certainly don't fear either.

I love all the personal attacks against hunters...yikes, I'm a redneck with an IQ of 167. Your concept of evolution is quite humorous...we have had food market economies for a few thousand years at the most while 100,000 years of evolution are still deeply ingrained in our personalities.

Where you might enjoy a sporting event is just a replacement to the hunting thrill. Why are the jails and ER's packed during a full moon? Why is the human reproductive cycle tied to lunar cycle? Are we to believe we have evolved away from hunting and this is a good thing?

Our need to hunt has not been replaced by anything of serious merit. Shunning the urge is in fact, a detriment to normal life. Many problems are psychologically tied to our displaced hunting desire.
Re: Animals have less feeling

Originally posted by Mrhero54
The only conclusion one can make is that plants have less feeling than animals. If this is your logic than i eat animals because they have less feelings than humans.
Animals have less feeling than humans? ummm humans ARE animals. Its strange, alot of people seem to think people are aliens or gods or something:rolleyes:
The thing is all animals are different, its not just humans that are different from "animals", all animals are different from one another and we need to take that into account. Humans aren't "the best" because they can buy a gun. Nothings the best. Everything eats or gets eaten and I have no problem eating the animals we evolved eating. Domesticated animals.
Hunting wild animals is knocking the system out of wack, you are stealing food off something else. Food that you don't need and your "thrills" are hardly important in comparison.
The commercial fishing industry is also a huge mistake. You have to become educated in how the eco-system works and when you do you realise what a shame it is when you look back at all the wrongs humans have done through history.
Also, we shouldn't be killing animals just because they kill a person. That sickens me and it goes on all the time, someone will shoot a crocodile and retrieve the hunks of their loved one from its stomach, only to stuff those chunks in a box and bury it where the chunks will get eaten by worms anyway.
Everything gets eaten eventually and I don't know why we desperately try so hard to stop that from happening to us. If someone gets eaten by a lion, good!
Everything is in working order.
I would be so much more content with the state of the world if people were becoming prey as much as they should be. This is a rarity and even when one of us does "stray from the heard" and gets killed, some maniac hunts down the predator, kills it and takes their beloved sack of flesh home to bury in the ground, ridiculous. This is why I sometimes question human intelligence.

So anyway, its not wrong to kill an animal, but that isn't a free pass to go on a mindless killing rampage, watch the animals on discovery channel and take a lesson on how this planet is supposed to run.